Is there any particular reason why I should assign more credibility to Moral Mazes / Robert Jackall than I would to the work of any other sociologist?
(My prior on sociologists is that they sometimes produce useful frameworks, but generally rely on subjective hard-to-verify and especially theory-laden methodology, and are very often straightforwardly ideologically motivated.)
I imagine that someone else could write a different book, based on the same kind of anthropological research, that highlights different features of the corporate world, to tell the opposite story.
And that's without anyone trying to be deceptive. There's just a fundamental problem of case studies that they don't tell you what's typical, only give you examples.
I can totally imagine that Jackall landed on this narrative somehow, found that it held together and just confirmation biased for the rest of his carrer.
Once his basic thesis was well-known, and associated with his name, it seems hard for something like that NOT to happen.
And this leaves me unsure what to do with the data of Moral Mazes. Should I default assume that Jackall's characterization is a good description of the corporate world?
Or should I throw this out as a useless set of examples confirmation biased together?
Or something else?
It seems like the question of "is the most of the world dominated by Moral Mazes?" is an extremely important one. But also, its seems to me that it's not operationalized enough to have a meaningful answer.
At best, it seems like this is a thing that happens sometimes.
@ben_r_hoffman, @jessi_cata, I took some time / emotional space to reflect on if I was doing something in this and related tweets that I would or should consider objectionable.
1) I did not do anything objectionable according to my ethics and discourse norms,
2) that there were better and more skillful things that I could have done instead, but
3) I endorse not having spent more time finding those better things.
My understanding of your critique is something like
"You, Eli, were optimizing for social harmony, and so were willing to paper over places where you disagree with Glen, and were therefore misinforming him and others."
He seemed to be emphasizing the (I claim!) tenuous historical and social connection between the rationalists and Neoreaction.
(My understanding of the connection: Lots of Neoreactionaries read LessWrong back in the day (because it was great!), but very few LessWrongers were, or are, Neoreactionaries.
This guy drives around America in an RV, doing interviews with Americans of all stripes.
His videos are really worth checking out. They're among the best window I know into the lives of and minds of people that I never meet.
They're edited to be funny. But they're also honest.
As near as I can tell, he's just actually interested in the cultural anthropology of it. Not pushing a particular agenda or narrative. He just shows up and lets people talk.
Which is so rare that I can't think of another example?
What would have happened if a single US state had said "screw the FDA" and ordered [state population] doses of the Monderna vaccine for delivery in March?
Obviously this would be illegal, but what happens next?
Does the FDA sue Moderna?
If so, how would it have gone down? I'm sure a large number of think pieces would be written about how this was "reckless" and "irresponsible".
But also, the state government could point out how every person in that state, who wanted a vaccine, has gotten a vaccine.