Short about $120M and then will pay it back in December 2021. We have excellent professional financial contracts in place. We are aiming to do this at the end of February and closing on March 9th #BoardWatch
PC: Want to reiterate the fact that the deferred payment from the states will cost $200,000 in an already deficit year. The state budget is bigger than anticipated and is giving out educational funding in terms of incentives. Can we push back these deferrals? #BoardWatch
Open up to commissioners for questions and discussion #BoardWatch
Important to look ahead at fiscal year 2021-2022. Want to make sure resources are ready for opening and hybrid program. These are placeholder numbers, besides the Easter #2 stimulus package. Need to figure out how to make these expenditures work #BoardWatch
The federal stimulus package is a real win. Anticipating $43M overall. How much of that goes into funding reopening and additional costs that would not be seen in other years #BoardWatch
Need for additional custodial staff, teachers for smaller classes, ventilation, outdoor classroom materials, student nutrition staff, things like that. Ongoing need for hotspots, materials, chrome books, translation services. Inflated costs for this coming year #BoardWatch
The last item is learning recovery. Hoping to bring in $39M from the governor proposal. New source of funds and would go to a new use. This is just a snapshot of a full year under face to face and hybrid learning #BoardWatch
Reemphasize the need for many different funding sources #BoardWatch
This talks a bit more about the learning recovery funding #BoardWatch
@myongleigh wants to remind people that there are many different factors and everything is subject to change #BoardWatch
Everything is moving as we speak. There are many questions so did not want to not show anything but at the end of June, the numbers and the amounts will look different #BoardWatch
Going into public comment on school reopening #BoardWatch
PC: Thank you for this update. Advocacy chair for CAC. Very interested in that $39.8M and it had no details yet because not allocated yet. Who is going to decide how that is spent? Especially considering students w/ disabilities and IEPs are named in those funds. Request a seat
PC: Wanted to ask publicly that these documents be shared ahead of meetings. The budget meeting materials are especially dense and it's hard to give them a read when they are posted under 24 hours before hand. Echo previous comments and who will decide how it is spent #BoardWatch
Cont Previous PC: Is this pot of funding the one contingent on in person learning? This is not your funding but it's frustrating to see how this is just plugging gaps. There's a portion where it says a hybrid model might mean budget cuts or cuts to school sites. Encourage support
Commissioner @marksanchezsf people have said at other meetings about posting agenda items in a timely fashion, can we get some clarity on that? #BoardWatch
Try to ensure there are not delays in the future in based on one item not being ready to be posted #BoardWatch
The latest stimulus out of Washington is not in this plan because unclear what it will look like #BoardWatch
Commissioner @mattalexandersf Things are not rosy but maybe think through what it would be like if we did have more money. Would like a range of scenarios to see what could be the best scenario #BoardWatch
Commissioner @jennyhlam appreciates that but wants to point out that we need to tackle that structural deficit #BoardWatch
Can you explain a bit more about the assumptions with the hybrid schedule? #BoardWatch
In any scenario with returning to in-person learning, especially w/ some students returning this spring, in any of these scenarios with the fall we are not currently assuming that students will be vaccinated in time for next school year #BoardWatch
A lot of these costs are still relevant for next year, when ever we return to in-person learning. Many of these costs would still apply because we are not assuming students will be vaccinated #BoardWatch
Would things like testing costs or health screenings would still go into the fall? #BoardWatch
Yes, those will still be happening with testing and health screening costs for the fall. It is an approximate number right now but hoping to learn more through this year #BoardWatch
Moving into information item #4 so looking more at the 2021-2022 budget developments and zero-based budgeting. Here are the slides…#BoardWatch
Not proposing reductions to school sites but to centrally budgeted functions and centrally allocated supports. How do we prioritize reductions? #BoardWatch
Even with those reductions there are still deficits. That is where the Biden Stimulus $ might make a difference. Not proposing reductions to school sites #BoardWatch
Putting funds directly into school sites is #1 #BoardWatch
Looking at a $4M reduction to centrally allocated supports to allow for site autonomy. One of the driving factors is wanting all decisions to be framed in zero-based budgeting. Thinking about the support it gets to a site. Want to build a budget that aligns to our priorities
This is a picture of what we are trying to get to with zero-based budgeting. First presented about this in October, decided on this approach to make sure reduction decisions align with our priorities. Can connect our decisions to outcomes #BoardWatch
Going into public comment, each person gets 90 seconds #BoardWatch
PC: Wants to clarify which foot we are talking about. Are we in for this year or for next year? Comments hinge on a budget that chips away at resources that sites depend on. If you could confirm that would be helpful. Generally want to ask that this committee...
Want transparency to drive this process like your school sites will experience serious cuts #BoardWatch
PC: Ann Marie and Megan you are rocks tars. Have question about why special education falls into central supports. As title 1 as federal $ so is special ed. Specifically allocated in that regard, not much site flexibility. When we talk about the tiers...
Cont Previous Cont: Happy you pointed out that 80% is for staff. People have to be well trained. We do not have the expertise to understand the compliance mandates that can lead to law suits. These laws are in place so we can do right by our kids. Priority for CAC for support
To clarify around frozen budgets. There was no dip in any school sites from this previous year but going into 2021-2022 the approach would see no reductions to weighted student funding #BoardWatch
Teachers and principals not involved with zero-based budgeting process done at the central office this past fall #BoardWatch
How were these things determined without talking to teachers and principals? #BoardWatch
Want to know how these different services were put into categories without talking to teachers and principals? #BoardWatch
Commissioner @mattalexandersf wants principals and teachers to be consulted for zero-based budgeting to determine where different services fall into certain categories #BoardWatch
Cultural shifts have to happen. Not trying to particularly criticize anyone, this has happened in this district for a long time #BoardWatch
There has been a decrease in enrollment. Looking at about 1,000 student reduction. For 2021-2022, not being held harmless on average daily attendance. For base grant, assumption is that it is holding steady and will grow #BoardWatch
If not able to engage kids who did not enroll in the following year then will likely see a decline in LCF #BoardWatch
Joining SFUSD's Board of Education, a land acknowledgment being given by Greg Castro #BoardWatch
Superintendent's report: January is national mentoring month. Appreciation event this Thursday. Over 400 students are getting extra attention from staff and community member mentors. #BoardWatch
Supe's report: resources for students and families-info about vaccines, a searchable library for SF Loves Learning clips (…) #BoardWatch
Afternoon everyone! Jessi again & today at #BoardWatch we have a special guest, none other than Bernie Sanders! He has a special message, asking you all to become PPS-SF Parent Ambassadors! Learn more here or ask us about it…#BoardWatch
Today there are no action items but 3 informational items to be looked at. And information items 2 & 3 will be bundled together into one presentation #BoardWatch
Jessi the Communications & Development Coordinator again! Do you all have a favorite BOE meeting snack? Today I'll be munching on Pocky as we get the meeting started #BoardWatch
Good afternoon everyone! Jessi, Communications & Development Coordinator bringing you the first two hours of #BoardWatch Todays #BoardWatch drink of choice is watermelon mint tea 🍵🫖
Joining a Special Meeting of the SFUSD Board of Education where the board will be setting priorities with help of a facilitator. Starting with public comment on priorities. #BoardWatch
Comment: Member of UESF bargaining team says families need members alive and healthy more than anything else. #BoardWatch
Comment: Excited that this group of people is taking the time to think about what priorities should be for our students and our district. Be bold and very thoughtful. Think about how to support families who will choose to stay at home. #BoardWatch