To make effective marketing material you need to understand your customer’s pain points. A lot of marketing articles talk about this, but very few actually give contextual examples of how to figure this out.
Where do you start?
Here's one of my favorite examples of how @McDonalds used customer interviews to help them sell more milkshakes 🧋
As a small business, you’re not going to have a budget that looks anything like that of a tech company from the Valley or McDonald’s; however, there are still many lessons we can apply:
1. Talk to your customers whenever you get a chance 2. Ask them how your product or service helps them to solve a problem 3. Use their responses as a way to understand their pain points
4. Expect surprises–why they’re buying something isn’t always straightforward 5. Use this knowledge to better position your business 6. Weave this positioning into your marketing material
When you understand who you’re selling to and why they’re buying, you take a lot of the guesswork out of your marketing strategy. This will help you to focus your efforts and deliver stronger campaigns.
Here are 9 things you should include in your marketing portfolio... 🧵
1) An Effective Tagline
Make your tagline clear and catchy. Keep in mind that this is something that people will only glance at.
2) One Title
You probably aren’t an expert/ninja/guru in every area of your field. Just like a movie, you should only have one title and your title will be the theme of your portfolio. It sets an expectation for the viewer so they have an idea of what they’re about to read.