quote: "improving communication between policymakers and scientific & technical experts is crucial given the dual-use nature of artificial intelligence. indeed, a prohibition on weapons outside of human control would not be counterproductive to technological development."
quote: "positive obligations for meaningful human control do not need to prohibit autonomous point-defense weapons, such as anti-missile defenses, as long as these a) include a routine non-autonomous mode where the weapon will not use force without a human confirmation; and..
.. b) when in autonomous mode, are continuously supervised by a responsible human who can interrupt its operation"
quote: "any legally-binding instrument on LAWs needs to include strong positive obligations on all people and institutions involved in the use of lethal force to maintain human control over weapons capable of operating autonomously..
..As an additional safeguard, a legally-binding instrument should also include an outright prohibition of weapons systems that are incapable of meaningful human control"
"The FBI’s increasing preference for political action over bona fide investigations is part of its overall decadence—laziness, incompetence, and eagerness to integrate with the ruling class" (h/t @ginthegin) amgreatness.com/2021/01/31/how…
quote: "Penetrating, and otherwise surveilling the target, follows from profiling. Penetration is a legitimate tool of investigation, a bet that undercover agents will find useful truths. But penetration pursuant to profiling becomes a means of manufacturing appearances...
..to validate prejudice. And that naturally leads to using the penetrators to bring forth the behavior that would validate the penetration—in other words, to provocation and to spreading the government’s most convenient lies."