3. 5g is used along with existing infrastructure for surveillance and to induce symptoms in people, via microwave harassment, which are then misdiagnosed as COVID-19.
7. Bill Gates, who has killed and paralyzed 500,000 people in India with his vaccines, not only controls MSN, through which we get our news, but he wants to microchip our arms with our medical records.
12. Dr. Mikovits’s videos are hard to find, as she exposes her former colleague Tony Fauci, the head of the Coronavirus Task Force as a fraud, but you can watch them on my site.
13. The whole thing is a false flag attack, through which conspirators in the New World Order employ the fear-then-relief response, creating problems as they drive us to solutions.
14. Please retweet this thread, before Twitter removes our ability to share important news on their platform, and visit my site to learn more about NWO.
I give advice for victims of targeting on my website, but my friend, Dr. Katherine Horton, is also an excellent resource. She helped me figure out what was going on when I first woke up.
1. Visit my website, Fighting Monarch, to learn how CIA uses cybernetics, hypnotism, drugs, and horrific sexual abuse to enslave people and to warp their sexuality
3. And military bases are used for nefarious purposes, as people in uniform are abused and discarded under MK-ULTRA, GLADIO C, and other illegal programs.