"A mysterious series of events forced me to question all that I’ve been taught and to ask the fundamental question: What is love?"
In mid 2020, a young lady was thrown into my life and when I least expected it, I fell in love head over heals just to have my heart broken and reassembled anew. She acted as a mirror to my deepest fears and unloved parts of myself.
It eventually hit me that all of this pain and suffering I went through was to TEACH me lessons about unconditional love!
It hit me like a ton of bricks, the energy felt crazy once I came to this realization.
The feelings I had for the lady were twisted, distorted, selfish – basically generated and instrumentalized by my ego mind. The real question is:
What is actual, true, pure love? How does it feel like?
What our perverted sick Hollywood culture calls love, especially in the romantic context, is basically a VERY NARROW form of it:
Possessive, manipulative, looking outwards, controlling, punishing, vengeful, etc.
Let's call it Neurotic Love.
Neurotic Love is this “quick fix” love or infatuation which covers up your problems by using this “rush of feelings”, akin to a drug addict waiting for the next shot to escape their suffering.
Needless to say, it isn’t very sustainable!
Even worse, people living out Neurotic Love are actually perpetuating the negative destructive cycle, hurting others who don’t concur with them, even harming people who don’t reciprocate their love etc.
Just imagine how many people have been killed by “crimes of passion”?
So what is the alternative? Well, the exact opposite of Neurotic Love:
Expansive, unlimited and without strings attached.
Unconditional Love.
Unconditional Love is inwardly focused, trying to look at our internal problems before projecting anything outwardly onto other people.
With Unconditional Love, there is also NO DEPENDENCE, i.e. we love and respect ourselves so much that we don’t need other people to “fill some gaps” to make us complete.
Moreover, Unconditional Love will seek to perceive the situation as it is, in a neutral way.
It thus has a wide open focus and is more supportive of the other person regardless of their (perceived) behavior.
Other people mostly don’t seek to hurt us consciously.
Either we are projecting our own insecurities on their behavior, or they are acting out theirs on us. Either way, unconditional love is patient and understanding and can help us to liberate ourselves from vicious cycles.
For me personally, the intense heartbreak I experienced in 2020 was a divine gift to become conscious of my lack of self-love and my constant search in the external.
I recalibrated myself towards more healthy relationships in the future.
A more detailed version of this thread can be found in the Light Prism Blog:
"To help the tender little plant of unconditional love to blossom, we can apply the virtues of trust, continuity, discipline, acceptance, forgiveness, mercy and detachment."
How to break old cycles and access our divine sovereignty
To break those old negative cycles humanity has been trapped in for eternities, we heal and ground ourselves to become as solid as a rock, breaking all incoming waves and moving onto new paths of sovereignty and grace.
Humanity has been inside a narrow infinite loop of pain, trauma, hurt, unconsciousness and dependency which has been repeating over and over again, like a broken record constantly replaying the same dull 8 seconds of a song.
1) Just returned from the @davidicke event in Wroclaw / Poland. It was a very detailed and well-delivered talk about the #deepstate#cabal that enslaves humanity, how they are doing it, who is behind it and what we can do about it.
2) David did an excellent job mapping out the #cabal and their "web of control" - with hidden entities in the center and several layers around it, ie hidden organisations (e.g. Freemasons), organisations (eg council of foreign relations) and more public figures (politicians etc).
3) Their control of humanity relies on the psychological manipulation of perception, that is both very narrow (ie "postage stamp consensus") and turned upside down (ie inversion of reality). Thus, we live in a perceptual prison, like the matrix, which most don't even realize.