Tucker Carlson's Monologue On Biden's Radical Immigration Agenda
"So the message is clear: if you break our laws to get here & commit violent felonies once you arrive, sometimes against American citizens, Joe Biden will reward you with blanket amnesty."
Tucker Carlson On Cesar Chavez's Actual Views On Immigration
"The real Cesar Chavez passionately hated illegal immigration. He said so all the time. He never stopped saying it. Immigration lowers the wages of American workers, that's the whole point of it of course."
Tucker Carlson: "The Biden Administration's immigration plan is not designed to improve the United States of America. It's not intended to make Americans happier or richer or more secure or more united."
"President Joe Biden has put a bust of Cesar Chavez in the Oval Office, even though Chavez was a militant opponent of Biden’s cheap labor migration policies." -@NeilMunroDC breitbart.com/economy/2021/0…
“Chavez, founder of the United Farm Workers union, was a fierce opponent of illegal immigration and supporter of tight border controls,” wrote @MarkSKrikorian, director of the @CIS_org. breitbart.com/economy/2021/0…
"Setting aside the Democratic Party's broken promises of hope and change, its policies maintain one concrete constant: electoral power through demography. Immigration overwhelmingly favors Democrats." -@emeriticus newsweek.com/immigration-po…
“Amnesty begets amnesty. Immigration anarchy breeds more anarchy. Sanctioned lawlessness spawns ever more militant, entitled outlaws.”- @michellemalkin in Open Borders Inc.
“Thanks to mass immigration, America has experienced greater demographic change in the last few decades than any other country in history has undergone during peacetime. Our elites relentlessly celebrate those changes, but their very scale destabilizes our society”-Tucker Carlson
“Either the Republican Party puts an end to mass immigration, or mass immigration will put an end to the Republican Party.” -@PatrickBuchanan in Suicide of a Superpower
Keep an eye on Marco Rubio during this Biden Amnesty push. He has a history of being terrible on immigration.
A great piece from 2015 by @michellemalkin: Open-Borders Money Backs Marco Rubio
.@AOC wants to expel Sen. @HawleyMO, one of the few Senators who actually wants to get the American people $2k checks, over a completely constitutional vote he made.
AOC does these stunts to distract the Populist Left from the fact that she's sold out to Dem leadership.
The DC Swamp Gets Their Political Stunt, Then Abandons Our Troops
"'I’ve never in my entire career felt like I’ve been booted onto the curb and told, Figure it out on your own,' said one of the soldiers, who said he served in Iraq and Afghanistan." washingtonpost.com/national-secur…
Bruh WTF
"One portable toilet used by soldiers was overflowing onto the sidewalk, a photo obtained by The Post shows." washingtonpost.com/national-secur…
"The group was forced to rest in a nearby parking garage without internet reception, with just one electrical outlet, and one bathroom with two stalls for 5,000 troops, the person said. Temperatures in Washington were in the low 40s by nightfall." politico.com/news/2021/01/2…
Tucker Carlson & @ggreenwald On The New Domestic War On Terror
Glenn: "There are bills pending by Adam Schiff that would simply take the existing War on Terror legislation always aimed at foreign govts & foreign actors & simply amend it to say we can now do that within the U.S."
"Liberals have spent so many years now in a tight alliance with neocons and the CIA that they are making the 2002 version of John Ashcroft look like the President of the (old-school) ACLU." -@ggreenwald greenwald.substack.com/p/the-new-dome…
“Twitter doesn't want me expressing my opinions 24 hours before inauguration. No reason given, but of course we know the reason. If you're on Twitter, spread the word. Thanks.” -@michellemalkin