just listened to Fed Covid-19 update on vaccine rollout. Some Q's really should be directed towards provinces' CMOH's. In past, Dr Tam has said she's in constant touch w CMOH's. Wonder if possible to have presser w CMOH's and Maj-Gen Dany Fortin, Dr Njoo or Dr Tam all together?
2/ as per @CBCNews sidebars:
- Between 38-64% of Canadians able to get shots in Q2
- All Canadians should be vaccinated by Q3 (July-Sept)
- Range depends on further vaccine authorization
- 3M Canadians should be vaccinated in Q1
based on deliveries
- Amounts to 8% of total Canadian population [in Q1]
- 1.8M doses expected to be given out
by the end of the month [Feb]
AB's Health Minister Shandro is being asked by reporters about phase two vaccination plan. Second question on it (Shandro didn't answer first one) - the reporter says "since you didn't answer, I'll ask the same question"
2/ ... and Shandro says "I'll be happy to answer that question a second time" ... thanks, Ken for letting me answer that again"
(touchy. Me thinks he might be protesting too much)
3/ and yet another reporter asks about vaccination rollout plans. Shandro answers "we have developed recommendations through the cabinet committee and that's all I'm going to say on that today"
I don't know who the interpreter is during today's #QP, but wow - am I impressed. That most recent exchange was spoken in French and very quickly by the MP asking the question. At least PM Trudeau slowed down when he answered
(sorry, I missed who was asking the question. Bet it was someone from the Bloc, but can't confirm - was simply listening, not watching & missed hearing the intro of the person speaking)
not sure if tagging the Speaker will mean this gets passed along, but no harm in trying: @AnthonyRota
- while I'm always impressed with the excellent work the interpreters do during QP, today's is exceptional (woman's voice - was interpreting just before 1 pm Mtn time)
anyone-else feel the same way that I do, re COVAX story? There is SO much misinfo. Disappointing to see that misinfo is by Cda's opposition leaders: fed NDP, GPC & CPC. This feels like they're taking advantage of our emotions, & Cdns are deliberately being manipulated ...
2/ and it looks similar to what the U.S. GOP do in the States - in order to deliberately confuse and divide
1/ I'm following a presser by Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety (#CdnPoli) - @CBCNews has done a terrific job of listing the salient points in their sidebar(s). I made screenshots, but will type the points out into this tweet-thread, for those who use type-to-voice apps ...
2/ What is Canada's Terror Watch List?
Government of Canada
. Identifies publicly any entities as being associated with terrorism
. An 'entity' can be a person, group, trust, partnership or fund
. Anti-Terrorism Act provides measures for gov't to create a list
3/ What is Canada's Terror Watch List?
. Being listed makes it harder for groups to recruit, fund raise online
. Some on list: Al Qaida, Boko Haram, Blood & Honour, Combat 18
. Not a crime to be listed but property can be seized, forfeited
Alberta premier Kenney just started speaking. Anyone-else bracing themselves for how much he might embarrass us as a province? cpac.ca/en/direct/cpac…
taking questions now.
question from 'Kelly' (sorry, don't know her last name) "Do you have regrets?"
premier Kenney "Absolutely not. Had we not done so, the project would have died last year."
The CPC, and their enabling press & surrogates, wish us to believe they haven't behaved like Trump's GOP. That they haven't copies Trump tactics, to try to get it to work in Canada as well.
2/ Here's a screenshot I made of a quote-tweet from just after the CPC leadership win, that indicates otherwise