1/ Sometimes the question shouldn't be "how do we eliminate X?" (where X is some societal ill), but rather "how much X are we willing to tolerate in a free society?"
For some bad things, we need to consider the costs associated with reducing them to zero.
2/ Take murder for instance. Murder is bad. We should all *want* murder rates to be zero. But what would that require? In short, the complete elimination of individual freedoms.
Most of us would (rightfully, IMO) likely deem this too costly.
3/ What this means is that we need to view low background rates of some bad things as not *necessarily* evidence that a system is faulty and needs to be revamped.
Now it's important not to go overboard and assume that current rates of bad things is the best we can do.
1/ Gender ideology is rooted in regressive sex-based stereotypes. According to gender ideology, to be a boy/man or girl/woman means you embrace gender expectations associated with your sex.
2/ And "nonbinary" is a subset of trans. So if you don't fully embrace the rigid expectations associated with your sex, you have dysphoria and are transgender.
This describes nearly everyone, and bears no resemblance to actual medical definitions of dysphoria and transgenderism.
3/ Kids are indoctrinated into this new broadened definition of dysphoria. They show up to gender clinics claiming to be trans because they don't embrace the stereotypical roles associated with their sex.
The "affirmation" model ensures this self-diagnosis cannot be questioned.
1/ We commonly see how queer theory attempts to blur—or outright obliterate—the lines between biological categories like male and female, but it's important to realize queer theory also attempts to "queer" boundaries between core concepts like objectivity and subjectivity.
2/ The moment they accomplish that to a sufficient degree, all their chess pieces turn into queens while we hopelessly try to combat them playing by the old rules.
That's why it's so important to take a firm stand against this nonsense. There's a lot on the line.
3/ Some are asking "all right, what is the line between subjectivity and objectivity?"
This is the "nugget of truth" issue. Queer theorists take categories that may have somewhat blurry edges and insist that this means that ANY distinction is arbitrary and pure preference.
Every argument that's being used to justify allowing male athletes to compete in female sports can also be used to justify allowing adults to compete in children's sports.
There is no one way for our bodies to be. People of all ages, including the trans-aged, have a range of different physical characteristics. Age is not binary! There are no set hormone ranges, body parts, or chromosomes that all people of a particular age have.
Trans-aged athletes vary in athletic ability just like cis-aged athletes. In many states, the very same cis-aged children who have claimed that trans-aged athletes have an "unfair" advantage have consistently performed as well or better than trans-aged competitors.
"Differentiate between opinion—which everyone has—and informed knowledge, which comes from sustained experience, study, and practice."
"Sustained experience" isn't knowledge. People can be, & are often, wrong about what they're experiencing.
2/ When two people have a different "sustained experience," what do you do? How do you determine whose experience is correct? You must defer to something objective and verifiable, *outside* yourself.
This is how you acquire knowledge.
3/ It doesn't matter whether something is convincing to YOU. In order to support a claim you must appeal to shared objective reality. Personal testimony doesn't cut it. It is still anecdotal.
1/ People always get hung up on the word "binary" in relation to biological sex. Sex is still binary even if some people may be truly sexually ambiguous and cannot be classified as either male or female.
Here's an analogy using a population of yellow (🌻) and white (🌼) flowers.
2/ Imagine this population consists of plants with flowers that are ONLY yellow or white, no other or in-between colors. Now suppose some of these plants have a mutation that prevents them from making a flower (🌱).
Our population:
3/ In this system, FLOWER COLOR is binary—there are ONLY 2 flower colors: yellow and white.
"BuT sOme PlAnTs doN'T HavE yEllOw oR WhIte FLoweRS So iT CaN'T bE BinARy!" 🤬
This is a completely irrelevant statement that does not negate the binary nature of flower color here.