27 December 2020 #MAGAanalsysPrepWork

In Which We Return To J.E. Dyer @OptimisticCon

Who remembers Tevye from Fiddler On The Roof? If you've never seen this particular rendition, you have such a treat coming. Tevye is our hero, today!

2) Please don't skip there, but the key section begins around 3:50. Reb Tevye's dream of wealth affords no greater luxury than the freedom to spend 7 hours everyday praying and discussing holy books with the learned men. That would be the sweetest thing of all.
3) How wealthy are we all, who are able to study anything in the entire world's library right here at our fingertips? I put forward that Tevye would trade places with any of us for the power of access to learning. No replacing a synagogue notwithstanding.
4) Before we get tactical in our prep work, I've one more thing to share. Editing is a painful process. You're forced to look at what you got right and wrong. Funny thing, you're at least able to correct your errors. Not so here at Twitter. It's a real time art form. Ouch.
5) It's very difficult for me to go back and reread previous posts I've made. Every smallest error jumps off the screen at me. And, they all seem so instantly dated. It's the same for me with interviews I do. Watching them afterwards is excruciating. I usually just don't.
6) Yet I know that the content we build together, here, has more value than just a reading as the tweets are posted. My process of archiving my work - sketchy as it is - seems to have found some resonance with readers. One place you can check is here.

7) If you head over there, you'll see it hasn't been updated since September. I hope to correct that soon. And that brings us up to today's prep work. Right now, I'm going to post my previous cycle of 4 analyses on J.E. Dyer's December 4 article. It'll go slowly.
8) As I post each of the 4, I'm going to force myself to read them, warts and all. I don't know if you need to do the same thing or not, or if it will be beneficial to you. In tomorrow's work, I will complete a review of the 1st article with these weeks having passed.
9) So by all means, feel free to wait until tomorrow when hopefully all my prep work will be completed and I can dive into the review! Today still, though, there will be prep work on the two articles to complete. I hope to turn to that in the next hour or two or so.
10) All that covered, I'm now bracing myself to head over to the 1st of the cycle and just jump into the cold water and try to follow my own thinking again.

Here's #1 - The Theory Of The Case

11) Hey! The water's not that cold. I often urge everyone to put a challenging piece awar for a while, and then come back. I think I might be right about that! In #6, there's a clear image of frontal assault vs flanking maneuvers. That's not difficult at all.
12) If you are reading along with me, note that we get our 1st 3-paragraph screenshot here. As I numbered them all, I can refer to each paragraph like so: P1, P2, etc.
13) In P2, we find this lovely list of values that supporting efforts may provide to the main effort:

1) Strength
2) Protection
3) Breathing Space
4) Acceleration
5) Preparation for Follow-through
6) Focus on the Next Phase

I have to meditate on #1.
14) Oh, it's easy. Remember those air drops of food and clothing during WWII and how important the Hershey's chocolate bars were? Oh yeah. How much strength did that pilot and team give to those below? Strength!
15) I used the term frontal assault above in clarifying the main effort, but perhaps direct would be a better term. Actually, J.E.'s term is best, centerline assault. The supporting efforts are often flanking. Center vs Flanks.

Center = Main Effort
Flanks = Supporting Efforts
16) Can't leave with this delightful list of other types of supporting efforts:

1) Well-designed Logistics
2) Political Gambits
3) Information Interdiction (spying and info theft)
4) Interdicting the Enemy's War Infrastructure
5) Destroying the Enemy's War Materiel Capability
17) I got it. In Iraq 2, those shock and awe nights were a preparatory supporting effort degrading or destroying Saddam's ability to defend more than just Baghdad, but any air defenses above it. Even more strategically, it set the tone for who will win, who will lose.
18) I confess, I get a bit lost in paragraphs 3 & 4. I think we'd better get this right this time, as in, really sunk in.

J.E. tells us she believes she see both the main effort and one of its major supporting efforts. Oh yeah, I remember this problem! I'm go again...
19) I remember trying to clarify for myself that there are:

1) Main Efforts
2) Key Supporting Efforts
3) Necessary or Beneficial but NOT Key Supporting Efforts

I don't remember (but will blunder into it soon enough) how I got lost in that list. Right now I want to simplify.
20) Let's try this. All items are Efforts, now we just need three types:

Main = Primary
Key Supporting = Secondary
Not-Key Supporting = Tertiary

I don't like the word "tertiary," but it might be adequate, maybe. Of course we could just as easily use A, B, & C types.
21) Oh, I think I might like this one. Tell me what you think"

Main = Critical
Key Secondary = Necessary
Not-Key Secondary = Beneficial

Okay, I'm good enough for now to move on.
22) In P4, and I completely missed this last time as a I recall, J.E. is giving us a general description of features of these efforts. I got lost thinking she was about to apply them to Election 2020. Here, she isn't. She's teaching us general principles. Cool. Got it.
23) The main effort is a long slow slog, therefore NOT sexy, even if in the end, this is where the real drama is.

Oh wait! A new term is dropped on us. Supporting efforts also break out into:

1) Visible, and therefore by implication
2) Invisible
24) "The visible supporting effort is a necessary adjunct to the main effort."

Armies fight on their bellies (they need a lot of food), and we must make it visible to our warriors as well as to the other side that we have plenty of food, a strong supply line. A Visible adjunct.
25) Again, if you're following my original comments, at #17 you can see where I went astray in my reading of P3. My mind is leaping forward to specific application, when JE is gently attempting to give me the concepts I require. Got it. Check.
26) Onward to P5. "The main effort is the dog-and-pony shows with the state legislatures."

Okay, I have to stop there. Why? Now I have to head over to her new article and look for her comments on how that main effort is doing, and if that's where she still stands.
27) Come along with me...

28) Mind blown! Wow. The key supporting effort is underway. Back again to the original article to review what she said might have been the key supporting effort...

Rage against the machine. They broke my thread of 12 December. I thought I'd fixed it, but I didn't.
29) See? This is precisely why prep work is needed from time to time. I did not realize that my "fix" did NOT succeed. No point in explaining much. I need to get off the bus, go find and actually fix that thread, and that's what I'll go do right now. Man am I pissed.
30) So that was almost an hour's worth of work I'm tempted to say I'll never get back, but that isn't quite true. I'm going to talk about that, and then be done for this morning.
31) Cutting to the chase, I have come to the suspicion I may have discovered a new - new to me, anyway - form of shadow banning. In breaking it down, I'll share what I know. What I fear. And what I think.
32) I've been posting long-form threads, some including 150 tweets or more, since 2018. From then till now, until the past couple of weeks, none of my threads were ever broken. Now, I am surprised by threads that do not show up broken a few hours after posting.
33) If you're followed the earlier tweets in this thread, you know I was happily reviewing the work on J.E. Dyer's article that I posted December 11, 12, 13 & 14. The problem showed up again on the 15th post from my December 12 thread.
34) I thought I'd found a successful workaround. I'd just go into my own timeline, find the tweet immediately following the break point that Twitter created ex post facto (okay, after the fact), copy its link, hit reply and paste it in, voila, problem solved.
35) Here's where my fear enters in. I make so many mistakes that user error must always be considered when theorizing over a problem's cause. If I always blame Twitter without looking at my own errors, I won't be able to solve a problem that's mine to solve.
36) So, heading back over to my December 12, broken thread. The first possibility is that I broke it, not them. I won't list them, but there are several ways an author can break his own threads. I learned from those back in 2018, when I was getting started.
37) I have no fear that I made any of those kinds of mistakes on my December 12 posting. My fear, however, is that when I went to fix the thread, I may have grabbed the wrong tweet. I can't bore you with any of that any further. Let me just say, human error is always possible.
38) And if it was that one and only time, and that solitary problem, I'd not cry a shadowban wolf howl. But there's a following problem worth you knowing about. I attempted and failed to crawl back over my timeline to the moment in question. Dec 12, 2020, around noon.
39) @JonStancik has attempted to help me learn Twitter search, and I'm a lousy student. But, he attempted again this morning, but had to run. Next came my ultimate Twitter guru, @TamaraLeigh_llc. And she attempted the same search with the same results as me. How about that?
40) What happened for each of us was this. We got SOME results for the search, but NOT all. And among those results the tweet from the break point could not be found, let alone any after the break point. While still fearing user error, here's the new theory.
41) It may well be one of Twitter's suppression methods to simply disappear your history. Especially those key parts of your history that are most disapproved of. I've stated before that I am confident there are Chinese censors reading what we post, and selecting their options.
42) One of the keys that triggered my suspicion in recent thread breaks is how cleanly and intelligently the breaks are "chosen." Quotation marks due to this be a theory. The breaks come, I believe in two key ways. The first is that they make a decent stopping point.
43) Not bot could possibly select intelligent stopping points from within the thread, making it appear the thread was finished. The second is equally subtle. The following points are where I strike my real point home. That was especially remarkable to me just now, above.
44) What I was looking for, from J.E.'s 1st article, was her identification of the key supporting effort. If I'm right about their method, this degree of censorship as an art form is simply stunning. Okay, theoretically this could be a false positive as well. I may be projecting.
45) With our pattern recognition hungry minds, we often superimpose meaning where there is none. And then, we ramp ourselves up into true belief over the meaning that we imposed. Projection? If I were a Chinese censor I would be a great artist of censorship.
46) I was joking around with @KateScopelliti about that over the past few days, as the breaks in my threads were increasing in frequency, so I was on the hunt for them, and I noticed a pattern that looked an awful lot like purposeful intelligence to me.
47) Egotistical bastard that I can be, I'm just twisted enough to enjoy the thought of some brilliant Chinese schmuck with the job of reading everything I write, who decides how to best shadowban my work. Think about it. That's kind evil cool, you know?
48) Idiotic ego is just about the most dangerous ground an analyst may trod. And it's so invisible to self. So, I'm happy to proffer my theory as very possibly nothing more than an overactive imagination fueled by high octane ego gasoline
49) Speaking of projection, maybe there are easy ways, or at least effective to troll one's own timeline that I'm just not doing right, and maybe even Tamara's vast knowledge is slightly off on the question of finding old posts. Maybe.

Maybe not.
50) We haven't finished for the day, but I am going to take a much needed covfefe break. When I come back, I will NOT be doing any timeline research. I'll just my screenshot to finish up the point I was hunting for.

Back in a bit...
51) Having completely suppressed my fury and returned, if not fresh and clear minded, then at last with renewed determination and resolve. We left off just about to jump into P26. Here's the screenshot.
52) I may have suppressed my fury - I know, I suck at that - but that doesn't mean I'm any less feisty. Our map of terms continues to evolve, and the need to clarify terms just hit me with an idea. But first, the evolving terms.
53) The main effort is always visible. There can be no such thing as an invisible main effort. But supporting efforts may be either visible OR invisible. To illustrate, I've drawn up one of my off-the-cuff diagrams here.
54) We can do the same thing with numbers like so:

Supporting Efforts

1) Key Visible
2) Key Invisible
3) Not-Key Visible
4) Not-Key Invisible

To see how important this new clarity is, go back with me to P18.
55) Where I got lost first time round was that this section of Ms. Dyer's article follows the Main Effort. So, I WRONGLY thought of this as meaning that visible supporting effort would be the key supporting effort. Not so. This is a type 3, or a Not-Key Visible effort.
56) Let's catch up with ourselves here.

Main Effort = Overturn Stolen Election at Legislatures
Not-Key Visible Support = Lawsuits at Court
57) Skipping over the rest of the Not-Key Visible Lawsuits efforts section, we finally arrive again at the original definition of the Key Supporting Effort here, at P26. And, it is a Type 2, or a Key Invisible effort.
58) Dyer's proposes that our government has been using all its surveillance and intelligence capabilities to track and monitor all the methods of voter fraud employed in this great heist. In P28 she names some of the possible pick ups. We'll list them next...
59) From both P28 & P29, possible pickups are:

1) Ballot Transport Over State Lines
2) An Interstate Conspiracy
3) Planning Activities
4) Follow-The-Money Funding Also Crossing State Lines
5) Links Between Voter System Vendors and Foreign Interests
60) Now that's one hell of a leads list. What couldn't a good detective story novelist do with that list? Chapter 1 - We meet the truck driver delivering the ballots at 3:00 AM. Chapter 2 - We enter a penthouse suite with power players conspiring. Can you see it?
61) Oh my! The first 3 or 4 times I read J.E.'s 1st paragraph of the new story it made NO SENSE to me. I just went and read it again now, kaboom, perfect clarity. Check to see if it works for you too, now.
62) "A big indicator appeared on Saturday, in a guise that may be a bit esoteric: a report that defense officials are pushing a proposal to split U.S. Cyber Command off from the National Security Agency,
63) "where the two have operated under a dual-hatted commander, the Director of NSA, since 2009."

Makes perfect sense. Anything having to do with cyber anything is obviously going to be invisible. But, as we know from General Mac, Cyberwarfare is what the show is right now.
64) In other words, the real battle being waged right now is behind the scenes, NOT being reported and almost perfectly cloaked.

Let's pause on that...
65) The most difficult words in the Q World are:

Trust The Plan

And as I always share with my Q friends, I'm not built that way. I don't even trust plans I CAN see, let alone those I can't. Trust is not my big thing, anyway. I'm a skeptic.
66) There's an old joke in science that goes like this...

Step 1: Calculations and formulas, vectors here and forces there, hypothesis and testing progresses, etc.

Step 2: Then a miracle happens.

Steps 3: Back to our calculations and formulas to explain the outcome.
67) I'm always ready to propose an invisible force (the moon's gravity) to explain a visible outcome (the ocean's tides). But there has to be a range of ties from the visible to the invisible and they must be really, really tested.

All of which to say invisible = dangerous turf.
68) Let's peak and see where Dyer is going:

"Events are moving too fast to get bogged down in a lot of detail on the threads running through them. What’s important to understand is that this development is...
69) "a connection between (a) the early days of Spygate (b) the massive SolarWinds “hack,” (c) the major personnel moves at the Pentagon right after the November election and – almost certainly – (d) the widespread indicators of electronic vote-tampering in the election itself."
70) How titillating! Again...

(a) Spygate
(b) SolarWinds Hack
(c) Post Election Personnel Moves At Pentagon
(d) Electronic Vote Tampering

We're going to tie those 4 things together. Wow. This part will be fun, I predict!
71) That's all of the substantive work I can squeeze into what was essentially a process day's work. I am grateful to the opposition Twitter gives us. Not only does it grant me the beloved emotion of righteous indignation, it empowers better work, too.
72) I'm not exactly sure where we'll pick up tomorrow, but I can promise two things between now and then. First, I'm going to make a separate thread with nothing in it other than my 1st article screenshots, so you have access to them all in one place, in order.
73) Second, I'll do the exact same thing for the 2nd article. I'm going to post the 1st article screenshots thread right now. I plan to shoot and post the 2nd article's tomorrow morning, in advance of tomorrow's thread.
74) I do sincerely apologize to any of you who find the sausage making of study preparation and pre-analysis to be boring. No points will be taken away from any student NOT wanting to watch the study room fresh paint dry here. I promise.
75) But for those of you MOST ambitious students, I hope you were able to follow my meanderings and angers, etc., without getting too lost, and maybe learning something about the price must be paid to attain a proper analytical outcome.

Here's hoping.
Thread ends at #75.

New screenshots thread will commence shortly, and once complete I'll attach its link in the tweet below to come.
Here's the companion thread with all the 1st article's screenshots in sequence.

• • •

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29 Dec
29 December 2020 #MAGAanalysis #Overturn

Comments On @OptimisticCon Article:

The key supporting effort appears to be underway on Trump’s operational timeline

As we emphasized yesterday, J.E. Dyer commands us: "But do hold the line."

2) Studying J.E.'s first article, we learned that there are:

* Main Efforts &
* Supporting Efforts

While a Main Effort cannot be invisible, Supporting Efforts come in both flavors:

* Visible &
* Invisible

Supporting Efforts also may be:

* Key, or
* Not-Key
3) It took a lot of work, but we learned that Trump's current campaign to #StopTheSteal has Not-Key Supporting Efforts in such things as lawsuits whose main purpose is to establish, visibly, how terrible the election fraud really was, regardless of legal outcome.
Read 44 tweets
28 Dec
Screenshots from J.E. Dyer @OptimisticCon's

The key supporting effort appears to be underway on Trump’s operational timeline

57 paragraphs in 24 shots will show up below. Paragraph numbers added in red, each shot will be numbered like so: 1/24. Random thoughts follow. Image
2/24 Image
3/24 Image
Read 48 tweets
28 Dec
"Meanwhile, Trump’s assertion that “everything is well under control” should make people laugh, if for different reasons. Those whose cognitive facilities are deranged by him will find the statement mind-blowing.
"Others, who may be on a spectrum of indifference to hero worship as regards Trump personally, recognize that Trump never tweets in vain. When he says something like this, he means it. My ears don’t hear that Trump doesn’t comprehend the gravity of the situation.
"They hear that the situation, while grave, is not chaotically out of control in the way depicted by the media. Trump is countering the media depiction, not trying to talk down reality.
Read 4 tweets
28 Dec
1) A couple of thoughts on the bailout bill, and what it means. First, I am not paying much attention to it for this reason. Since the morning of November 4, there has, for me, been only 1 story, that of the stolen election. When pointed in other directions, I continue to resist.
2) Second, although not following closely at all, I did predict he'd sign it for the following reason. He has been abandoned by the entire power apparatus in DC. They have all doomed him to defeat and are dancing on his political grave. For all I know, they may be right.
3) Third, right? We may be watching the greatest political heist in world history, and we, his supporters, may not be able to #StopTheSteal, as he may not be able to stand for us as @POTUS facing the united power of those who hate us and love The Swamp.
Read 8 tweets
27 Dec
This is a companion thread, for easy access purposes, for those working through the thread below, and J.E. Dyer's strategic election articles. Link to article below, and then the numbered paragraphs in screenshots.

For your study pleasure and ease!
2) This is the December 4 article from which the following shots were taken and numbered.

3) The article is comprised of 61 paragraphs, which I've captured into 21 screenshots. Each will be numbered as so:

Read 24 tweets
26 Dec
26 December 2020 #MAGAanalysis #Overturn

Underneath The News, Beneath The Blackout Blanket

I thought to call today's mediation, "The Death Of The News Cycle," but couldn't. It may be ill. One day it may die. But it's power remains vast, and we're going to discuss that first.
2) The purpose of the purpose of the news cycle is obviously to grab and hook strong hold on your attention, on the national and global focus. The term "narrative" is anything but new. Yet it appears to be the true driving force behind the news cycle anymore.
3) There are verbs attached to this thing - being a thing, a narrative is a noun - such as shaping, directing, and ultimately controlling it. I am, as won't surprise you, a control skeptic. I don't believe in it, and wouldn't want it if it did exist. The real narrative is alive.
Read 46 tweets

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