New: We obtained complaints the Commerce Department’s Office of the Inspector General received about fraud, waste, & abuse related to the enumeration of the Census.…
On September 30, 2020, a confidential complainant stated that while upper-class areas had been heavily enumerated, the [redacted] have been ignored.
The complainant also noted that when entering a survey for an individual that identifies as Hispanic or Latino, enumerators are directed to a second page that asks questions regarding immigration status and place of origin.
In November, an individual filed a complaint that “their [redacted] repeatedly told them to falsify census data repeatedly as operations were winding down, so that office could complete more cases...
”The complainant was told answers at an address they should say that one person lives there and mark the respondent did not want to answer any other questions.”
In another complaint from Sept. 2020, a confidential complainant stated that [redacted] instructed enumerators to submit guesses for the number of residents in a unit to close out cases. They state this would be fraudulently closing cases.
These complaints provide more detail on many issues with the 2020 census that have been previously reported.
In September 2020, the USPS sent American households a mailer with instructions for requesting vote-by-mail ballots, but the information was inaccurate in many states.
Records we obtained show some state officials were “absolutely apoplectic” about the mailer.
The mailers told voters to "request your mail in ballot... at least 15 days before Election Day." But that’s inaccurate for Americans living in the nine states and District of Columbia that automatically mail ballots to registered voters.…
Colorado Sec. of State Jena Griswold sued USPS, arguing the mailer attempted to disenfranchise voters with misleading information. We asked the Colorado State Dept. for emails with USPS in anticipation of widespread use of mail-in ballots in the election.…
A new DOJ IG report on how top officials (including Sessions) drove family separation mentions the involvement of DOJ lawyer Gene Hamilton. Records we obtained show his communications with Stephen Miller, including at the time the policy was in full gear.…
The DOJ inspector general report found that top DOJ officials, including former AG Sessions, were a “driving force” behind the policy, which was aggressively pushed by the White House.…
Documents we uncovered through a #FOIA lawsuit reveal frequent contact between Miller and Hamilton throughout early 2018, when the U.S. government was systematically separating families at the border.…
Immigrants detained by DHS often endure overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, cold temperatures, and inadequate medical care. The public deserves a full accounting of the state of immigration detention from the DHS Office of the Immigration Detention Ombudsman.
Former DOE Sec. Rick Perry's role as one of the Trump administration's "three amigos" in charge of Ukraine policy put a spotlight on his dealings with that country's government.
We've been investigating Perry's contacts with Ukrainian officials and obtained more records.
Among other things, we uncovered a June 2019 email from Perry’s chief of staff to SpaceX, trying to arrange a call between Ukrainian President Zelensky and Elon Musk.…
”The purpose of the call is for Zelensky to let Mr. Musk know that...he is working to improve the business and legal environment there in the hopes that private sector innovators like Mr. Musk may someday consider Ukraine a place they seek to engage,” Brian McCormack wrote.
Today, along with @accountable_us, we launched the Campaign Against Corporate Complicity, to demand companies fully vet former Trump officials who are entering the private sector.…
We’ve obtained and published tens of thousands of records from the Trump administration — and we encourage corporations to use these documents to check on potential hires’ roles in the Trump administration.…
The scramble to cancel political donations in the wake of January 6 shows corporate America clearly recognizes that values statements are meaningless without action.
New: Along with @accountable_us, we launched the Campaign Against Corporate Complicity, to call on companies to fully vet any former Trump administration officials who seek refuge in corporate America.
Donald Trump amassed a record of cruelty, ineptitude, and unprecedented harm to public health and national security, but he did not do it alone. Trump's abuses were aided and implemented by scores of individuals who leave behind them a paper trail of complicity.
As the architects of family separation and Trump's assault on our democracy go looking to reinvent their resumes, America's business leaders must live up to their values — and the public will be watching closely.