Despite this, Harper insists that ‘meaningful competition’ can be achieved.
She doesn’t define ‘meaningful competition’, let alone outline how it can be achieved.
Harper does spend time arguing about language (use of ‘male’ is ‘inaccurate’, apparently) and over which distances hurdles are run (the moderator accidentally speculated on a 200mh race....)
Having decided to be very open about retained musculoskeletal advantage, Harper’s argument is thus: 1. No systematic domination, small effect on female sports
2. Reduced CV capacity means less retained advantage in endurance sports. Cites her own unpublished data in precisely no detail.
Amusingly, wields June Eastwood as proof of no retained advantage in distance running, despite having extensively chided Linda for using individuals to make a point 🤪
3. But anyway, apparently ‘we can have not an entirely level playing field but certainly one in which there is meaningful competition.’
Which is?
But Harper loves Title IX. Argues that Biden EO is a mandate for general inclusion, not specific conditions of inclusion. And thinks the current rules at college/higher level - T suppression - won’t change.
(Earlier, Harper showed unquestioning faith in NCAA testing policy)
Are these the rules that do not remove male advantage...
And is Harper ignoring the issue of selfID at high school level...
Post-transition, age 43-47 years old and again in the US Open, Richards made five singles appearances and once proceeded to third round, once proceeded to second round.
In that same period, Richards also made four doubles appearances (once proceeded to final, twice proceeded to third round, once proceeded to second round) and three mixed doubles appearances (once proceeded to semi-final, once proceeded to third round).
‘...and in many organisms, these two strategies are distributed among individuals in a population in a variety of ways.’
‘What we tend to think of as the sexes arose from this isogamous state during the evolution of anisogamy (from Greek aniso‐ “unequal”), where the emerging male and female sexual strategies involve, by definition, the production of many small or few large gametes, respectively.’
"He remembered going into the Women’s Place from when he was very small. Around about the time he was seven or eight he started to be unwelcome there. Women shoo’d him away, or stopped what they were doing.
"The Women’s Place became like the moon; he knew where it was but didn’t even think about going there.
"The Women's Place, a round bowl of a valley full of sunlight. The gardens of the women grew the things that made living enjoyable, possible and longer: spices, fruits and chewing roots. They dug up or traded plants.
‘Human sex is an observable, immutable, and important biological classification; it is a fundamental characteristic of our species, foundational to many biology disciplines, and a major differentiator in medical/health outcomes.’
‘Public discourse around sex increasingly seeks to deny basic facts of human biology.’
2. Favours training difference to explain retained running advantage, yet argues that the (artefact-riddled, suboptimal) tests of muscular endurance are valid.
A reminder that transmen far surpassed male performance in these muscular endurance tests. Is she saying that transmen would be better than males at team sports?