"FBI Arrests CDC Critic Dr. Simone Gold on Monday After She Was Filmed in the US Capitol Walking Around with a Bullhorn — FBI Singled Her Out" thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/fbi-ar…
On Twitter(dot)com you can watch people's individual lives be destroyed as Joe Biden costs them their jobs.
And this is still technically day one. 🌈
"In addition to wearing masks, everyone flying to the United States from another country, will need to test before they get on that plane, before they depart, and quarantine when they arrive in America." -- Biden
I wonder if people care about impeachment, considering that we're in Biden presidency era now?
"He wasnt given a reason for his ban other than a generic hateful conduct email, but no tweets were specified, so he doesnt know what did it" -- @SophNar0747