@Under_Our_Watch I believe that satanists are scripting world events to match biblical prophecies in order to trick Christians. The planned destruction of Three Gorges, described in my article below, for instance, will parallel Revelations.
@Under_Our_Watch "And the second angel sounded, & as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: & the third part of the sea became blood; & the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, & had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed." Rev. 8:8-9.
@Under_Our_Watch Through their use of genetic manipulation, the satanic conspirators have already started the clock with the red heifer.
@Under_Our_Watch The end game, as Myron Fagan pointed out, in his lectures on the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Illuminati is a staged World War III, in the Middle East, between Wahabbists and Zionists, which will look like armageddon.
@Under_Our_Watch Afterwards, the UN will take control, and it will ban religion allegedly because religion drove WWIII. The Secretary General will look like the Antichrist to Christians.
As I point out below, they use world wars to drive us to one world government.
@Under_Our_Watch They will blame the destruction of Three Gorges on Taiwan, which is not a member of the United Nations, so they will require all nations to join the UN--again with the claim that this is necessary to world peace.
@Under_Our_Watch Just as they start an Asian war with a false flag attack to blow up Three Gorges, they will start the war in the Holy Land with a false flag attack, blowing up the Dome of the Rock, Mecca, or the Kaaba, and blaming it on the Israelis.
@Under_Our_Watch This will trigger the muslims, who practice a false religion created by the Illuminati anyway, so that the Sunni in Saudi Arabia & the Shiites in Iran will forget their differences as they turn on Israel, which was created to start this war to begin with.
@Under_Our_Watch The Illuminati love to use false flags, and create different ideologies that they pit against each other, to start wars driving us to satanic one world government. Think Fascism v. Communism, Democracy v. Communism, Crusaders v. Moslems, Napoleon v. Wellington, and so on.
@Under_Our_Watch You can read more about the connections among CIA, MOSSAD, and ISIS, which are all the same thing, in my article below.
@Under_Our_Watch The satanists are cheats, and they play with double-headed pennies, alternately calling, "Heads I win, tails you lose," as they employ the fear-then-relief response used by police interrogators in the Reid Technique.
I give advice for victims of targeting on my website, but my friend, Dr. Katherine Horton, is also an excellent resource. She helped me figure out what was going on when I first woke up.
3. 5g is used along with existing infrastructure for surveillance and to induce symptoms in people, via microwave harassment, which are then misdiagnosed as COVID-19.