The Vice President usually (but not always) has presided over the joint session.
In January 1989, VP George H.W. Bush got to announce his own victory in the 1988 presidential election. 4/
“Joseph Biden of the state of Delaware has received, for Vice President of the United States, 332 votes.” – Joe Biden, announcing his re-election on the Democratic ticket led by President Barack Obama, January 2013:… 5/
Al Gore, the outgoing Vice President in January 2001, announced his 271-266 defeat to George W. Bush in the Electoral College and also gaveled down House Democrats who protested the Florida vote but didn't get a senator to sign an objection:… 6/
"Dan Quayle of the state of Indiana has received 168 votes." - Dan Quayle in January 1993, announcing the victory of Bill Clinton and Al Gore over the Bush-Quayle Republican ticket that was defeated for re-election:… 7/
1949 session:
Senate president pro tempore Kenneth McKellar presided. No VP! The vice presidency was vacant ~4 years after Truman ascended to presidency pre-25th Amendment. Alben Barkley, elected with Truman in 1948, sworn in as VP Jan. 20.
Other oddities in article here:
At the January 1957 joint session to count electoral votes, Vice President Richard Nixon got to announce his and President Dwight Eisenhower’s re-election … 9/
… but Nixon four years later formally announced his close loss in the 1960 presidential election to John F. Kennedy.
Nixon: “Those who lose accept the verdict, and support those who win.” 10/
In January 1969, outgoing Vice President Hubert Humphrey didn’t preside over the joint session (where he would have had to announce his loss to Nixon in 1968). Humphrey was in Oslo for the funeral of Trygve Lie, the first UN Secretary General. 11/
1969 session featured formal objection to North Carolina "faithless elector" Lloyd Bailey casting his vote for George Wallace after pledging to back GOP nominee (Nixon).
Sen. Ed Muskie, Rep. James O’Hara signed objection along with other members including Rep. George Bush. 12/
The Muskie-O’Hara objection was rejected, though many voted to sustain it – it failed 170-228 in the House and 33-58 in the Senate. The joint session reconvened, and the electoral vote count was completed (Nixon 301, Humphrey 191, Wallace 46) 13/
27 people have served more than 40 years in the House, including two who began their 41st year of service as the 117th Congress began: Hal Rogers (R-KY) and Chris Smith (R-NJ)
First elected in 1980, Rogers and Smith are tied for second in House seniority behind “Dean of the House” Don Young (R-AK), who’s nearing 48 years of House service.
Young is 87. Rogers is 83. Smith, first elected at 27 in 1980, is just 67 (younger than almost 100 House members in the 117th Congress including NJ colleague Jeff Van Drew, who’s 9 days older).
Balance of power in the U.S. House in new 117th Congress begins at 222 Democrats & 211 Republicans, with #NY22 undecided & #LA05 vacant.
One of the smallest House majorities. 1/x
It was 20 years ago today, 3 January 2001, that the House began new 107th Congress with 221 Republicans, 211 Democrats, 2 independents and 1 vacancy.
Senate began 50-50. In June 2001, Jim Jeffords left GOP and became independent aligned with Democrats, who took over majority. 2/
In January 1953, House convened with 221 Republicans, 211 Democrats, 1 independent, and 2 vacancies.
By early Nov. 1953, Ds narrowed it to 218R-215D, after Harrison Williams (D-NJ) was elected to succeed Clifford Case (R). (They'd later serve together in Senate.) @wildstein 3/
Census Bureau today released population estimates for the nation and states as of July 1, 2019:…
U.S. population estimate 328.2 million, up just 0.5%/1.55 million from 326.7 million on July 1, 2018… 1/
Idaho (1.787m), the fastest-growing state in percentage point terms (2.1%) from 2018-2019, on pace in 2020 Census to overtake West Virginia (1.792m), which lost population at largest rate (-0.7%) among the 50 states
Idaho now has 2 congressional districts, West Virginia 3. 2/
Richard G. Lugar (1932-2019, R-Indiana) was Indianapolis mayor 1968-1975 and U.S. Senator 1977-2013. Chairman of Foreign Relations and Agriculture Committees. Worked with Sam Nunn on arms control and disarmament policy:…… 1/