Demand evidence-based elections. We did not have them in most of America this year because, among other reasons, the GOP killed the #SAFEAct which wld have banned most current touchscreen voting machines & required robust manual audits for all federal elections. 1/
4/ America’s preeminent election-auditing expert, Philip Stark told me, “‘only a few jurisdictions currently audit elections in a way that has a good chance of catching & correcting wrong reported outcomes,’” & even those “‘only audit a few contests.’”…
HR 1 requires that the voter “have the option to mark his or her ballot by hand.”
Pls add the following for clarity: “For jurisdictions w/ in person voting, this option shall be provided to the voter at the polling place.” @RepTedLieu@katieporteroc 1/
Without this clarifying language, jurisdictions cld still force all in person voters to use risky touchscreen voting machines called ballot marking devices (BMDs), as long as vote by mail is also an option. That won’t suffice to protect election integrity & faith in elections. 2/
Unlike #HandMarkedPaperBallots (pen and paper), BMDs are vulnerable to electronic failure, screen freezes, miscalibration, disproportionate distribution (causing bottlenecks & long lines in suppressed areas), and hacking. 3/
Rs wrote the rules: electronic results would be presumed correct absent reliable evidence to the contrary, & we would NOT require manual audits to confirm them. They wanted to change the rules only after Trump lost. They also wanted to cherry pick where to audit. #NotOK 1/
In February 2020, Rs blocked the #SAFEAct which would have required robust manual audits for all federal races—not just for the presidency and not just for Dominion and not just for the cherry picked places selected by Trump. 2/…
“The primary vendor for the events of Jan. 6 was Event Strategies, a company co-owned by Manafort, Tim Unes, & Bobby Peede. The company also worked on Trump’s campaign events & Inauguration ceremony, which is under investigation 4 $ laundering & fraud.” 1/…
My father died in his sleep a few hours ago. He was 90. The past few years, his health had declined, but he kept his grace & humor. He was lucky bc he truly enjoyed many of the little things. He was a retired doctor who was beloved by his patients. He always made time for me. 💔
He wasn’t suffering. He was lucky. Many people loved him. He had a gift for making people feel special.
The knowledge that there’s nothing more I can do to make him smile or spark his intellect and interest is hitting me hard today.
Like a Russian troll farm, “a group of young conservatives,” some of them minors, was “paid to post misinformation” before the 2020 election. Their support came from Turning Point USA, @charliekirk11’s non-profit political organization. - 9/25/20…
“A troll farm indicates ‘a degree of coordination’ in order to intentionally spread false information...For example, these posters would troll people on social media such as journalists, all posting the same message in order to drive up engagement....1/
.... and thus using the social media platform’s algorithm to make their misinformation seem more popular than it likely was, he says.” 2/
“‘As many advocates have warned, this machine [ESS’s ExpressVote XL] is highly problematic: it ....has malfunctioned in other states in recent elections, & ...cannot even print non-English ballots,’ Assemblywoman Catalina Cruz (D-Queens) said...” 1/…
2/ “Susan Greenhalgh, senior advisor on election security with advocacy group Free Speech For People, said there are major concerns regarding safety since ES&S still uses Windows 7 as its operating software despite vowing to upgrade the machines.” @SEGreenhalgh