Should sedition be tax deductible and directly benefit a crime family? Probably not but it does.…
It appears that money was raised specifically to thwart the democratic process for all voters and that money was diverted to people and groups who planned a violent attack to disrupt the counting of electoral college votes and harm elected and hired govt officials.
The entire mechanism can be traced directly to the former President of the United States who had serious legal and criminal liability if he was not re-elected and protected by his office. Other dubious projects were desperately put in place to enrich and reward minions.
I am hearing stories of a few people who travel catching Covid twice. In different countries. They describe their first bout as mild and the second worse. Months later. Rare but real. Curious if hard data exists on this.…
“It's not known if people who have only mild symptoms, or none at all, will develop a sufficient adaptive immune response.”…
I had a very mild set of symptoms. Almost asymptomatic but there may be a tipping point for “what does not kill you makes you stronger”. The infection rate is high partly because so may people don’t know they are carriers.
let's cut away to the famous scientific research magazine: "Cosmo" for some in depth color commentary.…
It's the usual double standard. A man who attracts sexual partners is considered attractive. Kennedy comes to mind. Females are castigated for the same thing. Although it appears the pierced tongue or belly button record has not been broken the halls of congress yet. #Diversity.
Signal is the gold standard but with all the quality problems these days good ole FaceTime Audio or Skype tends to be the go to for long distance calls. If you are using an electronic device to plan a crime or do bad things. Can't help you.…
Wickr is the creepy one with developer's stories about direct links to Russia, the UAE and Erik Prince but for some ungodly reason used by our military and for comms by small SOF groups. WhatsApp/Facebook is the KSA/UAE/Israeli's favorite hacking target.…
One must ask in a world of back doors and 100% surveillance why do we think there are secrets? Imagine an app that turned your caveman texts into iambic pentameter? We should focus on quality of communications not hiding communications. Oh wait that capitol insurrection thing.
Dave Troy is running some meaty threads about where all the fuckerists came from, what part of the con they run and why they just can't quit the grift.
This thread is dead on. It is missing much of the ground intel but the Gang That Couldn't Grift Straight was running out of time and had to cash some checks. I don't think the Biden Administration will ever get their head around the RICO presidency.
RICO allow the prosecution of syndicate heads to be tried for the crimes they ordered others to do or assisted them in doing. There are proxies and cutout galore in the #45Mob. From Abu Dhabi to Kiev to DC the goal was to hold on to power and get rich.…
The fuckery continues as dark money creates fake astroturf events for assholes to deliver sound bites....and the media keeps gobbling it up. Again. Some days I don’t know who is stupider or more dishonest.…
The lack of critical analysis by the media is impressive:
“One estimate from a Wyoming Highway Patrol officer guessed the crowd at nearly 800 people. Numerous vehicles with Colorado plates were seen parked along the streets near the Capitol.”…
“both Lewandowski and Trump "share a love for the attention-getting stunt.”
So why not cover this organizes and paid stunt as exactly that?
“It was like he was created to be recruited,” said Shvets. “Everybody has weaknesses. But with Trump, it wasn’t just weakness. Everything was excessive. His vanity—excessive. Narcissism—excessive. Greed—excessive. Ignorance—excessive.”
“There was another key aspect to Trump’s trip to Moscow that has been widely overlooked by the press: As soon as he returned to New York, Donald Trump decided to make a highly improbable, quixotic, and, as it turned out, short-lived run for the presidency in the 1988 primaries”