I can feel a little tweet essay coming on, later - something along the lines of "Had a Great Morning In The World Of Cryptoassets? Well-Played! Now, HOW Much of that are YOU Planning To Give Back?"
By which I mean, if you profited from having bought $GRT near the dip of ten hours ago, and are thus looking at Something Of An Improvement In Your Holdings, couldn't YOU afford, on liquidation, to send 10% of that to a worthy cause like @ShelterBox? Yes, you could. But WILL you?
Bought a bunch at $1.83, up ~25% by lunchtime. I'm #HODLing these, soninwont take any profit today, but I'll donate 10% of the price rise by 5 PM today, x5000, to @ShelterBox first thing tomorrow, and post a receipt. Anyone else?
DeFi is what happens when you move from a rigged market to an efficient and transparent market.
DeFi is what happens when you are no longer judged on the contents of your credit report.
#DeFi is what happens when you are no longer judged by the contents of your wallet, but on the contents of your #SmartWallet - or rather, that part of the contents of the content of your Smart Wallet that YOU have chosen to.share.
#DeFi is what happens when you take the decision to insulate yourself from the economic mayhem that Libertarian extremists like the corrupt, incompetent and unapologetically criminal Johnson regime are inflicting on the soon-to-be bankrupt people of the so-called "United Kingdom"
So, as I've told a few people in recent weeks, the reason I don't focus on stonks AT ALL in my investing shenanigans is quite simple - I'm already way over-exposed to UK stocks, Government bonds, and the Pound Sterling than I feel comfortable about, and THAT'S putting it mildly.
Every time I mention what I am convinced is the game plan of John-son-un's corrupt extremist Libertarian regime, I am sure that a few more people shake their heads and laugh and turn away. And, Imma say this; I HOPE I'M WRONG. I WANT TO BE WRONG. For the sake of OTHERS.
But the whole thrust of the corrupt Leave.EU campaign, bankrolled by thundercunts like Arron Banks, masterminded by dicksplashes like Matthew Elliott and his personal Eva Braun, the delightful Sarah Elliott (from their Tufton Street Führerbunker) has been obvious:
I have a major lifestyle crisis, and I'll bestow my undying gratitude, and some free cryptoassets, on whoever solves the particular conundrum for me, and posts the solution as a reply to me here.
The challenge is in the next comment. Ready? 1/3
So I love, Love, LOVE watching Twitch Music streamers, and when I'm not sitting at my desk, I use the Twitch app on my Chromecast to at whichever streamer I'm most listening to, right then, on my big+screen TV. But there's a screensaver that keeps kicking in 2/3
After a few minutes, and shows random photos on the screen, and worse still, mutes the sound, until I click any button on my Chromecast to stop the screensaver. It ONLY happens with that app, and it ONLY happens when I'm using Twitch on the Chromecast, and I can't STOP IT 3/4