A very thorough and comprehensive read on the new strain of COVID-19 virus B117 that is recently sequenced in UK..! sciencemag.org/news/2020/12/m…
From what I have understood until now. It *can be* spreading faster than the original COVID SARS 2 strain that started this Pandemic, but there is NO CONCLUSIVE proof of that as of yet
The same was thought about virus strain that spread from Spain throughout Europe, that later turned out wrong hypothesis because of messy and inconclusive initial data. So we have to wait and watch . It is too early to say anything conclusively.
The mutation in COVID-19 virus is the first time in history that humankind is observing so closely in real-time. So far we have seen mutations at the rate of 1-2 mutations per month in the virus. Mutation in virus strain is neither shocking nor new.
That being said, the new strain sequenced in UK (B117) shows 17 MUTATIONS all at nice, something that has never seen before. And that has concerned scientists and researchers.
Some of these 17 mutations might be making sure that virus is struck better and coupled more tightly with humans, meaning it *can be* spread faster but again this is theory. It is too early to say what is happening in reality.