"I'm a teacher… we can pretend otherwise, but the education of most of our kids is being severely hampered…"
"I teach in a state secondary comp. We are doing our best, and probably doing better than many local schools...
"In short, the quality of our online provision, the attendance of kids, the actual engagement of kids, the quality of education and progress, is woefully below face to face teaching.
We can pretend otherwise, but the education of most of our kids is being severely hampered...
"Those coping the best are only the most very able and most very motivated and supported.
I gather, from friends and colleagues involved in state primaries, that education there is virtually non-existent...
"Try as they might, the primary state sector cannot adequately teach young children remotely.
My own three children attend independent schools.
Provision is excellent, probably close to as good as it could be… but a very poor substitute for face to face schooling...
"My eldest (nearly 16, Y11) ‘attends’ all his lessons live, but is not really engaged, not writing things down, not recording, or learning.
My 10 year old gobbles everything up…but isn’t progressing as he would at school...
"My 7 yr old tries to stay focused on his live lessons but is bored to tears + not progressing. I'm glad he is occupied, but that’s about all.
Clearly, with my wife and I delivering our full timetables live online, we scarcely support any of our children in their live lessons."
'Lockdowns' come with terrible costs, not least to our young people. Covid 19 is serious but we believe the 'cure' is far worse than the disease.
If you haven't already, join our campaign now to back a better way, at: timeforrecovery.org
"Our three year old has Special Educational Needs… the whole of his life has been impaired by the bankrupt strategy of lockdown."
"My son is three years old. He is non-verbal autistic spectrum disorder and has a rare form of epilepsy...
"He used to attend a Special Educational Needs nursery where he received daily, one-to-one support, guidance and care.
He was slowly developing the traits associated with becoming verbal (more confident; indicating a desire to communicate through babbling and showing through...
"....pointing / guiding people to what he wanted).
That has all gone.
He is due to start primary school in September and we are terrified for him.
He has received no support in lockdown whatsoever...
"Lockdown ended my 20 year career… a colleague committed suicide and I’m now on anti-depressants."
"Lockdown effectively ended my 20 year career as a nightclub DJ.
A colleague from one of my venues committed suicide shortly after we went into lockdown.
"As a result of not being able to do my job I spiralled down and eventually had a mental breakdown. I’m now on anti-depressants which are helping me cope.
I’m fortunate to have a stable income from another source or I probably wouldn’t still be here.
"This week I’ve had a friend get to the same stage of wanting to commit suicide.
Lockdown is quite literally killing us. It has to end."
Just one story shared with us, but we know there are so many more, because...