Seeing a lot of discussion about how "we need an alternative to the GOP for rational conservatives to join/have a legitimate opposition/restore the balance/whatever." OK, maybe. But you know whose job that is? Not the Dems. Not the Left. Not Progressives. It's 'Conservatives'.1/5
Y'all talk about personal accountability, the rule of law, principled leadership. You blame everyone else's "culture" for systemic social and economic problems. You say "facts don't care about your feelings," but cry like babies when confronted w evidence of systemic racism 2/5
If you're a Republican, you built this. And if you think there should be an alternative, if it's "not your party anymore," then do what you've told everyone else to do for decades: pull yourself up by your bootstraps, take personal responsibility, and do the fucking work. 3/5
You "move forward" and "let the past be the past" now, and in 10 years someone's gonna be playing the role of Paul Von Hindenburg appointing Josh Hawley chancellor.
One of my former students, a few years ago, started a teaching gig in rural Iowa (where she was also expected to coach) for $24.5K. The critics like to point to senior teachers in large urban areas when they talk about teacher salaries, but the real story is right here.
If we keep electing people who say government is the problem to positions within said government, this is what we get: the evisceration of the public good so Chad and Karen have a low tax bill on their lake house.