Our daily update is published. States reported 1.7 million tests, 189k cases, and 3,131 deaths. There are 117,777 COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized.
California is now reporting so many cases that it has kept the country on a case plateau, even as the Midwest declines bring the rest of the country's cases down.
But this view masks the seriousness of the situation in the three largest southern states. Hospitalizations are rapidly rising in Texas, Florida, and Georgia.
Today, we publicly released our source notes—a detailed set of notes on where we locate all our data points. Read more about how we source our data here: covidtracking.com/blog/how-we-so…
Our project is not tracking vaccine data, but the CDC is now reporting two topline vaccination metrics for the US. We’re also looking at the kind of vaccine data states have published so far and have outlined our hopes for federal reporting:
Our weekly update is published. With more than a week remaining, states have reported more deaths in December than in any other month. covidtracking.com/analysis-updat…
New cases and current hospitalizations are declining in the Midwest, a hopeful sign.
Cases are rising sharply in California and several states in the South. Nearly 300k new cases have been reported in California in the past week; 56% of all cases in California during the pandemic have been among Latinx people.
Our daily update is published. States reported 1.7 million tests, 221k cases, and 3,379 deaths. There are a record 119,463 COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized.
The 7-day average for hospitalizations is at a record 115k.
With 8 days remaining in the month, December has already proven to be the most deadly during the pandemic.
Our daily update is published. States reported 2.1 million tests, 178k cases, and 1,485 deaths. There are a record 115,351 people currently hospitalized with COVID-19 in the US.
The outbreak in CA continues to worsen as the state reports 18,359 people are hospitalized with COVID-19. Earlier today, Los Angeles county officials reported 30 ICU beds were available in the county.
COVID-19 deaths are rising in 19 states. The 7-day average for the US is now at a record 2,631.
Our daily update is published. States reported 1.7 million tests, 202k cases, and 2,704 deaths. There are 114k people currently hospitalized with COVID-19 in the US.
Today’s 7-day averages for current hospitalizations and deaths are record highs. The weekly view shows both metrics rose significantly from last week.
California reported over 40k cases today. When we look at per-capita cases, the state is trending up with a 7-day average of more than 1,000 new cases per million people.
Our daily update is published. States reported 2.1 million tests, 229k cases, and 2,751 deaths. There are a record 114,751 people currently hospitalized with COVID-19.
While the total number of deaths in the Midwest is still high, the 7-day average has started to decline in the region.
NV and AZ currently have the highest hospitalizations per million people in the country.
1/6 Ten months into the COVID-19 pandemic, and there are now several test types available in the United States. In this post, we explain how each one works and compare their pros and cons. By @juledurg and @jessicamalatycovidtracking.com/blog/test-type…
2/6 As COVID-19 cases surged in the spring and states reported shortages and turnaround delays with PCR testing, new COVID-19 test types started coming into play.
3/6 The various test types can be categorized in two ways: diagnostic tests (like PCR and antigen tests), which detect current infections, and serology tests (like antibody tests), which identify past infections.