"British officials had earlier declined to provide the contract to CNN, making no mention of the redacted version, and have repeatedly refused to give details on the country's vaccine supplies, citing "security reasons."
A reminder
"The redacted contract has, technically, been publicly available since at least Nov 26, according to the date the page was last edited. But the link is difficult to find on the government website without using precise search terms and it appears to have gone largely unnoticed."
There is as always a simple question
What made Astra Zeneca show such preference to the UK government?
And also
Why is a British government so desperate that they do so and to capitalise upon it politically?
"Bernard of Chartres used to compare us to dwarfs perched on the shoulders of giants. He pointed out that we see more and farther than our predecessors, not because we have keener vision or greater height, but because we are lifted up and borne aloft on their gigantic stature."
"The domain name ‘postalvote.scot’ redirecting to the SNP’s own website has been criticised by the Scottish Conservatives as an attempt to “dupe voters”"
January 2020
February 2020
March 2020
April 2020
May 2020
June 2020
July 2020
August 2020
September 2020
October 2020
November 2020
December 2020
January 2021
February 2021
Priti Patel
Is eager to divulge internal debate held in cabinet to bolster her reputation & get a boost for Tory leadership post Boris
“On ‘should we have closed our borders earlier?’ the answer is yes, I was an advocate [of] closing them last March.”