Big move. The govt APEDA manual required halal, which means the meat industry in india had to be certified by (paid) Islamic clerics. It made no sense for a secular state to mandate a religious rule. There was a big push by original #HinduCharter for this. @zeneraalstuff
This is the most important part. Halal meat mandates that the animal must be slaughtered and the meat processed and labelled only by Muslims. Thus it creates an enormous religion-based employment discrimination in the industry, rendering many Hindu butchers out of business.
Imagines if Hindus mandated that their food processing must not involve Muslims (e.g. jhatka must be non-Muslims). There'd be a big hue and cry about "fascism" and "discrimination."
But this kind of religious discrimination is built into #Islamofascism. But no one calls it out.
Thanks for confirming that religion-based employment discrimination has wide support among Muslims, and is not just a "few extremists."
Now this will blow your mind. In the Sanskrit verse where Pi is calculate to 32 decimal places, the claim is the known universe could be calculated to 1 molecule level. If true, they clearly they did not get this value by measurement. How? @MeruPrastara
The Abrahamic hierarchy and dehumanization between superior "believers" and the barely human "kaffir."
Christianity expands on this with the "children of Ham", with colonialism and "scientific racism" of "enlightenment" Europe.
Western civilization turns on itself as it sees the racism of its foundational thinkers. In fact, of its foundational thoughts. This line of thinking will extend to its own annihilation. Because even their attack is built on the same structures. Then what?…
Yes. and Christianity is an integral component of Western "secular" thought, as Balu has shown. Ergo, they're left with nothing.
There is nothing "secular" about New Year's Day. It is based on the Gregorian Calendar, named for Pope Gregory. The change from Julian Calendar was made due to the shift in Easter. Motivation for this New Year date was also religious.
The New Year was shifted 10 days to account for Easter. Why was this particular day chosen? After December 25 for (fake) Jesus's Birthday, they counted forward to when Khatna happens.
New Year's Day is actually Jesus' "Feast of Circumcision" secularised into the Calendar.
No surprise, since "secularism" itself largely means secularised European Christianity. We have holidays on Sunday (Church holiday). Tuesday would be "communal."