"Ik deel daarom vandaag uitzonderlijk ook de tweede video van #profDrSchetters, waarin hij zich verdedigt tegen de baggercampagne die na zijn eerste interview losbarstte."
26 overlijdens tegen vorige week 21
"In 26 van de 656 Belgische meldingen werd een overlijden gemeld. ..Tot op vandaag is er geen formeel oorzakelijk verband met het COVID-19-vaccin vastgesteld. "131 meldingen werden als #ernstig besschouwd
wat klopt er niet tussen de 26 doden hierboven genoemd en de statistiek doorgegeven aan #eudra:
in de pfizerlijst staan "maar" 11 doden geregistreerd???
*death 3
*sudden death 8
"There are two cases: either Italy is the country where the greater number of reactions to the #Pfizervaccine, or it is only Italy to report the side effects of the drug to Europe, while the other states are silent."
People who have had covid and get vaccinated likely to have more " adverse effects".
But what if the vaccinated people meet the wild virus afterwards ??? m.theepochtimes.com/deaths-of-elde…
"Meantime, preliminary results from a study co-authored by a team of more than two dozen researchers noted that people infected with COVID-19 in the past “experience systemic side effects with a significantly higher frequency” after vaccination than others."
"CDC is aware of reports of increased reactogenicity (such as fever, chills, and muscle aches) in persons who have had COVID-19,” said a spokesman."
"Furthermore, they demand that it must be excluded, e.g. by means of #animalexperiments, that risks already known from previous studies, which partly originate from the nature of the corona viruses, can be realized. The concerns are directed in particular to the following points
The formation of so-called #nonneutralizingantibodies” can lead to an exaggerated immune reaction, especially when the test person is confronted with the real, “#wildvirus after vaccination.
De 21 Belgische doden zijn wederom niet gerelateerd aan het vaccin.
De plus 30 doden in Noorwegen werden ook uit de cijfers van het EMA Europa gehaald!