"Sovereignty and independence are not ends in themselves. It is no good being independent in isolation if it involves running down our economy and watching other nations outstrip us in both trade and influence."
"The Prime Minister is a man of the highest integrity and honour and should not, therefore, suffer for someone whose standards were not as high as his own.”
"My Britain is one where the rule of law is upheld, impartially even against the most powerful bodies in our community and where those entrusted with upholding the law, whether policemen or judges, are given respect, support and encouragement. "
"The long training I have received has taught me to shape my own opinions judging on the evidence alone. I promise to consider all matters of policy in this light, and in Parliament I should vote as my conscience and not party line dictates."
"No Candidate can promise a Utopia just by voting this way or that."
"We Conservatives are not afraid to face the future whatever problem it entails, because it is our earnest desire to make Great Britain great again."
Miss Margaret Roberts made it clear that having a Conservative Government in power was a boon for young people, for then they could say with Keats: “Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven.”