#DRASTIC in the News Compilation Thread (2021)
1. Earlier stories collated here:
2. More examples in same thread start here
4. Washington Post (February 5th 2021)
We’re still missing the origin story of this pandemic.
China is sitting on the answers.
Archived: archive.vn/irmHQ ImageImageImage
5. Sky News - DRASTIC Petition on TV
World 'not impressed' by WHO's COVID-19 origins report
Members @gdemaneuf and @MonaRahalkar speak out ImageImageImageImage
6. Taiwan News (1)
Wuhan lab infected 'humanized mice' with bat coronaviruses in 2019 | Taiwan News | 2021/01/11 taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4099020
#DRASTIC in the news again
Thank you @KeoniEverington, a Journalist with Integrity!
11. Taiwan News (6)
All Six Stories here:
taiwannews.com.tw/en/search?keyw… Image
12. Daily Telegraph (UK)
Did the Covid-19 virus really escape from a Wuhan lab?
archive.vn/bK8vO#selectio… Image
13. Daily Telegraph (Australia)
Has anyone got an Archive link for this story?
China places 5 million more under lockdown to stamp out virus cluster
Author: AFP|Update: 12.01.2021 11:32
today.rtl.lu/news/world/a/1… Image
15. WHO Let the Dogs out on the COVID-19 Origins
By Joshua Cawthorpe, December 17, 2020
WHO knows, maybe? Image
Are the global scientific elite trying to bury the truth about the origin of Covid-19?
Written By: Lawrence Sellin
Washington Published: Oct 05, 2020, 11.48 AM(IST)
wionews.com/opinions-blogs… ImageImageImage
17. Daily Mail (finally) after nicking our research during 2020
18. DRASTIC got a mention in the Daily Telegraph Article
But in the first installment we were "disappeared" in favour of others whose name shall not be mentioned
Could COVID-19 Have Escaped from a Lab?
by ROWAN JACOBSEN· 9/9/2020, 9:29 a.m
bostonmagazine.com/news/2020/09/0… ImageImageImageImage
19. Nice to be acknowledge even if we don't get paid ;)
The genetic structure of SARS‐CoV‐2 does not rule out a laboratory origin
SARS‐COV‐2 chimeric structure and furin cleavage site might be the result of genetic manipulation
Rossana Segreto Yuri Deigin
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.10… ImageImage
20. If you see anymore recent ones let me know
Make sure to check the earlier links in Tweets 1, 2, 3 first as they may be included there.
unroll DRASTIC in the News @threadreaderapp
save @buzz_chronicles
22. Trotskyite "4th International" stabs #DRASTIC in the back, calling us Anarchist Troublemakers & Imperialist Stooges!
Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy anarchist skepticism, Comrade!
@angoffinet mentioned and @ColinDavdButler
28. Roland Wiesendanger's Paper with our 50 questions
29. Open Letter - Proceso - Mexico
30. Open Letter - New York Times
31. Open Letter - South China Morning Post
32. DataBase Italia -
databaseitalia.it/ispettore-oms-… Image
33. Humorous mention in the Taiwan News
Museum visits early priority for WHO team in Wuhan
taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4116626 Image
34. Comedonchisciotte - Italy
Ispettore OMS cita in un video esperimenti di manipolazione sui coronavirus a Wuhan settimane prima della “pandemia”
comedonchisciotte.org/ispettore-oms-… Image
35. Secret China
A WHO investigator was photographed before the pandemic revealed that the virus was modified to develop a vaccine in Wuhan
secretchina.com/news/b5/2021/0… ImageImage
36. RIAU24 - Riau News Portal - Indonesia
"there was a leak in the Wuhan laboratory, here's what happened"
Selalu Dibantah Pemerintah China, Ilmuwan Wuhan Ternyata Sempat Menulis Artikel Ada Kebocoran di Laboratorium Wuhan, Begini Kejadiannya
riau24.com/berita/baca/16… ImageImageImageImage
37. Open Letter - Libertad Digital!
El coraje de 26 científicos
38. Taiwan News Compilation - Google Search Screenshots ImageImageImageImage
39. More Google Screenshots ImageImageImageImage
40. Vision Times
Wuhan Lab Scientists Admit to Being Bitten by Bats
Vision Times reaches a large audience worldwide
Not only is Vision Times published in English, we also have Chinese, Spanish, German, and Vietnamese websites. ImageImage
41. Situation Brief
Coronavirus Mention Before Pandemic
situationbrief.com/coronavirus-me… Image
42. RCTI PLus - Indonesia
Video Shows Scientists at the Wuhan Lab Bitten by Bats Carrying the SARS Virus, Is This the Cause of the Corona Outbreak?
rctiplus.com/news/detail/gl… ImageImageImage
43. Indian Narrative @RdeMaistre
Chinese vaccine maker Sinopharm under scanner for running biological warfare facility
indianarrative.com/health-news/ch… Image
44. RMOl.ID (Indonesia) @Daoyu15
Denies the claims of Chinese female bats, Australian geneticists: The initial source of the corona virus is not mink
dunia.rmol.id/read/2021/01/2… ImageImageImageImage
45. Poland (pch24.pl Portal)
WHO's mission in China has come to an end. However, this did little to help determine the causes of the pandemic. One thing is known - China is reluctant to reveal the full truth about the origins of Covid-19.
pch24.pl/po-pobycie-kom… ImageImageImage
46. T-Online (Germany) - A skeptical view!
Controversial study
The Physics Professor, Wuhan and the Bioweapons
t-online.de/nachrichten/de… ImageImageImageImage
47. We made it to Rio, Lads!
Vídeo Mostra Cientistas Do Laboratório De Wuhan Admitindo Ter Sido Mordidos Por Morcegos
contrafatos.com.br/video-mostra-c… ImageImageImage
48. and even into Bongo News!
China Deletes Key SARS-CoV-2 Associated Science
bongo-news24.com/china-deletes-… ImageImage
49. Open French Letter - Le Monde
Covid-19 : des scientifiques appellent à une enquête indépendante sur les origines de la pandémie en Chine
lemonde.fr/idees/article/… ImageImageImageImage
50. Vietnamese Overseas Press
Virus Covid-19 Vũ Hán!
viettudomunich.org/2021/01/20/vir… ImageImageImageImage
51. DEMOCRAZY News (Indonesia)
Video Shows Scientists at the Wuhan Lab Bitten by Bats Carrying the SARS Virus, Is This the Cause of the Corona Outbreak?
democrazy.id/2021/01/Video-… ImageImageImageImage
52. Vietnam (NTDV)
Wuhan Laboratory scientists admit being bitten by a bat
ntdvn.com/khoa-hoc/cac-n… ImageImage
54. #DRASTIC hits French TV!
@MonaRahalkar in her lab (02.00-)
The Miner's Thesis found by @TheSeeker268
(15:40-) Prof Petrovsky @vaxine_news setting the record straight (28:00-)
Covid-19: investigation into the mystery of the origins of a global pandemic
francetvinfo.fr/sante/maladie/… ImageImageImageImage
55. Brief Mention of the Paris Semi-Drastic Open Letter
on @NBCNews during the recent sick Wuhan lab Researchers bombshell (dismissed as a nothing burger by Marion Koopmans)
Wuhan lab workers did fall sick in autumn of 2019 nbcnews.com/nightly-news/v… via @RdeMaistre ImageImageImage
56. Archived so far here:
Just in Case
57. #DRASTIC Detectives make it down the Danube! facebook.com/Subiectiv.Razv…
A well put together video report by one of Romania's Top TV Channels, Antena 3
with some English interviews, all about the Wuhan lab Leak.
Watch from 40:00 - 57:00
59. Indian Online News
Study - China hides dark data in Wuhan lab, it will be revealed when exposed aajtak.in/trending/photo…
Thanks to our intrepid data analyst "Jilli Demaneuf" @gdemaneuf ImageImageImageImage
60. El Imparcial (Jorge Casesmeiro Roger)
#DRASTIC: otro equipo a la caza del origen del Covid
(Another team searching for the origins of Covid)
Interesting review of our work, well worth a read! ImageImageImageImage
60. More screenshots from El Imparcial
@Harvard2H will be pleased to see this!
"In short, I can only take my hat off to these people. Evening falls, the networks are burning and the screens are fuming. There is much to do: Tonight does not sleep." ImageImageImageImage
61. La Stampa.
Andiamo, DRASTIC! Andiamo, Gina Costa!
62. DRASTIC manages to get a foot in the Spectator ;) thanks to @gdemaneuf
Should have been more but beggars can't be choosers..
spectator.co.uk/article/who-kn… ImageImageImageImage
63. 20 Minutes y Merci Beaucoup @manonaublanc 🍀❣️👏
Qu'est-ce que DRASTIC, le collectif indépendant qui enquête sur l’origine de l’épidémie ?
DRASTIC, a group of multidisciplinary experts who conduct their own research on the origins of the epidemic ImageImageImageImage
64. The Great Australian Weekend!
Thanks @mattwridley and @Ayjchan
Bats, pangolins, wet market, lab?
The mystery deepens....
@TheSeeker268 gets an honorary mention for once!
Archived in case the CCP tries to get it scrubbed in return for wine imports ;)
archive.is/C95s2 ImageImageImage
65. L'Express! Time to practice your French Again!
Zoot Alors!~ et Merci Yohan Blavignat! @yohanblavignat Chef des infos à @LEXPRESS
Connaîtra-t-on un jour les origines du Covid-19 ?
lexpress.fr/actualite/scie… ImageImageImageImage
66. Maharashtra Times via @MonaRahalkar
China can get the world in trouble once again....This virus can be very dangerous....Many Dangerous Viruses in China ImageImageImageImage
67. The Washington Post
WHAT IS China trying to hide about the origins of the pandemic — and why?
Thanks David Hoffman @thedeadhandbook
We’re still missing the origin story of this pandemic.
China is sitting on the answers.
archive.ph/XxygW ImageImageImageImage
68. Unherd: The Covid dissidents taking on China

Beijing's science stooges are being unmasked by an international team of online sleuths


Great last papragraph
Thanks @ianbirrell ImageImage
69. CNET Thanks @dctrjack
How the coronavirus origin story is being rewritten by a guerrilla Twitter group
The group, known as Drastic, has investigated, corrected, uncovered and agitated in a quest to uncover the pandemic's starting point.
cnet.com/features/how-t… ImageImageImageImage
70. Or was it a laboratory accident after all? (NZZ)
The riddle surrounding the outbreak of the corona pandemic
But a group of scientists from all over the world, who are exchanging ideas on Twitter under the hashtag #DRASTIC, encountered inconsistencies.. ImageImageImageImage
71. L'Obs - France (paywall)
Coronavirus : des chercheurs sur la piste d’un accident de laboratoire
nouvelobs.com/coronavirus-de… Image
72. Important Note:
Not everyone in #DRASTIC gets mentioned but we hope to ensure that moving forward due credit is given to people like @Harvard2H @franciscodeasis @Daoyu15 and others whose work has been essential to our development as a group.
73. Et si tout s'etait parti d'un Labo?


4 mai 2021 présentée par @DavidPujadas, Merci!
Journaliste sur LCI / Canal 26, producteur Particules Productions et animateur de @24hPujadas

#Drastic Research highlighted! ImageImageImageImage
74. BACK STORY with DANA LEWIS (podcast) interviews Nicholas Wade/ Science Writer & Gilles Demaneuf/ DRASTIC
The Wuhan Lab - Mounting Questions of Covid19 Virus Escape
#drastic research gets a plug thanks to
@gdemaneuf ImageImageImage
75. First of several books to be published this year which mention the struggle of #drastic
Sars-CoV-2, aux origines du mal (now available)
By @BricePerrier
208 Pages 17,00 €
Screenshots of mentions in this thread:
76. FranceInfo on new theses discovered by Seeker
Covid-19 : comment l'hypothèse de l'accident de laboratoire, à l'origine du coronavirus, s'est étoffée en un an
Publié le 14/05/2021
@TheSeeker268 and @MonaRahalkar ImageImageImageImage
77. Le Monde - Science Letter, New Theses & RaTG13
the hypothesis of an accident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology relaunched after the disclosure of unpublished work
Merci @sfoucart
Mentions @TheSeeker268
"an anonymous scientist"
"an Italian microbiologist" ImageImageImage
78. L'Express
"the hypothesis of a laboratory accident revived by new discoveries"
by @TheSeeker268
Not all leads on the origin of the Covid are explored in the same way, deplore scientists, supported by recent revelations about the Wuhan P4 laboratory.
lexpress.fr/actualite/soci… ImageImageImageImage
79. #DRASTIC up the Danube YET AGAIN! (2)
47 minutes on Romanian TV thanks to the dedicated work of Razvan Dumitrescu
@ydeigin @franciscodeasis @BillyBostickson
infecting people with knowledge
More screenshots and details here:
80. The End of the Omertà, Indomitable #DRASTIC
".who have descended to the battlefield after having been swept away by the faithful infantry, which will remain on guard when the music is turned off. The indomitable of #DRASTIC & those of the Paris Group" ImageImageImage
temporary unroll @threadreaderapp
@buzz_chronicles save

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Mar 24
A Swift🧵

1. A Modest Proposal for the Fair Imprisonment of Women and the Liberation of Men

By a Concerned Citizen of Reason,

Published in The Rational Gazette on X

March 24, 2025
2. Dire Injustice!

It is a lamentable truth, oft repeated in the progressive broadsheets and the sanctimonious halls of modern discourse, that the state of our prisons reveals a dire injustice.
3. Gaol'd Wretches

We are told, with furrowed brows and trembling voices, that Black men, comprising a mere 4% of the good people of England and Wales, yet numbering 13% of our gaol’d wretches, suffer under the cruel yoke of systemic discrimination.
Read 20 tweets
Feb 25

This Task force will be working to obtain the declassification and the release of Covid-19 origins files over the next 6 months.

This is GOOD NEWS!

2 🧵X GOP Member Handles

Task Force on the Declassification of Federal Secrets

@GOPoversight @realannapaulina @RepLuna @RepEliCrane @NancyMace @RepNancyMace @timburchett @RepTimBurchett @RepBoebert @laurenboebert @RepEricBurlison @RepBrandonGill @realBrandonGill @RepJamesComer 3 🧵Video (1)

Luna Reveals What The Task Force On The Declassification Of Federal Secrets Will Investigate

“This will no longer be a task force that makes bold promises only to fade into irrelevance or send strongly worded letters”

Read 17 tweets
Jan 29
@Ticklicker56 @angie_rasmussen @Dissenting2020 @DrStrangeLovett @Rebecca21951651 @All_New_to_This @VaughnMises @R_H_Ebright @Florin_Uncovers @ban_epp_gofroc @MJnanostretch @Muller_Lab @SolidEvidence @ydeigin @ciukzwil @tgof137 @StavaRune @VBruttel @FondueMean @tom335363 @BioSRP @stevenemassey @jbloom_lab @BallouxFrancois @Ayjchan @mattwridley Not sure what they have done since Burgdorfer's "swiss agent" experiments, apart from building tick moats & annoying locals


Dr. Rasmussen can tell us or she can ask Dr. Trout

@Ticklicker56 @angie_rasmussen @Dissenting2020 @DrStrangeLovett @Rebecca21951651 @All_New_to_This @VaughnMises @R_H_Ebright @Florin_Uncovers @ban_epp_gofroc @MJnanostretch @Muller_Lab @SolidEvidence @ydeigin @ciukzwil @tgof137 @StavaRune @VBruttel @FondueMean @tom335363 @BioSRP @stevenemassey @jbloom_lab @BallouxFrancois @Ayjchan @mattwridley RML expertise in biodefense inlcudes tick & flea agents, so I doubt she would want to discuss how many ticks they have or what they inject them with.


In the bad old days they injected them with yellow fever & other nasties for dispersal by planes.
@Ticklicker56 @angie_rasmussen @Dissenting2020 @DrStrangeLovett @Rebecca21951651 @All_New_to_This @VaughnMises @R_H_Ebright @Florin_Uncovers @ban_epp_gofroc @MJnanostretch @Muller_Lab @SolidEvidence @ydeigin @ciukzwil @tgof137 @StavaRune @VBruttel @FondueMean @tom335363 @BioSRP @stevenemassey @jbloom_lab @BallouxFrancois @Ayjchan @mattwridley Also work of Jeffrey M. Grabowski

Biology of Vector-Borne Viruses Section, Laboratory of Virology, RML

Work on tick-borne pathogens at the Virology Lab at RML is funded by the Intramural Research Program, NIAID, NIH

Not for long, I think! @DrJBhattacharya
Read 15 tweets
Jan 20
1. Latest Victim of Flo Debarre's "Doxxng" Crusade

Is ME!

I got a disturbing & threatening email, mentioning:

"room for negotiation about the name"

"1st story is often the one that sticks, even if it's not accurate..your chance to negotiate terms"

"continue over Signal" Image
2. Le Monde

The reporter she is working with, William Audureau @Willvs , seems a principled journalist and did not know of her nefarious doxxing activities against me and other members of DRASTIC and our supporters in Academia, of which he dissaproves. Image
@Willvs 3. Best way to deal with bullies is to expose them!

I thus emailed CNRS, Cyber Security Office & the Minister of the Interior to complain

presse@cnrs.fr ,
b.retailleau@senat .fr @BrunoRetailleau
fraude-bretic@interieur.gouv.fr Image
Read 12 tweets
Jan 2
An unexpected result in a UK Porton Down Study

"Participant 12" (maybe a soldier at Aldershot). after infection with SC2, over time experienced a substantial number of mutations suggestive of rapid evolution.

Yet he was healthy & not immunocompetent?

They don't consider the possibility of quasispecies viral swarms as a possible factor in Participant 12?

Quasispecies implications for virus persistence (Domingo, 1999)


Quasispecies theory & emerging viruses
(Sardanyes, 2024)

nature.com/articles/s4429… Image
Overview of Viral Quasispecies


Quite good Wikipedia Page


Viral quasispecies (Andino & Domingo, 2015)


Historical Perspective on the Quasispecies Concept (Domingo, 2021)

Read 19 tweets
Dec 29, 2024

Just dumping these here like Santa!

Maybe you will find something of interest?

Maybe a lump of coal or a potato!

1. Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19): Q&A on Global Implications and Responses (May 14, 2020)

2. Award Number: W81XWH-11-2-0148 (2013)

WIV, Wuhan University, Le Duc and GNL mentioned

TITLE: National Biocontainment Training Center


University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

3. Features, Evaluation, & Treatment of Coronavirus

Tedious Paper

March 1, 2021.

Read 14 tweets

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