More than 100 posts on Newsbusters' "Capitol Hill Riot" tag, guessing none of them say "Oh by the way our boss' son was one of the rioters."…
Why won't the media talk about how it's really the Democrats' fault that my boss' son was able to break into the Capitol so easily?
Brent Bozell III went on Fox Business to complain that the left is smearing all Republicans as if they were those who stormed the Capitol. It turns out his son was one of the stormers.
Texas public officials would really like to avoid any accountability whatsoever for decisions they've made regarding Texas' grid, and Fox is more than willing to play ball.
He did Ingraham’s podcast last week, she was talking up a left-right alliance against the “Big Science” vaccination effort.…
Carlson’s doing a cowardly “why won’t big tech and the experts let you ask questions about the vaccine” schtick that this slots into perfectly. And he’s hosted RFK Jr. to do anti-vaccine commentary in the past.…
The latest sign that Fox is punishing its "news" side and promoting its "opinion" demagogues as it desperately tries to rebuild its ratings. Now scheduling five straight hours of right-wing propaganda, from 7 p.m. to midnight.…
A thread of some things I wrote that are newly relevant today.
Sept. 17: "Trump will likely respond [to Biden gaining ground after trailing] by trying to delegitimize the vote in tweets fueled by Fox News’ conspiracy-minded, fraud-obsessed coverage."…
Nov. 4: "President Donald Trump and his propagandists at Fox News are seeking to reduce confidence in the election tallies in order to build a case to toss out Democratic ballots and steal the election."…
Nov. 5: "Trumpist media figures are recklessly touting false and nonsensical fraud accusations to bolster the president’s position.... h a full-spectrum effort to undermine confidence in the election results, raising tensions and fomenting unrest."…