Washington DC live cam. On the Capitol building people are saying there’s a POW flag. I’m finding it a bit difficult to tell. Will have to wait til the morning.
There are Five Uses of Intelligence:
There is Local Intelligence;
There is Inside Intelligence;
There is Counterintelligence;
There is Deadly Intelligence;
There is Secure Intelligence.
When the Five Intelligences all occur together
And none know of the method,
This is called the Divine Web.
It is the treasure of the Ruler.
Local Intelligence is Using natives to show the way.
Inside Intelligence is Using others’ officials to show the way.
Counterintelligence is Using the opponent’s Intelligence to show the way.
Deadly Intelligence is Working to deceive outwardly.
We knowingly direct the Intelligence and pass it on to the opponent.
The location we take to initiate a challenge must not be made known.
When opponents do not know our location,
They must prepare in many places.
When opponents must prepare in many places,
There will be few at the location where we initiate a challenge.
Hence, when the front is prepared, there are fewer in back.
When the back is prepared, there are fewer in front.
When the left is prepared, there are fewer on the right.
When the right is prepared, there are fewer on the left.
When every location is prepared, every location will have fewer in place.
Those who are fewer are those who prepare against others.
Those who are numerous are those who make others prepare against them.
Among Strategies,
There are those that result in Flight,
Those that result in Insubordination,
Those that result in Collapse,
Those that result in Disintegration,
Those that result in Disorder,
Those that result in Desertion.
Generally, these Six come not from natural catastrophes,
But from the mistakes of leaders.
Flight means:
Other conditions being equal, one confronts another ten times more powerful.
Insubordination means:
The team is strong and the officers are weak.
Collapse means:
The officers are strong and the team is weak.
Disintegration means:
The senior officers are angry and defiant.
They meet the opponent hatefully and challenge on their own behalf,
Without the knowledge of the leader.
It is about the work of Rory Duff over a no of years. Duff a geologist worked for oil & mining companies. Working in South Africa he learned to dowse for water to help farmers drill & find water on their land. It led along paths to The Grail & beyond.
You can read about his work in his books & videos roryduff.com/videos/
This 👇is 1st book in the series. I urge everyone to get hold of a copy. It is likely to be life-changing. I am going to attempt to Twitterise his findings to encourage you to explore this subject further.
It ties in with my threads on the ancient geo-matrix based on the Great Pyramid at Giza
I’ve been looking at some specific terms used by Q. In particular this morning I’ve been looking at Snow White and what else she is, apart from a computer. But then looking at Q142 I didn’t think I’d seen any answers to the questions about the Hindenburg crash.