We are deeply troubled by the statements made by the Benishangul-Gumuz (BSG) division of #Ethiopia’s Prosperity Party (PP) on the morning of February 10, 2021. In the wake of the upcoming election this year (2021), PP of BSG released a statement(1/E)
“apologizing” for the ethnic cleansing and displacement of 400,000 civilians of ethnic #Amhara, #Agaw and #Shinasha background in the Metekel Zone. While the targeted killings against ethnic #Amhara and #Agaw has had a long history in Metekel, it is widely known that it has(2/E)
gotten progressively worse in the last two years. As a result, most of #Metekel today has been abandoned. There are reports of homes being burned, families massacred, children left orphaned and crops destroyed.
While we encourage any and all efforts made to restore (3/E)
the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens, we also demand a lasting and permanent solution. The 9 points raised by PP of #BSG do not address the systemic issues that ethnic #Amhara and #Agaw people have been facing including lack of protection from (4/E)
periodic massacres and an exclusionary regional charter which does not recognize them as native to the region and thereby disqualifies them from any political representation. Lastly, immediate action should be taken to hold perpetrators or anyone complicit in the genocide (5/E)
#GPE has been closely monitoring the unfolding situation in #Ethiopia.
The question of accountability for crimes committed is being posed not just by #Ethiopia/ns but also the world and with time, the truth will be revealed. #GPE also believes sexual violence against women(1/E)
must be unequivocally opposed by all #Ethiopia/ns.
Local authorities and administration at all levels must take measures to immediately stop all forms of violence against women in #Tigray. Any suffering inflicted upon women and children is no indication of victory but rather(2/E)
of a country’s fall.
Protection of civilians must be a top priority as long as there is believed to be an active threat to their safety. #Ethiopia has become a place where female students are kidnapped from their schools and murdered. Even now, under the cover of war, (3/E)
What does State Sponsored Genocide on ethnic #Amharas and #Agaws in Metekel Zone in BSG look like?
Representatives of ethnic #Amhara residents in Metekel have travelled to #BahirDar to raise the ff grievances:
Ato Ayal Engide
“In April 2011,Ethiopian Calendar(1/)
[two years ago], right after Ethiopian Easter, they(ethnic Amharas and Agaws) were forcibly chased out of the rural parts, before they could even finish their Easter celebrations. When we knew we were next, then those of us who were in the urban areas, ended up moving to (2/)
Amhara Region. In May, there was a reconciliation between Mandura Woreda in BSG and Guanga Woreda in Amhara RS. All of us that were displaced believed that this was a true reconciliation and moved back to BSG. But those from the rural parts were still not allowed to go back. (3)