'Who can blame the Left for expecting that their ideological counterparts would fall in line and “know their place”? It had been that way for so long...

There are new Republicans in town and they don't roll over.'

full text:

"They really thought all conservatives and Republicans would just roll over and play dead again.

That we would join in coronating Joe Biden.

That we would return to being a well-behaved, obedient loyal opposition.

Not this time, dear Leftists.
Who can blame the Democrat progressives, their Left-wing mainstream media, their leftist tenured professors who can spout any drivel they like for as long as they live without facing professional expectations or academic standards to remain employed once tenured?
Who can blame the Left for expecting that their ideological counterparts would fall in line and “know their place”?
It had been that way for so long— that Republicans just roll over and play dead — until the Tea Party explosion under Obama and the corollary subsequent Trump Revolution.

One did not even know that conservatives are allowed to remain standing when assaulted.
Eisenhower gave the Supreme Court William Brennan.

When the Democrats destroyed Judges G. Harrold Carswell and Clement Haynsworth, President Nixon rolled over and gave them Supreme Court justices that only a Democrat could love.
Harry Blackmun, who is remembered as one of the most liberal justices of the modern era.

Lewis Powell, who voted with the Roe v. Wade majority.

Ford gave us John Paul Stevens.

The pattern continued.
Ronald Reagan did it, too, with Justices O’Connor and Kennedy.

Those two cast some of the most important tie-breaking votes on the Supreme Court, votes that turned America left on several core religious and social issues.
The First George Bush gave us David Souter, the second John Roberts — and almost Harriet Miers.

Yes, sometimes a few of those picks — sometimes — manifested conservative principles but often not.
By contrast, can you think of a time when Ruth Ginsburg or Sonia Sotomayor or Elena Kagan bucked the left to vote with the conservatives on a major controversial Supreme Court decision?
Richard Nixon went home elegantly as a gentleman after the 1960 Presidential election almost-surely was stolen from him.

Norm Coleman was a gentleman when he accepted Al Franken’s theft of the U.S. Senate seat from Minnesota.
That is how Republicans are — gentlemen, good sports, good losers.

Great losers.

Amazingly obedient losers.
Democrats are not like that.

They kick.

They spit.

They scratch.

And most of all they cheat.
When they lose, they understand that they have lost only a first round of a long drawn-out match that will continue until they win.
So they set about to take down Richard Nixon — and they pulled it off, just as they took down two of his Supreme Court selections.

They tried to take down Reagan with Iran-Contra.

They destroyed Judge Robert Bork.
They almost likewise destroyed Clarence Thomas in a most filthy way that never before had been imaginable — feeding into the worst racial stereotypes about Black men.
When it comes from Democrats, though, it never is racist and Black Lives Matter only insofar as Democrats thereby are advanced.

More recently, they set about to destroy a profoundly decent family man, Brett Kavanaugh — again, in ways heretofore inconceivable.
It was not enough for them to lie about Kavanaugh, to suborn perjury, to engage in character assassination of the worst sort.

Beyond even that, even after they were rebuffed, Democrats further intensified their scratching and kicking and spitting.
Demonstrators tried to break into the Supreme Court.

Susan Collins of Maine was targeted for ouster, and enormous efforts focused on destroying her reputation and career.

That is how it is.

The apex came with the Trump presidency.
From 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 Day One, they set about to destroy him.

They lied that Vladimir Putin had manipulated social media to elect Trump.
Hillary Clinton sent campaign money to a Seattle law firm that passed it along to another nefarious body, Fusion GPS, that passed it down the line for a “dossier” of lies.
It was like the corrupt connection of Walter White with attorney Saul Goodman in “Breaking Bad”: dirty money forwarded to “a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy.”

And as more corruption was uncovered in Hillary Clinton’s world, she lied about her computer’s contents and the data she illegally bleached and destroyed, claiming they merely were 33,000 emails about “yoga classes” and “Chelsea’s wedding dress.”
In time, not only was the hard drive bleached but actual hammers were dispatched to destroy it.

Anyone else goes to prison for that — for the federal and state crimes of spoliating evidence.
But she got a pass — from the equally corrupt top brass of the FBI, whom we thought were part of the Department of Justice.
We went through four years, learning in bits and pieces of how they set about to destroy Lt. @GenFlynn, to bankrupt him, cost him his home.

Likewise to destroy Roger Stone.
To destroy Paul Manafort — a tax cheat whom no one ever before had bothered, down to his ostrich jacket, but who suddenly became the most notorious tax target of the government since Leona Helmsley or Al Capone . . . once he had become Trump’s campaign manager.
It was four years of a Mueller Investigation that revealed nothing it set out to find, but ultimately turned into a cottage industry to prosecute process crimes and to reveal that Robert Mueller had seen better days.
It was a ridiculous impeachment that had no basis for such a foolish waste of American money and legislative focus — at a time when the coronavirus was spreading from China.
Yet Democrats had been vowing to impeach from Day One — recall Rep. Al Green regularly introducing ridiculous impeachment motions and Maxine Waters daily screaming “Impeach 45!” — so impeach they did.
The media were co-conspirators in the Democrats’ plots — or, equally plausibly, the #Democrats were in on the media’s plots.

Stormy Daniels.

Michael Cohen.


“Anonymous” — whom we were told is a highly placed insider in the Trump White House but whom we ultimately learned, upon the identity’s revelation, was a mediocrity.

A veritable clown car into which the Left media proved they could stuff as many jesters as needed.
When Trump would not berate Putin to his face in front of the world media at an international conference, the likes of James Clapper and of John Brennan — the latter having voted for Gus Hall, ...
... literally a Soviet-affiliated Communist, to be American President — called Trump horrible names, accusing Trump of treason.

When Trump stood up to the North Korean dictator, we were told Trump would cause nuclear war.
When he moved America’s Israel embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognized Israel’s rights to the Golan Heights and to establish permanent Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria (the so-called “West Bank”), ...
... we were told Trump was igniting an horrific Mideast War, though history records that he thereby planted seeds resulting so far in four Arab Muslim countries making peace with Israel after their implacable adversity from the day Israel was founded.
The rules of civility all were broken by the #Democrat left.

Presidential spokesperson @SarahHuckabee was hounded out of a Virginia restaurant with her family.

Mitch McConnell @senatemajldr was hounded when he sat with his wife at a Kentucky restaurant.
Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, publicly endorsed kicking Trump supporters.

Maxine Waters publicly urged harassing them, getting into their faces.
.@PamBondi, the Florida Attorney General, was harassed at a movie theater.

@RonPaul and his wife were almost beaten up as they left a Trump White House event.
Thus, it is not hyperbole when one speaks of the kicking, spitting, and scratching.

There were no rules of civility that could not be broken by “The Resistance” these past four years.
Indeed, the very term — “The Resistance” — virtually unheard of in American history, except when this country tore asunder for some five years.
Biden repeatedly told the public that he had chosen to seek higher office when Trump made pro-Nazi and racist remarks during #Charlottesville.

But 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒎𝒑 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒔.
The video and audio recordings of Trump’s remarks are painfully simple to find on Youtube;

... they are short remarks, to the point, where he 𝒖𝒏𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒗𝒐𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒏𝒔 racism and White supremacy, and also leftist anarchy and Antifa violence; ...
... yet he noted that the people demonstrating at Charlottesville included many fine people on both sides.
No matter — the die was cast as the lie was cast: the Big Lie that Trump had endorsed racism and White supremacy, lies that Biden invoked as his very reason for running — and media never called Biden on those or others of his life-long career of lying.
The lies never stopped.

If Kamala Harris were a conservative Republican, she never would have gotten to first base in the Presidential sweepstakes after having risen in politics by allowing very publicly married kingmaker Willie Brown of California to round all the bases.
"Let’s look at four of his top apprentices: the ex-girlfriend, the right hand, the baby sitter and the sommelier.

The “ex-girlfriend” is California Senator Kamala Harris."

She lied about smoking weed in college to the musical offerings of rap artists who had not yet even emerged in those years.
Yet, instead of being “Five Pinocchio’d” into the oblivion where her professional mediocrity was leading her, she had media reporters covering her campaign helping her try on and shop for clothes.

One by one, the media ignored the disgraceful backgrounds of many Trump challengers — Robert O’Rourke’s bogus “Beto” narrative when in fact Robert had spent his entire life rising as a child of White privilege, ...
... yet who abused his unique opportunities by hanging around with criminal computer hackers and repeatedly getting into trouble with the law.
Rather than bring him down, as the media tried to do to George W. Bush over a driving ticket, they instead cover-boy’d “Beto” with a glowing interview that he was just “born to be in it.”

They covered up the crime data and racial tensions in Mayor Pete’s South Bend.

They refused to follow the narrative on Elizabeth Warren’s false biography of “I’m an Indian, too.”

Instead, they sent their legions to dig up dirt on Trump associates for four years.
When Trump had one single solitary public rally in Tulsa that did not overflow the rafters, they pounded away at the one event that did not set crowd records and further did special features on the racism that had stained that Oklahoma city generations earlier.
But they barely noted the dearth of people attending Biden or Harris events.
They continually raised questions about Trump’s mental acuity and physical health, promoting calls for the 25th Amendment to be invoked and even harassing the President’s personal physician ...
... at a presser where Admiral Ronny Jackson reported the data that gave the President a solid bill of health.


By contrast, they watched Biden slosh his way through speeches, slur and make strange unbefitting comments and clearly diminished assertions —
... for example saying that he is running for a Senate seat or that he hopes all will go out and vote on Super Thursday — without raising eyebrows, asking questions, or demanding medical exams.
They pounced for four years on Trump for his tax returns.

But when Hunter Biden’s perfidious actions from China to Ukraine became known, they not only showed no interest in Hunter’s taxes and income sources but actively buried the story.
When one Congressman improperly called out during an Obama State of the Union address that Obamacare eventually would see undocumented people in America getting government-funded health care at taxpayer expense, the media exploded with adjurations about dignity and civility.
But when Nancy Pelosi exercised all the strength her arms could muster to tear up the pages of Trump’s 2020 State of the Union address, she was hailed the conquering hero.
All the rules of civility and fair play were broken by Democrats and their Media wing during the Trump years, culminating in an election that was stolen.
Perhaps the courts of law will not undertake to study what happened because they are not satisfied that the initial evidentiary showings justify judicial scrutiny, but the election was stolen not exclusively on Election Day but through the weeks leading to it.
Texas would not use the Dominion machines, but other states did.
For years, American elections had seen large numbers of mail-in ballots disqualified on grounds of wrong ink, wrong marking devices, envelopes missing signatures, questionable signatures of names that differ from registration rolls, failures to follow other balloting procedures —
... but suddenly in November 2020, for the first time, virtually every single mail ballot cast in the country’s battleground states was certified as kosher despite record numbers of people mailing their votes for the first time.
Suddenly, when there were lacunae, election officials permitted “fixing” ballots.

Some were backdated.

In some states efforts were made to count ballots that arrived after election day and that lacked any postmark date.
The election was not stolen merely by virtue of November 3’s shenanigans but through a confluence of deeds leading up to Election Day.

Twitter and Facebook were cheating by protecting the Bidens by censoring references to the Hunter laptop story.
Suddenly Rush Limbaugh regularly was being censored.

Even the likes of “Diamond and Silk,” for goodness sakes, found themselves expelled from the Facebook “community.”
Many accusations stem from projection: “If I could get away with this, I would do it — so I assume the other guy musta done it.”
And now we see whence the mendacity stemmed when the Hillary Democrats and their obeisant media charged four years ago that Trump had stolen the 2016 election by Putin manipulating social media.
So many always knew that was a lie; no one voting for Trump or against Hillary needed Putin to explain the obvious.
But indeed these same accusers found their opportunity in 2020 to manipulate social media, to censor or to disseminate as their left-Democrat political views dictated.
It was stolen when states announced that they would mail ballots to everyone, when states turned blind eyes to vote harvesting —
... allowing such instances in states where harvesting is illegal, and for that matter allowing it as legal in states like California though it always should be illegal.
It was stolen when Biden, having benefited from testy Trump interruptions in the first debate and from a remarkably biased event conducted by Chris Wallace, then was helped by an anti-Trump election commission ...
... that killed the scheduled second debate so that Trump would have only one, not two, remaining to reverse the tables.
It was that latter debate where Trump, quite the gentleman, perhaps at his most dignified in four years, pinned down Biden on Democrats’ plans to crush the oil-and-gas industry that is so vital in states like Pennsylvania and Ohio, too.
When before was a Presidential debate ever canceled by the commission in such a way?
Now, after all those four years, Democrats and their mainstream media are calling United States Senators like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz “treasonous” for announcing they will challenge electoral slates?
How easily the Left uses the word “treason” for their purposes!

Just as they baselessly hurl the terms “Racist,” “Misogynist,” “Islamophobe,” and such to stain their opponents.
And how shocked they truly are that Republican conservatives this time are not following the script of nearly a century and just rolling over and playing dead.
Yes, there are Never Trumpers who are glad to see him go.

OK, so be it.
And there are Republican conservatives who can say “President-elect Biden,” even with a smile, if only for common courtesy and a desire not to get tied up in a water-cooler-room argument that will lead nowhere.
But do recognize that something has changed in America.
Trump gave rise to a new populist outrage among Americans who are not sworn to an ideology — no even conservatism — on issues where the actual results play out differently in real life than they did in the social laboratory.
“Free Trade,” for example, was the mantra of Republicans from Reagan to the Koch Brothers.
But real-life revealed its limits in a world where no other country plays by those rules, even as such ‘free trade” was destroying America’s Midwest factories and threatening to leave America unable to manufacture steel or aluminum.
No matter how the next weeks play out, a new Republican conservative has arisen who will not roll over and play dead for the delight of Democrats and their Left media.

Trump did not really create this new populism; rather, he gave voice to it.
And now, for the first time in nearly a century, this stronger conservative voice and strength will dominate the Opposition.
It may be too loyal and patriotic to be a “Resistance,” but it will be an “Opposition” such that the Democrat-Media-Left has not before seen nor experienced.

Roll over and play dead?

Not this time, dear Leftists."

~ End ~
Pass this around to everyone you think needs to read it. Don't forget to tag those who won't, as well. Until people start paying attention, @realDonaldTrump is fighting for us alone. This is 𝒐𝒖𝒓 fight. Time to stand alongside.

#FightForTrump #FightForAmerica #FightLikeAFlynn

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4 Jan
"In fact the President begins the call by ripping through specifics that are never addressed by their opponents on the call: the establishment Republicans."

@RaheemKassam #WarRoomPandemic #NationalPulse
Link to the #China - @washingtonpost - @WSJ money connection article:
Read 5 tweets
31 Dec 20
Because this is worth reading, I'll make it easy for you:


Sunday, October 25, 2020
Solemnity of Christ the King

Mister President, ...
... Allow me to address you at this hour in which the fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity.

I write to you as an Archbishop, as a Successor of the Apostles, as the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America.
I am writing to you in the midst of the silence of both civil and religious authorities.

May you accept these words of mine as the “voice of one crying out in the desert” (Jn 1:23).
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21 Nov 20
'Under the “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree” doctrine alone, a case can be made that the failure by several ... states to allow Repub. poll watchers ... should alone be grounds to declare those states’ presidential elections null and void...'

full text:

"In American criminal law, there is a doctrine called the “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree,” a term that obviously derives from the Biblical Adam and Eve account.
Under that doctrine, government violations of citizens’ core constitutional rights are deemed so severe and egregious that, for example, if the police violate a Fourth Amendment right in conducting their investigation of a crime, ...
Read 36 tweets
21 Nov 20
'When a chef devises a new recipe, he or she first tries it out on family or friends before putting it on the restaurant menu.

America ran right into a mess for which it never before had tested in the way needed to assure a fair outcome.'

full text:

"We all have heard of “the Statute of Limitations.” (Actually, we attorneys and law professors signal our insider status by referring to the “Limitations statutes.”)
The theory of limitations statutes is that there has to be an outside limit on how long a plaintiff has to bring a legal action for redress.

As time marches on, witnesses move, get hard to find, even die.
Read 73 tweets
16 Nov 20
The concern over this 'system' has been ongoing for years.
No wonder folks are taking this seriously;

'we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.'
This is from the @AP

@SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @GenFlynn @RealJamesWoods @RealRLimbaugh

"... the CEOs of the three biggest U.S. voting equipment manufacturers who all say voting machines are not 100 percent secure."

Here's another from @AP

Listen to some of the points she makes.

"States buy new voting systems running old software"

It's quite an eye-opener. Of course, all is forgotten when Biden leads. #TrumpWon

(read the recent comments on the video)
Read 6 tweets
25 Oct 20
And another...

'Unlike people polled about 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 else, the one polling topic that is dangerous for many is to say that one supports Trump for President.

So it is 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒆 to know what the polls mean.'

Full text:

"This was Donald Trump’s best presidential debate ever.

His GOP 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 debates in 2016 were of a different sort, for different purposes, with different targets.

But this was a fabulous presidential debate for him.

His best.
It also was a pretty decent night for Joe Biden.
Read 66 tweets

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