1. Had a great conversation with @dvassallo about the self-employment journey including managing uncertainty, optimizing for life over money, small bets and serendipity, and what keeps him motivated
Amazing to hear so many overlaps on a similar journey
"Everything was going well and getting better. But despite all this, my motivation to go to work each morning was decreasing — almost in an inverse trend to my career and income growth."
3. How he negotiated a 25% contract job at @gumroad
"I love Gumroad, I enjoy product scoping and strategy, and I think I can take over your PM tasks. I would only be able to dedicate around 2hrs/day on average, but I’d be available daily."
1/ Starting a thread of bold promises from company career pages. Culture PR has gotten out of hand in the last 20 years. I don't think people realize how much its shaped the general expectations towards work.
1st example, Facebook: "do the most meaningful work of your career"
2/ McKinsey's promise of fitting your "career into your calling" is about as promising as it gets.
All for more good places to live in the US but maybe also time to consider a nice creator town in Hualien, Taiwan.
all with 200MB/s
With angie applying for the green card we do intend to move back to the US but we struggle so much in trying to think about where to live. All the interesting towns are NIMBY/expensive and built around high-wage salary work norms.
1/ Meant to get around to a review of @AliAbdaal's course which I took in November. I know it was the first cohort so I'm sure the next iteration will be even better.
2/ Funny enough I found out about Ali an hour before him and his brother interviewed me for Not Overthinking. I had been chatting with @taimurabdaal for a while but when I googled and was like "wtf almost 1M YouTube subscribers?" who is this dude.
3/ Anyway on to the course. I signed up because my StrategyU YouTube channel blew up in 2020 going from 500 subscribers to ~9,000 but the time of this tweet. I made about $2,000 but honestly had no idea what I was doing.
To succeed in an above average way in today's world requires an ability to hack through complexity, policies, rules, and gatekeepers. This is grueling work and probably fuels some of what people describe as burnout.
Utopia of rules as david graeber said.
I'm not only talking about running a business, I'm talking about just day to day stuff. We've added a tech stack to an already complex layer of actions in the world and the failure potential has just increased.
Graeber called this the age of “total bureaucratization" and said humans are always fighting this:
"Freedom, then, really is the tension of the free play of human creativity against the rules it is constantly generating."
1/ A thread of some of my the ideas that I keep coming back to. Will likely add to this over time. Trying to make sense of some of the things I keep coming back to.
2/ Beware of the default path
Blindly following the default paths in today's world in both life and work will lead many people down a road of guaranteed misery. You need to be able to do a bit of tinkering and build the courage to blow it up if needed
3/ Accidental meaning
A period from 1945-2000s coincided with economic growth in many places around the world that aligned with a certain way of living life that happened to work for many. Now people mistake full-time jobs for the reason why that happened and end up lost