📍Pardon my vent about insufficient ventilation / air exchange & school policy. Air exchange (via fresh air or disinfection) is really important for reducing #COVID19 transmission—we should aim for 5-6 air exchanges per hour. Achieving 5-6 is harder, but should we give up? No!🧵
2) President Kennedy once said, we choose to goto the moon 🌙 not because it is easy, but because they are hard—and important. Some think asking for sufficient school ventilation is like asking schools to goto the moon. No, not true! It’s possible. We can do it.
3) First there are ways to ventilate without HEPA filters or full windows. You can even with 1 door. 2 doors better. Here is how to ventilate your school classrooms if unable to open window. #COVID19
4) Notably in a room with just 1 door, use 2 fans—one high and one low to the ground blowing in opposite directions. See video above for details.
5) But many classrooms have HEPA filters are a good bet. If your classroom has only 2 ACH (air exchanges) per hour, you can bump it up to 5 with a HEPA filter! *Depending on room size of course. Some rooms will need 2 HEPA filters.
6) the best HEPA filter discussion thread is by Dr @CorsIAQ - a well regarded aerosol scientist.
7) I won’t go too much into Upper air UV at the moment, even though they definitely do work — they are better for larger room rooms like auditoriums, gymnasiums, multipurpose rooms, and cafeterias. And they can achieve 15 ACH per hour which is better than airplanes ~10 ACH/hour.
8) But i won’t discuss too much on upper air UV because costs are variable and schools should focus on ventilation and HEPA filters first. And is there funding support? Yes soon in the Biden COVID Bill—$130 Billion for school reopening. google.com/amp/s/www.vox.…
9) $130 billion for schools is a good start. But there are 13,000 K-12 schools in the US. So about 10 million per school, but not all for ventilation and air quality obviously—but a large sum of that should be for air quality, not for plexiglass dividers! guide2research.com/research/ameri…
10) Notably lacking emphasis though is ventilation and airborne precautions in the latest CDC guidelines. CDC did mention it but it was buried in the details and not reinforced much.
📌 Update and strengthen CDC guidelines to fully address transmission via inhalation exposure to small inhalable particles from infectious sources at close, mid and longer range. Updated guidelines should be informed by a risk assessment model that focuses
13) on source & pathway (ventilation) controls first, followed by respiratory protection. Workers in the highest risk categories, including all healthcare workers and other workers with prolonged, close contact with infectious people, must also be provided respiratory protection.
15) Premium masks, we should switch to, but that is outside of individual school control. But what is not outside school board control is what we can do to invest in air quality and air exchanges. Dr @CorsIAQ says the cost of a HEPA is just $10 per student, plus $3 per year!
16) Let that sink in — roughly $10/student initial investment and then just $3/student per year for every classroom to get a portable HEPA filter!!! That is not too much ask! And the Biden bill’s 130 billion for schools has more than enough for HEPA & other advanced upgrades.
17) Also, some say getting 4 ACH is good enough. Why stop at just 4? Why not get a second HEPA filter for larger classrooms or high density rooms? Or if unable to afford HEPA, use a Jerry rigged “Corsi Box”!
18) What is this “Corsi Box” you ask? Good question. It’s named after famed aerosol engineering professor @CorsIAQ of course, and it is 1 simple box fax + 5 MERV13 air filters—two 16X20X2 and three 20X20X2 inches + cheap box fan!
19) It’s quite simple. You take these MERV13 grade filters that can filter out virus aerosols, and tape them up together tight like this....
20) “So how did “Corsi Box Fan with 5 MERV 13 Filters” Air Cleaner perform? Great. Airflow from the fan was 580 feet per minute. Box ensures more surface area of the filter media – better air flow with minimal strain on the fan motor. Plus the filters will last for 6 months”
21) Small additional note on the CORSI BOX.... because of air leakage on the corner of the box fan—use a “fan shroud” like this. It will improve air flow and filtration. Cut it out of simple cardboard.
22) By adding the “fan shroud” (also used in automotive engineering), here is an enhanced Corsi Box. Total cost is well under <$50. And lasts a long time. And provides good MERV13 filtration. WIRED has a longer article—but the CORSI BOX is the best design. google.com/amp/s/www.wire…
23) The Wired articles goes into the details of the history and filtration engineering, and goes into CADR—"clean air delivery rate" (CADR), a combination of efficiency of the filter in pulling gunk out of the air and speed of air pushed through system. google.com/amp/s/www.wire…
24) “CADR conveys that in cubic feet per minute—researchers now recommend five complete change-outs of the air in a classroom every hour. So ideally, you’d use the cubic footage of the room and the CADR of the filter setup to figure out how big a purifier, or how many, you need”
25) So the Corsi Box is calculated with that particular box fan to pull 580 feet of air per minute — then multiply by the size of the fan.... to get the volume flow rate. Then calculate the size of the room. Then divide to see if you can achieve 5 ACH or more.
26) also important is CO2 sensors. It’s not the CO2 per se that’s risky, it’s a proxy for ventilation. We want CO2 levels as close to fresh air of ~400, so optimally <450 parts per million. When a parent put one on his child, he saw it spike up over 1000–meaning poor indoor air.
27) in environmental health, there is a common phrase we often Use—“THE SOLUTION TO POLLUTION IS DILUTION”. The pollutant is the virus aerosols. The dilution is the ventilation / air cleanings. Make sure u have a CO2 meter to check fresh air.
28) Typo in post #9– there are 130,000 K-12 schools in the US. So it would be about $1 million per school for COVID safety assistance in the Democratic House bill— a reconciliation bill that only needs simple majority and bypasses Cloture / filibuster. So good chance of passage!
29) “Until we recognise that #COVID19 is airborne we are setting ourselves up for repeated failure”
⚠️PFAS IS BACK—recall the EPA plan to ban dangerous forever chemicals from drinking water ➡️Well, Trump WH just cancelled it… once again allowing big corporations to discharge PFAS into rivers. PFAS cause cancers & many diseases. Does this make American healthy again?
2) “There really isn’t a system within the human body that isn’t affected by PFAS. They are toxic in many ways, but they’re also very long-lived. They’re designed not to break down in the environment or not to break down to heat and chemical stress.” michiganpublic.org/politics-gover…
3) CDC also just got banned from seeking any advice or input from the WHO — CDC can’t communicate or even enter any WHO building anymore. Perfect way to politically isolate CDC from outside science.
NEW—CDC officially ordered by Trump WH to cease working with the @WHO, effective immediately. This is the first time in almost 77 years since WHO’s founding after World War 2. This is a dark day.
2) the memo said the stop-work policy applied to “all CDC staff engaging with WHO through technical working groups, coordinating centers, advisory boards, cooperative agreements or other means — in person or virtual.”
3) It also says @CDCgov staff are not allowed to visit @WHO offices.
CDC ordered to stop working with WHO immediately, upending expectations of an extended withdrawal
🛑JUST CANCELLED—Trump HHS has just cancelled key meetings of the Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (PACCARB) & CDC’s Environmental Public Health Threats meeting—➡️all because of Trump WH’s new blackout of all HHS external comms. My god.
2) Trump WH is literally blocking all of this… including all CDC science reports and all FDA public alerts!
NEW—Trump WH has blocked all CDC science reports (eg MMWR) & suspended all CDC / FDA / NIH external communications of all HHS agencies until further notice... including all FDA & CDC Health Alert warnings & all social media. Public health be damned.
⚠️BREAKING—ICU Hospitalized human bird flu case in Canada now officially confirmed as H5N1. Worse, it is the same virus clade (variant group) as the one found in BC🇨🇦 poultry and in Washington state🇺🇸! The hospitalized teenager (with no pre existing conditions) had no animal contact, does not live on farm, had “deterioration quite rapid” and now critical in ICU with ARDS. Canada officials says infectious period is 2 days **prior to symptoms** (ie asymptomatic transmission) and infectious up to 10 days.
2) Public Health Agency of Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg confirmed that the individual has avian influenza H5N1 canada.ca/en/public-heal…
3) details…
Summary 🧵 of the live press conference with Canada’s British Columbia health officer.
📌The teen is in intensive care.
📌Condition is ARDS
📌Teen was healthy prior; no underlying conditions