@NewsHour had a segment last night on how WV decided not to go w/ the CVS/Walgreens plan proposed by the fed's. They decided to send vaccines to independent pharmacies bc it's a rural state & small pharmacies are located where many live. WV has ⬆️ % of ppl that hv been vaccinated
How urban areas are covered by the state vaccine rollout policy:
Doses for eligible older West Virginians are being delivered to primary care providers, community health centers, and local health departments.
The state is also operating dedicated vaccination clinics for older West Virginians at National Guard armories and other sites. All require appointments.
Gov. Parson and Dr. Williams, you might want to ditch your current vaccine distribution program and model the new one on West Virginia's, bc what you're doing now ain't working and Missourians are frustrated and angry.
I realize that WV has done a much better job of funding community health centers and local health departments than our state has, but our current state leaders haven't done anything, that I'm aware of, to change that during this pandemic. It's past time to change that.
Back in August, the media reported the problem that occurred when the state sent CARES Act funds to county commissions rather than sending a portion directly to county health departments. kansascity.com/news/coronavir…
Missouri legislators need to work on legislation that will improve the support that our local public health agencies receive. Too many county commissioners don't see a need to fund science based approaches to protect their constituents health #moleg#mogov health.mo.gov/living/lpha/in…
St. Louis area residents that live in the red colored areas on this map are both vulnerable to contracting COVID-19 and do not have easy access to receiving the vaccine. allthingsmissouri.org/wp-content/plu…
I don't understand the MO GOP in the G. A. This is a rural state. Big Ag has been pushing small family farmers out of business. They've had to sell their land and too many of them have committed suicide. So why are elected officials for CAFOs? Why do they agree w/ everything +
the Farm Bureau tells them to do? The Farm Bureau, ICYDK, supports Big Ag bc it's mostly funded by Big Ag. So when the GOP politicians tell you they support rural Missourians, which rural voters are they supporting? The ones that have lots of acreage and make lots of money or +
the families that raise hogs or grow vegetables to feed U. S. communities rather than the world? The GOP talks about "America First", but when it comes to agricultural what have they done to support small family farmers?
“US Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, Poorer Health.”
“[T]he largest obstacle to addressing the US health disadvantage is not a lack of evidence or uncertainty about effective interventions but limited political support among both the public and policymakers to
enact the policies and commit the necessary resources to implement them.”
"There’s a certain amount of denial among the policymakers. What we were explaining ran so counter to the narrative that many politicians have of American exceptionalism and too many believe that, if
you’re a corporate executive or a billionaire, you’re fine.”
“Even with Covid, the US sees itself as a particular model and what happens elsewhere is kind of irrelevant. We are, after all, the greatest country in the world, the richest and the greatest with the greatest health
#Missouri government is fiscally irresponsible with our tax dollars!
The supplemental spending bill proposed by the governor "includes money to hire two attorneys and pay other increased costs as the Administrative Hearing Commission considers more than 850 appeals from +
companies denied licenses to grow, process and sell medical marijuana."
The state will "demand repayment of any unemployment money it paid in error to residents since the COVID-19 pandemic began — regardless of whether the overpayments came from state or federal funds."
A letter to the editor that I submitted over a week ago was also published in the paper yesterday. It's also about the integrity of our elections. I called on Senators Blunt and Hawley, along w/ Rep. Jason Smith, to support a quick passage of the #ForThePeopleAct.
@RepJasonSmith will continue to vote against legislation that benefits his constituents, while supporting reactionary Republicans that are working to dismantle our democracy.
Appropriation bill that he voted against, which the president signed.
He voted against the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act which was signed by the president.
“Just watched as numerous reps voted yes on a bill passing through committee that they don’t support. It’s so frustrating how the budget chair and leadership use their leverage on other issues to make members support things
they know are bad policy.
The bill was to take about 3% of the SLPS and KCP budgets and transfer it to the charter schools in their districts. The argument for doing so being that it makes all of the per pupil dollars follow the students that go to the charter schools
(currently a small share of local dollars stays with the districts).
While this change sounds fair and “equal,” the problem is it’s not so simple to think that charters and traditional public schools have all the same costs and therefore deserve all the same public funding.