🤞 fingers crossed 🤞 that #realworldcrypto 2022 will actually be in Amsterdam IRL 🦠
First up in the Group Messaging session:

How secure is Bridgefy in real world usage? Not open source, had to reverse engineer and decompile the Android app.

Partial disclosure of vulnerabilities, but not on the app store description 🤔

Bridgefy claims now that they implement the Signal protocol. Mesh-network style Signal would be neat...if that's what they've actually done. No third-party review to confirm.

Evaluate the properties of your protocol or app in the circumstances it is actually used!!!

Q: Is there a place for PKCS1.5 padding in modern crypto?

A: This work shows, perhaps there isn't.

(I agree.)

Q: Example of the security goals of a generic mesh protocol?

A: An open question.

Q: Mesh vs standard security model for Signal?

A: In Signal you can forget users location, in mesh their proximity is relevant.

Next up, E2E for Zoom

There was a first whitepaper put out in May 2020

(All versions of the whitepaper are available here:


Mmm mmm long term device keys for long-term id

Every meeting has a meeting leader, which can be rotated

(it's funny that a presentation about zoom is happening over zoom)

"Zoom identities are mutable", different devices, emails, etc

Key transparency tree! (Has this been deployed yet? )

External IdP's can sign/attest to their users as they interact with Zoom's identity infra (has this been integrated with any IdP yet?)

OK yeah several of these are planned, not deployed yet

Q: Bearer tokens issues?

A: Plan to use different type of token...

Q: Do you get E2E benefits without signing up with an email?

A: Yes, will need to rely on security codes to establish ID because you won't have linkable ID between sessions.

(I discussed this exact thing in a blog post ;) zfnd.org/blog/so-you-wa…)

A: Each participant uploads streams of different resolutions, no merging done by the server


A: Synchronous not async for Zoom, we can use ephemeral keys, don't provide forward-secrecy _within_ the meeting, just _between_ meetings, so for MLS, not quite applicable.

Q: How often do on-device ID keys change?

A: In practice we don't expect device keys to change key often (which is a tradeoff in privacy and security compromise)

Q: SRTP? Media metadata leaks?

A: Everything is under a TLS connection....

Next up:


How do you (safely) ratchet key material forward, if one of the previously trusted group members have been compromised?

This is Post Compromise Security

omg more trees 🌲

To recover, update secrets on the path to the root

But there may be a race condition, all have a tradeoff

- minimal overhead in comms when _t_ users try to recover concurrently
- can a group ratchet protocol reach this minimum?

A result: _t_-Concurrency

Tradeoff exists but it's not _too_ bad

Q: If you are hiding metadata, to you have to do trial encryption?

A: No: Signal encrypts all messages, group or 1:1, the same way, the group membership is separate; in this protocol, these messages are indistinguishable from normal usage patterns

Next up is the Multiparty Computation session, starting with 'Lessons and Challenges in Deploying (Heavy) MPC in Different Environments' by Yehuda Lindell Valery Osheter Samuel Ranellucci, presented by Yehuda Lindell

Engineering, not cryptographic, solutions exist to make these protocols more practical in SaaS solutions

Next up, 'The Red Wedding: Playing Attacker in MPC Ceremonies', presented by Omer Shlomovits


Reviewing the 'Diogenes' RSA modulus generation paper

A thousand participants! (Why so many?)

Last up, 'Senate: A Maliciously Secure MPC Platform for Federated Analytics', presented by Rishabh Poddar


Senate allows decomposed execution securely

query planning to plan optimal decomposition

Allow only trees, not graphs

#realworldcrypto Image
145X faster than baseline benchmarks, and 13/22 analytics benchmark queries

Q: Implementation?

A: Yes, tested.

Have tested up to 16 parties

Q: How do you ensure that decompositions are valid?

A: Require that each sub is efficiently invertible

That's all the talks for the day, social time nao!

My dear followers, I will have to cover the invited talk on isogenies by @luca_defeo after the fact, it pains me 😭 💫

Q: Are you surprised that NIST has relegated SIKE to the 'consolation' bracket?

A: No, it's a bit early; not surprised that lattices and McElice are the preferred candidates.

Next up, Signatures

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Randomness failures have real-world implications, even side channels.

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Lattice vs Fourier attacks

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"Hey uh, where can I acquire some nonce leakage?"

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But, it's constant time! 😅

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ECDSA nonce very sensitive!

Also applies to Schnorr sigs

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Next up, MuSig2: Simple Two-Round Schnorr Multi-Signatures, presented by Tim Ruffing

_multi_, not _threshold_, signatures

#realworldcrypto Image
For use in... CYBER COINS 😏

(disclosure: i work on a cyberrr co1n)

Extremely here for keeping the on-chain data simple Image
(Great for privacy!)


Want non-interactive, and public Image
"You have probably learned what nonces are from the previous talk" 😁

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This nice linearity in the verification underlies all the Schnorr-based signature schemes

An _insecure_ multi-signature

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Throw an exponent from a hash and you protect against row key attacks

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Instead of a pre-commitment round, every sender sends 2 pre-nonces, the proper nonce is a random linear combination of those

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Shout out to FROST!

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Convergence on multiple pre-nonces as input to linear combination. Proved under ROM+AGM+OMDL _or_ ROM+OMDL

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Q: What's the difference between multi and threshold sigs?

A: N-of-N vs T-of-N where T < M

Q: 2-user case?

A: Having 1-of-2 is not particularly helpful? But our scheme does work for it.

eg FROST is in the threshold setting

These schemes should all be marry-able if you want


A: No, depends on the nice linearity inherent in Schnorr, would be hard and cumbersome

Next up, WEB AUTH N 🎉

Presented by Emil Lundberg

Specifically, 'Asynchronous Remote Key Generation: An Analysis of Yubico’s Proposal for W3C WebAuthn'

(pets one of my many Yubikeys lovingly)

Mmm mmm JavaScript

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You can use your phone secure enclave as an authenticator!

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One problem is that sometimes keys get lost 😬

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Very real usability and system design constraints that affect adoption

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Proposal: pair a primary and backup authenticator

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Asynchronous Remote Key Generation (ARKG)

(pssst try Ristretto! 😉)

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Key, key handle stored with service

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Proof relies on dlog and PRF-ODH assumptions

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Current runtime, 100ms, this scheme would double it, but these are ~one time registration/recovery operations

Q: Can you do multiple backups?

A: Yes, no limit.

Q: Can you confine backup keys to only work with some relying parties?

A: Yes, you register a backup key with relying parties, so you can choose not to do that.

Q: What about host malware, trying to pretend it is a backup when you register?

A: Pin must be entered on authenticator first

Q: Can I have one backup for 5 primary keys?

A: Yes! On the one service, using the backup, the 5 primary keys would be revoked (this is the server-side logic).

Next session, on Humans, Policy, and Crypto

Starting with, 'Mental Models of Cryptographic Protocols - Understanding Users to Improve Security', presented by Katharina Krombholz

Configuring TLS! 😭

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"Admins were incapable of making informed security decisions"

"I'm afraid of using crypto"


How can we measure the mental models users have of security tools and protocols (and just asking them is not so easy)

Best case mental model of HTTPS (turns out to be very sparse!)

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"Worse-case mental model has some...strange assumptions" 😬

All APIs, designs, interfaces, that we use, shape the mental models of our users

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Even if they are experts

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Q: How do we know that 'human' is the right level of abstraction to understand this problem, vs 'developers' or?

A: Yes, we focus on 'users', which was developed by technology developers; where else do we go, maybe theoreticians?

Q: What should the role of human factors work in the development of crypto standards?

A: I wish this perspective is incorporated in standardization too

Q: How much do users need to _understand_ the crypto? Shouldn't the browser take care of this for them?

A: Yes: ala conservation theory, to protect the end users, we should protect the admins, the designers, the developers, who are upstream in the ecosystem

Next up! 'Protecting Cryptography against Self-Incrimination', presented by Sarah Scheffler

SCOTUS! Compelled decryption!

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Mmm mmm the 5th (but only covers 'testimonial' action)

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'Foregone conclusion' doctrine is now being used to compel device decryption

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Are you testifying that you know a password, or because the password unlocks your cloud drive, that you know the contents of your cloud drive?

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Formalize 'learn nothing' using simulation 🧠

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(i love this)

"What determines nature?" 🤔 🤔 🤔

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"The encryption cases are so all over the place that it's hard to create a reliable benchmark" 😂

"If such a [backdoor key], it would make the whole compelled decryption a foregone conclusion" 😱

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It seems like having a password stored in your brain meat is actually protective in this model against compelled decryption


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paper at Usenix

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(fire alarm!, and a break!)

Next up, invited talk on the NIST PQC competition!

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Even without a current quantum computer, you can just save the protected data until it is available.

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How long? "It's been 10-15 years away for at least 10-15 years" 😉


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Opening submissions had ~80, 20+ broken quite quickly 😉

Merges, updates, more breakage in the second round

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For round 3 selections, two tracks: finalists, and alternates

Alternates have a _potential_ of eventual standardization

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Lattices! Codes!

Lattice-based KEMs in the third round

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Code-based KEMs, and the alternate, SIKE! 💫

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Lattice-based and hash/blockcipher-based post-quantum signatures:

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Cryptanalysis continues!

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"Don't want all our eggs in one basket"

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3rd round expected to continue up to another 12 months, followed by a 4th round

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'Done' by 2024 🤞

Other challenges:

- IP
- benchmarking
- side channel analysis
- real world experiments (like Chrome, Cloudflare TLS experiments)
- Hybrids!

Transition guidelines will definitely help

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Stateful hash-based signatures were not included in the NIST competition, they are not the same as standard-use digital signatures, have been standardized by IETF, if you are _careful_ about using them, they are quantum-resistant

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Q: Will criteria such as PKE-robustness inform the selections?

A: Try to weigh everything including that

Q: Does NIST help with dealing with IP contention issues resolved?

A: Trying to work behind the scenes to help clear up any IP questions by the end of the 3rd round.

Next up, the post-quantum session!

Starting with 'Attacks on NIST PQC 3rd Round Candidates' presented by Daniel Apon and James Howe

Types considered:

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Only presenting attacks against specific candidates

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Lattices make up more than 50% of the attack targets

Integrating hints from the side-channel into the lattice-reduction attack algorithm 🤯

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Masking vs non-masking , ntt vs non-ntt

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Masking floating-point arithmetic is an open problem

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- implementation complexity will significantly increase with these standards
- more attack vectors? more countermeasures?
- fragile/sensitive ops

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(And this is mostly re: lattices!)

A question (more of a comment, really) about conflating attacks on implementation vulns and against constructions

Q: Does the existence of fault attacks imply anything?

A: There may be categories of side-channel attacks exploit a property of the algorithm, that can allow you to distinguish between protocols that are similar, that's important.

Next up, 'Separate Your Domains: NIST PQC KEMs and Pitfalls in Implementing Random Oracles', presented by Hannah Davis

Round 1 KEM (DAGS) was leaking over half the bits of the session key directly in the ciphertext, none of these were caught in the first round (eliminated for other reasons) 😱

Why? Multiple hash functions in the spec, but only the one same in the implementation.

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Oracle cloning! 🔮🔮

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What about domain separation?

In practice, not always used, or done poorly, but not being caught in evals.

What other methods? How about a more rigorous definition?

First step: classification

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Attacked schemes have been eliminated from NIST PQC, but these attacks were not found before then.

From the good ones, good oracle cloning methods are distilled

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*taking furious notes*

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Can be catastrophic, just use one oracle cloning method from the toolbox; one candidate has already done this 🎉

A: Big problems arise when the spec expects 3 different hash functions, and only one is used for all usages. Static analysis may not catch all cases

A: Our hope is that putting specific oracle cloning methods into specifications will become more common, rather than leaving it up to the implementor.

Last talk, 'Post-Quantum Crypto: The Embedded Challenge', presented by Joppe Bos

What counts as an embedded device?

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Key concerns:
- secure boot
- over-the-air update

If this is PQ-secure, you can deliver the remaining updates via that platform.

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Comparing X25519 and lattice-based competitors (but Cortex M4 is considered 'high end' for a lot of the domains mentioned previously)

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Stack _usage_ in byes 🤯

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love me some 19th century german

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People are asking for quantum-resilient crypto no matter what, gotta get ready

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Q: Why NTRU use so much more stack than Kyber?

A: Not sure if inherent to the scheme or an implementation tradeoff to get more speed.

Q: Schemes mandated use of NTT, does that matter?

A: For some embedded devices that is an unfortunate performance impact, maybe make it optional

A: New hardware optimized for winners of the NIST PQC? Codes vs lattice need completely different types of co-processors, so we kinda have to look at using the hardware we have.

And now, lightning talks! 🌩️🌩️🌩️

I will say the organizers are extremely efficient and uh, well-organized, with their Zoom'ing. 👏

@dstebila speaking on CHES 2021 call for artifacts, to improve reproducibility of crypto research

@FiloSottile on AGE! 'A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability'


New: a plugin system, allows Yubikey support!

@kobigurk on proof-of-stake blockchain, doing an MPC set up for the params for the circuit

Yaron Gvili on a Swift hash function implementation, look for 'secure homomorphic hash'

Greg from MSR security and crypto team about remote internships open for this summer! careers.

Cheap plug from myself about hiring at the @ZcashFoundation ;)

Question about modelling bittorrent protocol

@str4d on modeling: trial decryption to scan for notes is slow, we'd like something like a detection key without revealing it, useful for Zcash

Emil replies about 'dual-stealth key' protocol re: Bitcoin

From Daniel Apon on NIST PQC monthly seminar talks:

And done with the program for the day, social time!

Back for day 3 of #realworldcrypto! The first invited talk of the day by Carmela Troncoso on 'Privacy by Design -- From Theory to Practice in the Context of COVID-19 Contact Tracing', on the D3PT protocol, which influenced the iOS | Android one

Next up, Vanessa Teague (@VTeagueAus )on a dovetailing talk, 'Unintended Privacy Problems in Some Centralized and Decentralized COVID-19 Exposure Notification Systems'

@VTeagueAus An unusual example in which an app failing at its core value proposition is undetectable by users.

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@VTeagueAus Now fixed privacy and security issues in the Australian COVIDSafe app:

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"For centralized apps like COVIDSafe, inferring social graph edges is the least of our worries." 😭

Some variants of this app allow optional extra exposure information to say a health authority/the government, it all depends on whether ExposureInfo is shuffled before upload; was fixed in June 2020

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If Annika opts in to uploading detailed ExposureInfo, and if the metadata is enough to re-identify Bob, Charlie and Dan’s records, the authorities can tell whether a record for Wit appears after them.

- decentralized protect privacy of the social graph of users much more than centralized
- GAEN apps much better than centralized apps

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Q: Android location services needed to be turned on for the app to run?

A: Required to be turned on if any app is scanning for BLE pings; the app did not use location services (did not ping back to Google) unknown but unclear if this allows Google to correlate

Next up, 'Exposure Notification System May Allow for Large-Scale Voter Suppression' presented by Rosario Gennaro

In the US, contact tracing is state-by-state per the health authorities, all the apps rolled out use the Google | Apple Exposure Notification interoperable API (GAEN)

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How do we increase adoption of a public health intervention? We can learn lessons from other campaigns, such as successful campaigns for PReP adoption to combat HIV

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Relay attacks as a tactic towards voter suppression in the US elections?

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Can a relay attack against these COVID alert apps dissuade election-day voters? (Aside: this is why vote by mail was a huge campaign in the US, to avoid COVID impacts on votes getting counted)

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Suggestion to suspend notifications just for election day, just in case.

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"Why not suspend notifications? We think it was a PR issue"

Q: Is this still a problem if most people vote by mail ?

A: Those are good countermeasures to this, there a still large number of ballots cast on election day, a compromise of an official government channel in a way that affects the vote could still make a diff

Next up, 'Privacy-Preserving Bluetooth Based Contact Tracing --- One Size Does Not Fit All', presented by Eyal Ronen

In Israel, a lot of public health information is available

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Apparently 'automatic' contact tracing in Israel was not been super effective?

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'BLE contact tracing, BLE contact tracing everywhere'

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Privacy vs Explainability tradeoff

Balancing false negatives, privacy, and useful notifs

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For contact tracing, we don't necessarily need to know geo locations, just proximity and duration

1.0 : GPS-based solution , low resolution. Why not GPS and BLE ?

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2.0: no one installed it

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Q: Did HamAgen expose the GPS data of infected users to the rest of the country?

A: No.

Next up, 'Privately Connecting Mobility to Infectious Diseases via Applied Cryptography', presented by Lukas Helminger

This work is orthogonal to contact tracing

Aggregating mobility data of infected people, that may catch potential superspreader events early, with small numbers. Problem so far is privacy.

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Throw a whole bunch of hot techniques at it

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"Techniques from bulletproofs" tell me moar

Oh, this relies on mobile operators doing things correctly? 😬

Q: what is the timespan for a single heatmap rated at 2hours/10USD?

A: Last 7 days of mobility data.

Q: is there two variants of the protocol for semi-honest/malicious adversaries, and is there a performance hit if so?

A: We can split them up; there is not much overhead from semihonest to malicious models

They used SEAL from MSR for the homomorphic encryption

Q: are there difficulties due to different sets of researchers and different mobile data providers all having separate datasets?

A: Those are issues we'd have to solve when/if this is rolled out

Next up, "Rosita: Towards Automatic Elimination of Power-Analysis" presented by Yuval Yarom

Using an attacked called "elmo" and a tool called Rosita they wrote to find leakage and rewrite code to remove side channels

Comparing a masked impl of AES, vs a processed version, removes the leak. Adding new instructions slows down by 15% and 64% for ChaCha

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Q: Is the masking compiler dependent? Will switching compiler optimization level matter?

A: Independent; switching compiler optimizations changes the code generation, has no effect as we apply our fixes in the assembly itself.

Q: Can you identify "patches" where you only need to re-order instructions, rather than add new ones? To save impacting performance etc.

A: Not yet; we insert dummy instructions that change the execution to one that has no interactions at the microarch level

Q: What happens when the CPU gets smarter and starts reordering the instruction stream?

A: Pipelining yet baked into the tool, we are targeting CortexM3, for anything more complex we need to re-eval

Next up, 'RISC-V Scalar Crypto' presented by Markku-Juhani Saarinen

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Multiple flavors of RISC-V

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"scalar" crypto here means 'not-vector', in 32bit registers, etc

Lightweight AES: doing t-tables in hardware

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For 64bit, use wider registers to process 128-bit block over two instructions

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Lightweight SHA2 support maps well to several FIPS 180-4 functions

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Making sure this meets the entropy source requirements for several standards

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How do I do constant time? Use crypto extensions, avoid table lookups, branches. Krypto
defines encoding rules for constant‐time multiply. A compiler flag should activate it.

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Also the NIST PQC finalists are performing well on it, good SHA3 helps

Q: Any spec for the RNG entropy source?

A: We have a paper here, a lot of design rational in the spec itself and pitfalls to avoid.

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Q: When designing the crypto extensions, Yes; for timing the important ones are table lookups, so we wrapped that up; there are proposals in the spec for constant-time sboxes

Q: Bignum? I'd love to have a simple way to do carry chains and multiply-accumulates with the full width in the hardware.

A: Can use 8 bits out of 64bits as a carry, works on scalar and vectorized instructions;

Next up, 'CacheOut and SGAxe: How SGX Fails in Practice' presented by Stephan van Schaik

Reminder of 2018

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Now you can no longer leak in the L2 cache (?), but there are plenty of other microarchitectural attacks remaining

Intel mitigated MDS

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Doesn't fix that you _can_ leak, just flushes buffers frequently enough to make it less likely

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How do we exploit evictions?

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Leaks enough to extract things in SGX

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Love 2 remotely attest my leaky enclave

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Intel can't invalidate SGX too quickly, requires BIOS updates 😬

Ayup, SGX in Signal (this is live now)

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Allows short and memorable pins

But this attack allows leaking those pins from SGX, with side channel knowledge


Leak, then brute force 4-digit pin Image
Assumes a malicious Signal server with access to the cluster

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Q: Mitigations in the signing bot against abuse?

A: Can only allow certain fields; no evidence of anyone trying to misuse the bot

Q: Other threat scenarios?

A: Experimental: using it combined with Ethereum

Q: Which mainstream architectures have been microcode patched?

A: Intel is the only one affected, haven't heard about others being affected.

Next up, 'My other car is your car: compromising the Tesla Model X keyless entry system', presented by Lennert Wouters

FOB. Fob. Fob is a computer.

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Has a secure element 👀

It's a BLE peripheral, with over the air download, allowing easier overwriting of firmware on the keyfob; Tesla has mitigated this slightly

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Can unlock the car

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How useful

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Say you 'lost' your keyfob: how do you pair a new one? 🕵️‍♀️

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RSA will never die 😒

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We can modify a keyfob and check all the provisioning-related steps, and go straight to pairing.

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Did not modify the keyfob firmware, but removed secure element and emulated it in Python

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Disclosed, patched in Nov 2020, Tesla awarded a bounty 💸

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Demo 😁

The car is completely disjoint from the provisioning and pairing protocol for a new key fob.

Tesla has a second factor (pin code) that you can use to also require to start the car, with the fob, but that may also be bypassable.

Not requiring a power cycle for a new fob seems to be intended to make the lives of service technicians easier

Next up! Formal Analysis

'SoK: Computer-Aided Cryptography', presented by Kevin Liao from MIT 🦫

(damnit, that's supposed to be a beaver emoji)
Helps improve current human effort, error-prone processes

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TLS vs ✨TLS 1.3✨

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Minimizes room for error

Writing constant-time code is not 'natural' and tricky to get right.

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Deployed software and processes 🎉

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⚠️ formal models != real world, simplifications are necessary to model

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In order to carry formal guarantees down the stack ,we have to check our assumptions and that they continue to hold as we go layer to layer. // @fugueish

@fugueish - Embrace design changes that simplify/modularize reasoning
- Verified compilers, scale assembly verification
- Security-oriented hardware-software contract at the ISA level

- Consolidate each layer of guarantees

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@fugueish We don't need it to be perfect, just need to keep the bar higher than attackers can get over

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Q: X509?

A: No efforts that I'm aware of

Q: Formal methods not just for crypto?

A: Crypto is the sweet spot: not a huge volume of code vs a kernel, the benefits far outweigh the costs, may not be the same for every system

Q: How much of this depends on invisible compiler optimizations?

A: There are some verified compiles that preserve side-channel countermeasures

last up for the day, 'Verifpal: Cryptographic Protocol Analysis for the Real World' by Nadim Kobeissi

Collaborators Georgio Nicolas and Mukesh Tiwari sound to be on the job market soon 🎓

That's today, one more day tomorrow!
First up on the last day of #realworldcrypto, Eli Ben-Sasson on 'Scaling Computations on Blockchains with ZK-STARKs' Image
Gotta read this post

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'For short proofs, SNARKs like Groth16, for everything else, STARKs' 😊

"Why don't Bitcoin or Ethereum compete at scale to Visa or Swift?

Your laptop can't do it."

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Relying on the hardness of a hash function (eg SHA3) makes STARKs theoretically quantum-resistant 🎉

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😳 writing this code doesn't scale well

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Mmm love a compiler 💕

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Q: Cairo is a new DSL, among others for proof systems, where does Cairo fit?

A: it's more like assembly for this VM, allows memory access, branching, Turing complete, more similar to TinyRAM. Cairo is production-grade, integrated in existing blockchains

Q: Does this apply to Bitcoin in any way?

A: Would require Bitcoin to have a STARK verifier of some sort;

Q: How has your view of the diff between STARKs & SNARKs changed over the last year w/ transparency for SNARKs too?

A: if the length of the arg is the thing you want to minimize, Groth16 is king; for proving time, verifiying time, min assumptions, STARK wins

Q: In this architecture, can you prevent front-running?

A: Question of sequencing txs, in our system there is an operator, in others, zkRollup, pushes the sequencing to the blockchain

Next up, 'Attacking Threshold Wallets' presented by Omer Shlomovits

(For an example of threshold sigs, check out FROST!


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'Forget & forgive'

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Another against threshold ECDSA

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MPC and TSS offer high assurance on
paper thanks to math proofs, but remain susceptible to misimplementations or overlooked threat vectors

Q: Have these attacks affected prod systems?

A: They have affected exchanges and been disclosed and patched responsibly.

I think N=18 is the largest I've encountered but it's usually much lower than that, complexity makes it hard and slow to use w/ large N

Q: stateful vs stateless? e.g. failing to delete/overwrite shares, reusing nonces, etc

A: If you can be stateless it eliminates a lot of vulns

Next up, 'From Crypto-Paper to Crypto-Currency: the Cardano Consensus Layer', presented by Christian Badertscher

"Protocol must take into account that some (some!) participants are rational, and must be incentivized" 😁


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The macroscopic properties of the system must be enumerated, checked against the spec, and possibly tested via property-based tests (❤️)

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👏 property 👏 based 👏 tests 👏

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Transition from a federated set of nodes

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An open network when anyone can send you data, so you must design with the worst-case behavior in mind.

#realworldcrypto Image
Q: Property-based testing?

A: Aggressive filtering of incoming data, we can do that because Proof-of-Stake determines blocks, allows forecasting; our prop tests revealed that an expected behavior did not arise, just a very general property test caught this

#realworldcrypto ImageImage
Next up, 'Alice in Randomland: How to Build and Use Distributed Randomness Beacons', presented by Bernardo David

It's not just enough to have intuition that your protocol works, a proof that works with arbitrary compositions is also needed.

ooo VRFs!

_threshold_ VRFs

#realworldcrypto Image
Each construction has a security/efficiency tradeoff.

#realworldcrypto Image
Combine them?

Next up, 'SWiSSSE: System-Wide Security for Searchable Symmetric Encryption' presented by @kennyog

(omg @SchmiegSophie and @XorNinja are coming up soon too!)

Symmetric techniques only! For efficiency reasons

mmm mmm key-value stores for everybody

#realworldcrypto Image
☁️ 🗃 🔒

#realworldcrypto Image
Existing security notions in the literature to not take into account the actual fetching of the documents 👀

#realworldcrypto Image
Two key-val stores: encrypted search index and encrypted doc array

#realworldcrypto Image
Reduces most but not all leakage 🇨🇭💦

#realworldcrypto Image
Uses standard HMAC-SHA-256, AES-GCM, Java+JCE, and a Redis server. 6X overhead vs plaintext

#realworldcrypto Image
Huge improvement over ORAM

We welcome adversarial cryptanalysis in case we missed something

#realworldcrypto Image
In the general setting, we consider the server adversarial (ie, your cloud provider). Also a network attacker, maybe they can see volumes and directionality of traffic, that is taken into account in this model.

Q: What client storage is necessary for this scheme? What about multiple writers?

A: This is a single-writer scheme; in our paper we give worst-case stash size estimates

Q: what happens if a client crashes while processing / writing back a query? Does the system stay available, secure?

A: No impact on security if they crash

Q: Fancier query types?

A: Not yet, this is single key fetch queries

Next up, 'In Band Key Negotiation: Trusting the Attacker' presented by @SchmiegSophie

@SchmiegSophie JWT 😭

alg='none' 🔥

#realworldcrypto Image
@SchmiegSophie 'alg=none' is not the only problem, it's having a alg field at _all_

#realworldcrypto Image
@SchmiegSophie Isn't just JWT, a common issue elsewhere, the key is associating metadata about how to verify to the ciphertext/signature itself

#realworldcrypto Image
@SchmiegSophie Can swap out AES-GCM with AES-CBC, and start guessing

#realworldcrypto Image
@SchmiegSophie Avoiding this class of problem in Tink (github.com/google/tink): store the metadata with the _key_

All the keys in the keyset are equally trusted

#realworldcrypto Image
Key ids can just be random integers

Ciphertext now includes 3 parts:

- version id
- key id
- the rest of the ciphertext/sig

If key gets compromised it must be removed from the key set

Never trust the ciphertext! It is controlled by the attacker.

Key metadata is part of the key!

Key IDs only within a key set, carefully!

#realworldcrypto Image
Q: transport protocols?

A: In an interactive protocol, you negotiate the params before you do any crypto ops

Q: Can detection of these problems be automated?

A: Determined by the crypto library, often the lib is fine but used in a way that impacts the properties of the larger scheme; automating at the correct scope is tough

Q: so how does Tink handle PRF output? Just raw bytes?

A: Yes (basically)

Q: Key metadata?

A: algorithm, params to the algorithm, everything you need to turn ~32 random bytes into an actual key

Next up, 'Pancake: Frequency Smoothing for Encrypted Data Stores' presented by Paul Grubbs

Frequency smoothing of access patterns 📈

#realworldcrypto Image
We need to make sure real and fake accesses are indistinguishable

Randomly selecting from the real incoming query queue and the fake 'queue'

Guarantees that the real vs ideal world are indistinguishable to the attacker


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11 Jan
Netflix prompted me to watch The American President before it leaves and I've barely gotten through the opening credits and I'm not crying you're crying
Also it's weird to see a Sorkin white house that moves this (relatively) slow
Annette Benning is mesmerizing in this
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9 Jan
Just in case, I'm going to thread the weird emojis from now on, so you can mute the thread if needed 😘

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10 Jan 20
If the attacker has <= Q guesses, access to the FSB bucket will give no advantage over baseline guessing. Higher Q, greater security loss

Read 103 tweets
10 Jan 20
Starting the Messaging session is "E2EE for Messenger: goals, plans and thinking"

Zuck wants to integrate and E2E encrypt all the messaging services (messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp)

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9 Jan 20
I'm starting another thread because there were multiple branches in the previous one 🤦‍♀️
Second talk of the MPC session is on Apple's 'Find My Device' feature

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8 Jan 20
First up is the TLS session 🔒
First talk is Johanna Amann on measuring TLS 1.3 deployment in the wild with active and passive methods

Read 250 tweets

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