1/ As #Allergists, built upon the recommendations of U.S. regulatory agencies, we can provide clear steps to the medical community on how to safely administer both doses of the #COVID vaccine in individuals with #allergic histories. #AIMedEdjaci-inpractice.org/article/S2213-…
2/ Neither the #PfizerBioNTech nor #Moderna#COVID19 mRNA vaccines are formulated with any food, drugs, or latex, but both contain the excipient #PEG. However, to date, confirmation that PEG is the cause of reactions to #CovidVaccines is lacking.
3/ Complement-activation-related pseudoallergy, vasovagal reactions (well known cause of hypotension), anxiety symptoms or vocal cord dysfunction can mimic symptoms of severe allergic reactions. Serum #tryptase, complement studies, and #PEG antibodies may be helpful.
4/We provide a risk stratification schema to address many questions surrounding the safety of giving these vaccines to individuals with a prior allergy history