Lu_lu💘 Profile picture
21 Jan, 74 tweets, 28 min read
Some thoughts on ep. 55 of #Hercai

If you ask for news about me
I have a couple of words to tell u, wholeheartedly:
I will enter the land with ur love,
I will come out of the soil with ur love
~ Ömer H. Siirleri

#Reyyan #Miran #ReyMir #EbruŞahin #AkınAkınözü
Again I need to open my thread with a note.
As I said in my last thread, I don’t approve of Dilsha being alive bcs it brought so much inconsistency into the story as such. But having said that, I can’t deny that I was moved of course by the reunion of mother and son.
Who would not have been? The way Miran is once more abandoned and lonely in front of a closed door. The struggle and begging of being loved really broke my heart. I also liked the actress who plays Dilsha so far.
Her struggle between wanting to believe what was being said to her and then going back into denial was interpreted well. It will be interesting to see how Akin and her can form a credible mother-son duo further in the story.
I think Akin outdid himself in some scenes&especially bcs his acting was so silent and his crying was so silent in some parts and yet so powerful. How he couldn't look at his mother's face when it was the only thing he ever wanted. The silent tears, bravo, Akin!
Of course I also loved Ebru, but the spotlight was on Akin this week.
Have you all seen that also S's reaction at first was disbelieving when she saw D.? She didn’t hug D. back right away… she also had to take in the scent of her child to understand it was really her and that she wasn’t dreaming or that it wasn’t a trick.
This reaction was done realistically not like the one of Aslan and Sultan at the mental hospital.
Sorry, I had to say it again. :)
- Shükran: "I missed the smell of my child"
➡️I love how they added this detail as something Shükran missed from her child. In the last episode it was D. who said I only want to smell my mother.
In all the previous episodes Miran always talked about the smell of his mother. I love that this is something that is shared among all the three characters like a leitmotif.
Have you seen how Zehra followed Dilsha with a black scarf while she was descending the steps? I found this a very interesting detail that was added here. As if D. had not enough problems, on top of everything is Zehra’s lie about Shükran being dead.
The black scarf is Zehra symbolizing a black shadow that is following Dilsha.
I didn’t know how much I needed the trio Reyyan, Firat and Gonül! Give me more of it.
The beginning of bonding btw Azat and Miran: when Miran arrives at the konak, Azat lifts his hands and arms and Miran shortly stops as if he would want to grab his hands. I like though that it’s done subtly and slowly.
Have you all seen that the near kiss between Gonül and Azat was under a tree? Theses two who would make the Aslanbey and Shadoglu’s become related for real and thus the family histories would get miggled by blood too.
- G: “Please Reyyan, stay calm. Miran will need you.”
➡️We have real progress for Gonül here. And I loved the way Reyyan grabbed G.’s hand, although I was very surprised by this gesture.
- Azize: “God leaves for tomorrow, but always punishes. No one will go unpunished.”
➡️Interesting words out of Azize’s mouth… what will be her final punishment?
- R: “No one deserves to die cursed.”
➡️How can Reyyan conserve her pure soul like this?

- R: “Wherever you, go I’ll go with you too. I will not leave you.”😍
R: “You don’t need proof, you need faith. Proof is done with the mind, and faith by the heart, Miran.”
➡️Whoever wrote this line, I love you.
- If D. was alive all this time, who was the corpse the family saw as Dilsha and the corpse that was buried? Isn’t there any kind of wake in Islam too?

- The bodies that were brought to the Aslanbey konak? Are we just going to forget about them like this?
- Will we ever know that the police cop in Istanbul was still lying and that Azize paid him? Why did he say D. was not raped then?

E: “I know u hate Azize, but I know Ayse.”
➡️I'm wondering at which point/age Esma met Azize in the story, as she says she knows Ayse.
- Did I understand it correctly that H. knows that N. and Ayse had a child and that he died in a fire?
- In the flashback we see that A. took D. to the grave during the day with no guards at all? How could she be sure that no one saw her? How could D. not use the moment and try to escape?
Let’s make some character observations:
The way this woman can still humiliate everyone in that konak and nothing bad happens to her amazes me every time.
I am glad Esma did not know about Dilsha being alive.
I could forgive her not having talked earlier as we know her back story now, but I think I could not have forgiven her, if she knew that Dilsha was alive.
I didn't really understand G's feeling towards Azize in this epi. On the one hand she condemns her and on the other she wants to be near A. I think she is very torn apart bcs she feels left alone in all this mess. But at some point she will need to pick a side.
The way he was calm when Dilsha appeared and didn’t have any kind of reaction was funny to me. If you wanted to make it obvious that you knew Dilsha was alive before everyone else: congratulations, u didn't seem surprised at all to see her alive after nearly 30y.
- The way he said what needed to be said to Fusun, I was cheering for him!
- Knows about Miran and Hazar being son and grandson to Azize. So, now not only Reyyan knows but also Firat knows.
I still can’t believe that some fear that this will be the reason that Miran eventually leaves Reyyan. It’s something from the past that is not changing any kind of truth or makes anything any less hurtful and for sure it’s not Reyyan’s duty to tell.
It was selfish and egoistic in the first place that Azize and Nashu told her. And Reyyan clearly said they need to tell them. Moreover, not even 24h passed since Reyyan knows...and something else happened in the meantime.
“My son is dead. He died.”
➡️We know that Miran died apparently at the age of 6 or let’s say not straight away after D.’s shooting but 2-3 years later.
This is the time Azize started her revenge for real&the time she infiltrated hate into M. and in a way that child really started to die, whereas a mother started slowly to die bcs she thought her child is dead… realizing this it was even more difficult to bear for me.
I was asking myself if the flashback we saw in this episode is wrong or if Dilsha was in a coma for 3 years. In the last episode D. asks straight away where Miran is and Azize says he is dead. But in this flashback he seems to have died only later.
For obvious reasons I found it very powerful how this whole scene was shot but what I love the most was the gunshot and the spinning of the camera of 360°. It was the visual representation that all the evil Azize has done was finally out.
The last shot was fired (Dilsha is alive) and with it, everything changes. All her “bad” secrets are out. There is (probably) nothing more to add to her “sin” list. The fact that she is Hazar’s mother is not a bad thing in itself, thus the square moment was really +
the point of no return regarding her bad sins. Where she started her revenge (humiliating&throwing R. out in her wedding dress), she herself confessed everything bad she had done that led up to this revenge. This scene represents truly the point of no return for Azize.
A: “Don't’ you risk your life for me anymore. I deserve to die in this square.”
R: “Dying is not so easy. It’s not that easy. If you really want to be forgiven, you will live. You will pay for your sins. If you can, then you will be forgiven.
If you can’t, you will say that the rest of your days you tried to be a good person. But you won’t die. It’s not that easy. You will not die.”
➡️Azize interpreted that Reyyan was risking her life for her, but I don’t see it that way. Reyyan once more wants her father and her husband not to lose their mother and their grandmother. She once more thinks about the others first.
“I was forced to forget you.”
Azize played with Miran’s and Dilsah’s minds, making them believe that the other one is dead. She even put them in the same grave. How could you woman, how?
The storyline that is the most illogical but I think we got to the scenes we saw bcs Ahmet simply wanted to leave the show.
Tbh though I would have found it much more powerful if Y. offered herself to H. but he would have refused her.
It would have been even more humiliating if he added how he could never love someone like her. The fight could have been built up on this including the shooting. I got very angry at whoever wrote the line: “I will not go back there like Reyyan. Do you understand?”
This girl has been married for a year now. Ofc ppl would think she has intimacy with her husband. And she dares to compare herself to Reyyan who was left in her wedding dress? People can have simply a marriage crisis, you know Yaren! I got so mad at this sentence.
M: “I want her to think of me the same way you think of our baby.”
➡️I got so soft bcs Miran made such a sweet compliment to Reyyan.

Ah, and have I said it: I love ReyMir, there you go, I confessed.

H: “The woman was going to commit suicide bcs u told her her mum was dead.”What made u tell the poor, mentally ill woman her mum is dead? How can u do this to another woman, to another mother?What can happen to us? (...) Are u jealous of a tortured woman,Z?
➡️So, I might write something most of you will not agree with me but Hazar was right in what he told Zehra. Ok, Hazar told Dilsha “I loved you very much” but in the past tense. He didn’t say: “I love you so much now I go home and divorce my wife.”
Zehra committed a great sin already when she made Hazar lie about Miran having pushed him, saying she made him lie for her family/for Reyyan. Back then it had no “life threatening” consequences and it was forgiven bcs Reyyan has a heart that forgives her loved ones.
But here we are talking about someone who is mentally unstable and u with your lie could have made her committ suicide. The woman who told u: “I want to see my mother and visit my dead son’s grave.” And u told this lie for what: for fearing that ur husband leaves u?
Someone who always cared about you and gave shelter to you when you needed it the most? Someone whom you might not have shared the love of a lifetime but who never gave u a moment of doubt about his faithfulness to you? H. and D. are not the ppl they were 25y ago.
And of course H.would help the mother of his son&say things to her like “don’t be afraid, nothing will happen to u,I am here” after the woman was a hostage for 25y. After he saw how much his son is missing his mother&he has the chance to mend his heart by helping her.
Once again we encounter a recurring symbol of stones/rocks. As I already wrote in my thread of episode 45, in our everyday life rocks “represent struggles to overcome and perspectives to be gained.

If u wanna read on the rocks:

Many myths, fables and stories use rocks to symbolize the obstacle a character must overcome to complete their quest.” The rocks as “allegory that represents the unchanging rule of consequences.”
We see A. at the rocks as she goes there to kill herself. She says “u must die today A, the last hope that tied u to life is gone.” Instead of wanting to fix things for real, A. was going to add her death thus her own “tombstone as a rock” to everything she has ever+
+ done =bringing death and misery to other ppl. Instead of taking actions for what she has done and correct them accordingly, she was simply going to do to herself what she did to others: kill herself bcs she hasn’t learned anything from the past yet.But what happens?
Reyyan appears miraculous and says: “You took away too much from us. Revive Ayse. Let Ayse try to fix it in this case. Not for revenge, but in order to return what you took away. (...) They will say what don’t have the right to hurt them.
If you kill my father mother, if you kill Miran’s grandmother, it’s then that you will not be forgiven, Mrs. Azize.”
➡️So, finally it seems that Azize realised that she needs to face the past and only with this she might eventually get absolution.
Which she will never get from me ahahahaha!
I was really deeply impressed by Akin’s acting throughout this episode, the way he was shaking the whole time when Miran was near to his mother, I can’t emphasize it enough. 👏
Have you all seen the way Hazar was looking at ReyMir? When Reyyan said she would not let go of Miran? When Reyyan confronted Miran at the door? It made me think once more how he should not have given up on Dilsha in first place.
The next day he also tells this to Nashu… “I should have come back. I should have asked why the letters stopped coming.”
Miran asked D. if she ever saw his grave, how she could believe that he was dead.
➡️I loved that M. asked about this specific detail. It’s what I personally accuse Nashu of in all this “Ayse is dead” mess. How could he believe Gül hanim.
How did he not ask for her grave, where something in her memory was built… also if her ashes were all over the land.
M: “My mother does not call me son.”
I bet everything that Azize was saying to herself: “My son does not call me mother.”
Ama, Karma is a b*** Azize.😎
Azize off voice: “I destroyed you with my own hands.”
➡️I got chills bcs it was so similar to Miran’s off voice in Urfa “I destroyed us with my own hands.”
➡️What can I say, although I hate Azize so much, I loved Azize’s monologue and when she said “son, my child, my son” looking at Hazar.
And of course all this is owed to Ayda’s phenomenal acting.
R: “Look, you can see that she’s sorry.”
H: “Daughter, what are you talking about… What has this woman done to you? Why do you say that, Reyyan? (...) I will never forgive you Azize Aslanbey.
I ask the lord to make you experience much more terrible things than you did.
➡️ I liked this scene bcs Hazar was talking specifically about what Azize did to REYYAN.
He did not say to: us, me, Dilsha or Miran. He said “What this woman has done to you.”
So, he knows that Harun died but he did not help him and let him die peacefully somewhere in the pampa with the wild animals around? Guess someone is in trouble here.
I don’t know how you all felt about this episode but for me it was really like a circle that was closed in a way bcs every hurtful secret for ReyMir is out:
- Miran knows everything about his past (his grandmother, his father, his mother)
- Reyyan knows about her biological father
Plus we have:
- All secrets of Azize are exposed (only her being Ayse to Miran and Hazar is missing) but this can’t harm them in a way, make them mad yes, but not harm.
- Yaren has committed a crime and she will hopefully pay for it

- Fusun who has lost her son, so her anger will be at max

I think an exciting new episode a new "ReyMir era" is waiting for us. And I can't wait for pazar to see their beauty.
So, See you all on Sunday and thanks for reading.💜🦋

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15 Jan
Some thoughts on episode 54 of #Hercai

If you ever cross the distance and come to me, come with love that blooms in your heart.
~ Şems-i Tebrizi

#Reyyan #Miran #ReyMir #EbruŞahin #AkınAkınözü
#HercaiThoughts Image
I have to make a note before writing about this episode. I was the person (still am) who thinks that bringing back D. was a bad idea. I repeat it that for me the writing of S1 and S2 is like tossed into the bin with that plot evolution, but they had to invent something+
+ to be able to continue to prolong the general story after Aslan’s story did not work out. All the suffering of M., all the crying seems for “nothing” for two seasons and we viewers are also kind of fed up in seeing him cry all the time when with the upcoming episodes+
Read 80 tweets
14 Jan
So, I am late but I need to say two or three things.
Ppl who follow me know I was against D’s resurrection plot because like this S1 and S2 were written for nothing. But Dilsha is here and I read comments about Miran being a crying baby +
#Hercai #ReyMir

+which is true but the problem here is that he cried too much for her loss in S1&S2, thus we are kind of fed up. But now comes my famous BUT:
This man just discovered that his dead thought mother is alive. The woman he in first place took revenge for bc she was+
#Hercai #ReyMir
+ apparently raped (lie) and killed (lie). The man who was mentally abused for 27y by his grandmother and who nearly drove him crazy. Miran lived so many moments of abandonment and loss and for what: for a big, fat overall LIE. +
#Hercai #ReyMir
Read 12 tweets
29 Dec 20
Some thoughts on episode 53 of #Hercai

Love,that is not real,has no passion. Its fire turns into embers, it doesn’t not smell. The day, the night, the moon&year burn without sun, light, comfort&sleep.
Ömer Hayyam

#Reyyan #Miran #ReyMir #EbruŞahin #AkınAkınözü
The praise in this episode goes foremost to Ebru because she portrayed Reyyan so realistically like a woman who truly lost her unborn child. I was in awe and pain watching her along the episode, all her breakdowns and tears were so real.
Of course also Akın took his part and did his part masterfully, but he rightfully was the one who stood aside in this specific episode that needed to be about Reyyan’s pain and thus concentrated on Ebru.
Read 85 tweets
21 Dec 20
Hi everyone
This is going to be a thread that is different from all the other threads I wrote so far. I thought for a long time if or not to write about it, but in the end I cannot shut up. This is not a happy thread, so if u are not in a good mood, skip this one.
I can't hide with what kind of disappointment ep. 52 left me on Friday night. It was not only because of the HUGE ReyMir mistake that was done, but also because of many other illogical, incoherent and inconsistent writing mistakes that were committed especially in this+
Read 45 tweets
14 Dec 20
Some thoughts on episode 51 of #Hercai

“It’s easier to pull mountains from one place to another than to unite hearts.
~ Ibn Khaldun-Muqaddim

#Reyyan #Miran #ReyMir #EbruŞahin #AkınAkınözü

First of all I want to say thank you because from week to week more ppl seem to read my thread. I remember when I started and it had barely 10 likes and no comments.
So thank you very much to each one of you who read it all, only part of it and also the ones who give up after three tweets.😂
Read 103 tweets
13 Dec 20
I agree with every word. Killing one of the babies makes no sense bc it would make the innocent ones always pay for sins they didn’t commit while the evil ones are never punished. I see the “killing” of the babies/baby like the ones that say there won’t be a happy end+
if in the end ReyMir are apart, what is the message of this dizi? I wrote a long rand about this already!!! One of the very first sentence of the dizi is “Always believe in miracles” would be written for the bin and messed around with the audience big time. +
If they need to add drama, let R. be brought to the hospital and let her have a break down and tell M. she was so afraid because she was pregnant before and she lost their first child in the accident when she left the hut. That is also drama, but NOT this child/children. #Hercai
Read 4 tweets

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