Everyone take a look at this. All part of the opioid #HateGroup . Again, accusing pain patients of being scammers or opioid shills. This is disgusting and discriminatory. joepaduda.com/2021/02/22/the…
@JSG_54 I’d like to make a list of which ones and when they were put on the payroll from the attorneys. Also, others like Caleb Alexander and Tim Munson. Anyone that has had their hand in policy or publicly demonized pain meds and then profited off of litigation, get em on the list.
In this interview of his documentary “Killing Pain” (patients) , opioid litigation attorney Reggie Whitten says he’d rather his kids get AIDS than become opioid addicts. He works closely with Andrew Kolodny. oklahoman.com/article/567237…
You can watch the 10 min interview on the above link.
Reggie repeatedly says his son was a victim of the opioid epidemic, yet public record says his son had issues with alcohol and Xanax. He died in a motorcycle accident, not of an opioid related OD.
@BethDarnall@eileendove910 As an EDS patient, I’ve had pain since I was young. As a young adult, I was finally was able to get substantial relief from a combination of pain meds and exercise/PT, tizanidine occasionally, etc. After a few years, I decided to taper myself to make sure I really needed LTOT.
@BethDarnall@eileendove910 My hope was I could manage with occasional pain meds instead of all the time. No one likes to be physically dependent on something, esp when barriers are increasing from DEA, etc.
Being in survival mode b/c of undertreated pain makes me feel apathetic. I would benefit from CBT, but won’t do it b/c ins. coverage req. a dx. code, and THAT would add a psych dx to my #EHR. R/N MDs are using a psych dx to justify taking pts pain meds away. I can’t risk it. #ipp
This makes me think about the evidence that shows a mulitimodal, psychosocial approach works best. I wonder if they know I’d be choosing massage therapy over $ UDTs. But I don’t have that choice. I’d be choosing CBT, but I don’t have that choice. @VanilaSingh@BethDarnall
$600 a year with private insurance is what I spend on having my pee tested. Imagine how many massage and CBT sessions I could have for that. If some of these barriers would be lifted, patients could then have the freedom to self-manage.
When patients snd MDs blame congress, Trump, and Biden for what’s happening to them as far as the #WarOnDoctors and #PainPatientGenocide, my question is this: If these leaders aren’t trained medically, who is giving them info that’s caused these actions to be taken?
Wouldn’t we be better off systematically going through testimonies before congress and opioid committees to see who exactly deceived them and go after them? I’ve been doing this and have found most of the “experts” are actually rich now from testifying in the opioid lawsuits.
A great example is #ChrisChristie. While he didn’t testify in the #opioid lawsuits, he was on the white-house opioid commission and now sits on the board of #Pacira making at least $800,000 a year to help with their anti-opioid #PlanAgainstPain campaign and lobbying for rx limits