I firmly believe that every political movement in this country is now hell-bent on confirming the worst suspicions everyone has about them nytimes.com/2021/01/06/opi…
Left: Trump will do anything to overturn the election, including mobilizing angry mobs to invade the Capitol
Right: the left considers the First Amendment a piece of toilet paper and will flush it the minute they get in power
Read the goddamn linked New York Times thinkpiece, a parade of so-called academic legal "scholars" arguing that free speech is an outmoded concept in this unique modern age of icky people saying bad things
I have consistently defended the right of private platforms to ban whoever they want, for any reason, including me. Pardon me if I'm a tad creeped out by one fucking Harvard law professor after another arguing that the 1A is an anachronism because Trump
Is it just me, or was there some kind of top secret $1000 per head dinner confab at the French Laundry when a bunch of drunk TED Talkers suddenly decided all us lumpenproles need to be eating bugs out of troughs?
jfc, how does a regular human survive without several bags of zip-ties
I bet that everyone who writes for the New York Times has a tool box that only consists of a eyeglass screwdriver and 3 leftover Allen wrenches from IKEA
unanimous first ballot inductee into the Maybe You Should Sit This One Out Hall Of Fame
just to be clear, I remain stalwart in my defense of Twitter's right to ban any user for any reason. Their house, their rules. But I do find it a tad rich when a company that employs an army of frog cartoon scrutinizers suddenly poses as modern day Voltaires defending free speech
true story: I had a dream last night where I'm out in my yard and there's this big white swan or goose flying around in circles about 20 feet off the ground and then I notice on its back is a beaver, just smacking the bird with its tail like a jockey's whip.
the bird gets tired and stalls out, and then the whole swan/beaver contraption plummets to the ground. There's a big "oof" from the swan as it bellyflops onto the dirt, but it cushions the impact for the beaver like an air mattress, and beaver waddles away unhurt.
My main objective at this point is to crowdsource some dream analysis
keeping my fingers crossed it will be replaced with vintage 80s Skinemax
I have vague memories of CNN actually having reporters in safari jackets dodging sniper fire in exotic war zones, back before they went 24/7 Zoom meeting hot takes