I launched #IBeatMyAssaulter after I tracked down the man who groped me in a club, shoved him, sat on him and I punched, and I punched, and I punched his face. And I spent the weekend icing my knuckles and it was well worth it! 📷 @rerutled
Three years ago today, I was icing my knuckles because I’d beaten the fuck out of a man who had groped me in a club a couple of nights before. I wrote about it in my new essay feministgiant.com/p/i-beat-my-as… 📷 @rerutled#IBeatMyAssaulter
After I explained to a club manager what had happened, he ooked at my Beloved and asked me “Why didn’t you let your husband take care of it?” I almost beat him up too.
Patriarchy enables and protects men who sexually assault women, and it demands that only other men “protect” us.
As long as we obey and behave in ways it approves of, of course. Protection is conditional.Because if we disobey, ha! I don't want to be protected. I want to be free
cw: sexual violence
One day when I was 4yo, a man stopped his car on the street under my family’s balcony, pulled his penis out & beckoned for me to come down.He did the same to my friend who'd been talking to me from her family’s balcony across the street feministgiant.com/p/i-beat-my-as…
I was enraged at that man. How dare he ruin our reverie.
I waved my slipper at him to frighten him away. I absolutely believed in my rage, convinced that it could frighten away a grown man who had decided to stop his car and wave his penis at 2 little girls.
I honour that angry 4yo girl. I honour her belief that she deserved to be free of molestation & free of interruption. She was born w/ a pilot light of anger,tenacious & sure of its right to flare whenever treated unjustly.I believe all girls are born w/that pilot light of anger
I’ve lost count of the # times I’ve been sexually assaulted and I know that my reactions have spanned a spectrum, all of them valid. That night it was: Are you fucking kidding me? And my body went into autodrive; it knew exactly what to do.
Tell me your #IBeatMyAssaulter stories
"I am writing to you because I want you to know that “getting along” and “uniting” and “being civil” w/white supremacist patriarchy makes you complicit in its crimes. We must never “get along” w/fascists. We must never “unite” w/white supremacists..."
" feministgiant.com/p/letter-dear-…
"I am writing to you because I want you to know the importance of telling a man to shut the fuck up.
I am writing to you because I want you to know the importance and power of being dangerous when you ask the right questions; questions that challenge, not comfort oppressors."
"I am writing to urge you to stop wanting to be liked, and demand instead to be free.
"But instead of calling the male reporter who initially contacted him, Ducklo tried to intimidate Palmeri by phone in an effort to kill the story. “I will destroy you,” Ducklo told her, according to the sources, adding that he would ruin her reputation if she published it."
"Ducklo made derogatory and misogynistic comments, accusing Palmeri of only reporting on his relationship...because she was “jealous” that an unidentified man in the past had “wanted to fuck” (his female partner) McCammond “and not you.”