1/ The postmodernism of the Emergent Church is back. People like @kkdumez are leading the charge, and not being forthcoming about it. Ive done a thread on this before, it may be time for another thread soon.
But for now, look at the the Author @kkdumez is praising here:
2/ That author is Brian Mclaren, who was the most popular figure in the emergent church. He agreed with and spread postmodernism and postmodern thinkers and books. Here, he wrote the forward to a book called "What Would Jesus Deconstruct"
3/ If you doubt it's postmodernism:
Pic 1 is a description of "What Would Jesus Deconstruct", which says the book is postmodernism top to bottom.
Pic 2 is Brian Mclaren's book "Church on the other side: Ministry in the Postmodern Matrix," which is even more postmodernism.
4/ This isn't guilt by association. In pics 1 and 2 @KKdumez explicitly says she's using deconstruction, and wants the deconstruction to go deep.
In pic 3, from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, we see deconstruction is a postmodern method developed by Jacques Derrida
5/ These people will tell you to your face that postmodernism is nothing to worry about, that it is a bogey man invented by fundamentalists to scare you. Then they turn around and use postmodern methods and praise postmodern authors.
This is complete dishonesty.
6/ There isn't time for a full thread here, but the people claiming postmodernism is not a threat are not being straight with evangelicals, and many of them work in evangelical institutions and seminaries.
And they just lie about what they believe.
7/ If they want to be postmodern they can do that, all I ask is that they tell me the truth about what they believe. I do not think that is asking too much.
My first thread on postmodernism in the church for those who want a little more information
My problem isnt with conservstives like @MattWalshBlog who disagree. My problem is with those...
Who play both sides and change their public stance to fit the fashion of the day.
@BethMooreLPM is a weathervane. When gay marriage wasn't popular she was trying to "free people from homosexuality" now it is popluar so she deletes that passage from her book.
I have loaded the vibe trebuchet and launched into the world a large number of bublasuars, Ivysaurs, and Venusaurs. The reason for this is not clear to me. Although I do have reasons for having done so...
Sometimes our artistic nature allows us to intuit what is coming prior to the even showing up. It is sometimes the case that there is something inside us, something deep, that only comes out by way of expression and art.
It is not always symbolic.
So the bulbasaurs are not symbolic of some ideas, they are something I felt the need to express, so I did. As odd as it sounds, like a sad person plays a song, or a happy person does a dance, I am contemplating the current social and political milieu so I tweeted bulbasaurs.
Check out this linguistic sleight of hand:
Kendi interchanges "equal" and "equitable" in his tweet. By associating "equity" with "equality" (similar words, different meanings) and using "equality" to try and justify "equity" he creates the illusion people are against *equality*
This is postcolonial theory for southern white people. This is literally the exact logic that Franz Fanon uses in black skin white masks to explain the plight of African Americans after the end of slavery...
Replace the word *conquer* with the word *enslave* and this is something Franz Fanon could have written:
"On the cultural front, how much of that caving is due to being an *enslaved* people conditioned into accepting imposed guilt and living with the memory of the *enslaving*?"
The *reasoning* here is bad. The *reasoning* is the problem.
Arguing that society conditioned southerners to fold by invoking the memory of losing the civil war is pretty much arguing that the south suffers from "internalized oppression."
1/ The woke are trying to politicize the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine.
There is no other way to say this: if they succeed people *WILL* die.
A thread🧵
2/ According to both "The Lancet", a well respected scientific journal, and the Center for Evidence Based Medicine, the group most likely to die from COVID-19 is the elderly.
It isn't even close.
By every metric Seniors are the people who are most likely to die from COVID.
3/ This is not new information. The fact that COVID targets the elderly has been known since March.Anthony Fauci even said so in the New England Journal of Medicine.
So the medical community knows this. They know the people most likely to die from COVID are Seniors.