Reiskin says that the Development Service Fund, which staffs the Planning and Building Dept, is being focused on, but there are delays in "throughput"
Gallo: we've been reducing services to City for years, especially in Parks and Rec and libraries.
Doing a quick u-turn on everything he just said, Gallo says Public Safety is still the number one priority, mentions now well-known violence issues. He also brings up increases in human trafficking and sideshows.
Quick descent into Gallismos.
Fife asks whether they're in a declared fiscal emergency. Reiskin says they are, quickly corrected by Kaplan, they haven't. Reiskin says he's not proposing using emergency reserve and if they don't close with cuts, they would be using reserve
Fife asks whether they're in a fiscal emergency and Reiskin says Council didn't declare one. He also contradicts previous statement, where he said they'd be using the emergency reserve without cuts. It's not true, they'd have to vote for a fiscal emergency to use reserve legally.
They've closed the discussion on the budget reportback.
One of the items they are continuing to the March finance meeting is a 10 day Council Member pay cut for the remainder of the fiscal year. Kalb strenuously objected to continuing, and said it would look back if they waited.
Caller during open forum says she's appreciative of CM Fife's questions and that it helps the public understand. She says "Most of us don't always know what's happening, including some of you."
The meeting adjourned. Not may budget questions affirmatively answered to be honest.
Thread: 1/25 Finance Committee. 1st Finance Committee of year; members Bas, Thao, Reid, and Kaplan, Committee Chair. On agenda: accepting 10 million in unanticipated funds from Coliseum, report back on budget deficits by City, legislation to appropriate funding for OFD #oakmtg
A procedural motion to covene as a full mtg. That has to be done whenever there's more than 4 council members present at a mtg, even if just speaking, due to Brown Act. At least Kalb will speak at this mtg, tho not on the committee
At Public Comment, Michael Patterson, electrician with City who maintains street lights and signals: We cant have cuts to staff and that not affect services. We've talked to the City at looking at other ways to save money but met with same answers about concessions right away
Not surprising, but the candid Finance Reports that centered this era's budget overages on historic OPD spending is over. Back to vague and misleading references to expenditures, "public safety" instead of OPD [OFD was under budget] and also blaming the expenditures on Covid.
Another example. OFD's overtime expenditures are on budget, but OPD's are catastrophically out of control. While cutting from both is a budget savings, cutting from police only reduces the overage, not the budget. Their budget remains intact and still probably 15 mil over
I read this as foreshadowing that the OPD controls won't actually happen, as well [which was alluded to in the previous finance report]. While Reiskin is also setting up the Council to take the fall for that if they tinker at all with his budget fiats.
Oakland City Council meeting 1/19/2021 has begun. #oakmtg This is the thread:
CM President Bas announces that CMs will get a two minute clock during the meeting [though not strictly held at two minutes. There's a max in Council rules of 10 minutes]
Kaplan talks about Coliseum JPA meeting [she's a recent appointee]. Coliseum will potentially be used as a large scale vaccination site. She also says JPA identified $10 mil of dollars that can be returned to City of Oakland. She says it can be used to bridge budget deficit
New Council members Treva Reid and Carroll Fife were just counted in their first Council roll call, 1/12/2021 #oakmtg
In opening remarks, newly appointed Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas observes the Capitol assault of last week, also clarifies that despite vaguely described misinformation, the EMP is not on the agenda, rather only alternatives for shelter during a camp eviction #oakmtg
Bas already marking a distinct style from preceding Presidents as she explained the map of the agenda, and says that she observes rule that no CM can speak longer than 10 minutes on any item, and will ask Clerk to run the 2 minute clock for Council comments.
The latest Covid Cares Act update from City doesn't seem to recognize extra time allowed by new act. Particularly, cash meant for East Oakland's wi-fi is still going back to general fund, through the OFD, and supposedly to be drawn out at some future point to complete the project
Some expenses here are worth noting: 120k for advertising. As we know, some of this went for billboards to taunt ESO residents about wi fi they may never get. Then the outside project management getting 270k, while they basically blew completion of more than half the project
Assuming CARES expenditure report is accurate--and that's a big assumption--City only spent about 20 million of the 36 million fund on intended grants, finding ways to recycle about 15 mil back into GPF so as to not lose the $$. Brings up question of wth it just wasn't a grant.
Light coverage of the ad hoc committee on Militarized Equipment. Specifically now creating a use policy for the Bearcat and other Armored Vehicles
Several community members don't actually want a Bearcat, at all. The OPD did not have a cogent policy for Bearcat or Armored Suburban last year when the Council denied their request to use grants to buy a new one, Council asked them to come up with one with Police Commission
A local encounter with the Bearcat from this Summer, not to far from where I live.