There's almost five hundred billion dollars worth of bitcoin.
Price per bitcoin - $26,843.00
If large institutions moved one percent of their alternative asset allocation into bitcoin, then bitcoin would be worth $36,244.44
There's roughly nine trillion dollars worth of gold in the world.
Which is about five and a half times the value of the company Amazon.
If bitcoin matches the market cap of gold due to institutional investors using it as a store of value.
Then the price would be about half a million dollars per bitcoin.
If bitcoin matched the market cap of gold, and the value of the dollar was cut in half over the next forty years like it did in the previous forty years, then that would be awfully close to a million dollars a coin.
I don't actually care about the bitcoin math though. None of it means anything without real human behavior behind it.
I'm interested in the fact that a billionaire has been spending his time buying two thousand dollars worth of bitcoin every second.