I have had a bunch of people ask me... 1. How have you written so much? 2. How do you come up with ideas? 3. How do you write so much in so little time?
In this thread, I'll answer those questions
1/ How have you written so much?
I dropped all constraints.
Anything that was prohibiting me from getting words on the page, I dropped.
1. Planned to write about a topic? I didn't want to write about it? DROPPED
2. Spending too much time w my notetaking system? DROPPED
2/ How do you come up with ideas?
It comes down to a few things: 1. resources 2. conversations.
3/ Ideas from resources
Most of my ideas come from things I have consumed
Here's the trick, CONSUME LESS:
1. Be conscious of what you consume. 2. Too much consumption clouds your brain. 3. Focus on resources you are interested in 4. Leverage resources until your dry of ideas
Ideas from conversations
There is nothing more invigorating for me than talking to someone about what they are building. I love it.
The best part is that I come out of these conversations with a LITANY of ideas.
5/ The most IMPORTANT part of coming up with ideas...
You can consume a ton
You can have a ton of conversations
Coming up with ideas is only as good as your ability to capture them.
Capture ideas by developing a notetaking system that works for you.
Here's how👇
6/ Your notetaking system doesn't have to be crazy, but it has to be something that works.
For me, it's a Moleskine notebook and the Drafts app on my phone.
One trick with notetaking apps?
7/ The purpose of a notetaking app is to
Once you find yourself spending too much time in a notetaking app, cut it.
8/ Another effective way to come up with ideas is to create a flywheel.
A flywheel is a framework to help you understand
1. Where ideas come from 2. How to capture them 3. How to write about them 4. How to distribute them