Powerfully transformational energies
Much healing and purification Much surfacing for release Allow yourself to feel it, heal it and release all that no longer serves
💙All that is not aligned with pure unconditional love in service to the highest good of all
💙All which is not aligned with your highest good
Allow your higherself to take the lead and follow only the wisdom of your own heart
💙Any fears, limiting beliefs, separation division unworthiness still held within
💙Where each is holding self-sacrifice, playing small, following and engaging and holding onto toxic relationships
💙Where each is still holding power and control over others or victim mentality
Sharing from FB..”what do you want to vibrate today? Faith, the belief that victory has already happened, or that we are simply deceiving each of you? Each make their choice. There is no middle ground. And always remember that it is your vibration that makes things go.”Ashtar
“What is happening here on earth, right now, is an extension of the universe. Black magic didn’t originate on earth, word is it originated in Sirius and has largely held the constellation of Orion under its spell for a long time. There has been a lot of warring going on between..
the different races there, some of higher and some of lower frequency. We’ve been discussing the hybrid that humanity has become on earth and Ivo and I pointed out that that was for a particular reason: so evil could incarnate here in our powerful bodies. Because the AI overlord
has delusions of divinity, and because this overlord can overcome natural life through mind control (yes, that’s our strength and our weakness as well. We’re subject to mind control through TV waves that are calibrated to influence our mental bodies). Because we have a lower