Gratitude is an appreciation for something one has done for you. (2 Samuel 9:1) Couples expect their spouse to show appreciation for things done. Whenever this isn't forthcoming, there will be a reaction from such a spouse.
In a similar vein, God expects us to express gratitude to Him for all He has done for us. The story of the ten lepers portrays this fact. (Luke 17:11-19)
Whenever you don't show gratitude to your spouse, you are removing something from your spouse. Many times couples focus on things that have not to be done rather than appreciating things that have been done.
Husbands compliment your wife's good looks or attires. Praises make them feel loved and boost their confidence. A wife who never receives compliments except during intercourse will grow to resist her husband.
Celebrate your wife, she's the most beautiful and perfect for you. Always let her know she's the best for you and constantly appreciate her. (Proverbs 5:19)
Show gratitude to your parents. They are part of the family. Always reach out to them and celebrate them for the work they put in to raise you. (Eph 6:2-3)
Honor your parents in accordance with how God has blessed you. Remember when you do this, you are sowing a seed. One day it will be the turn of your children to honor you.
Hello and welcome to the last Sunday in 2020. God indeed is faithful and deserves all our praise. Through the ups and the downs that the year brought our way, God made a way out for us.
🎶You are here, moving in our midst
I worship You
I worship You
You are here, working in this place
I worship You
I worship You
You are here, moving in our midst
I worship You
I worship You 🎶
🎶You are
Waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper
Light in the darkness
My God, that is who You are
You are
Waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper
Light in the darkness
My God, that is who You are 🎶
🎶You're not a man oh
You're not a man oh
You're the God who opens doors no man can shot
You're not a man oh
You're not a man oh
You are the God of everything no one like you🎶
The assignment of the believer is to go forth and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Evangelism is the spreading of the good news through preaching and teaching of the word of God and raising disciples.
Good morning to you! And how are you doing today? We are excited and glad to garnish your day this morning with shots from our Gentlemen Of Honour Conference of the year 2020.
God indeed has been faithful to our men and to us all.