I have had two periods where I was out of work for 10 and 11 months respectively. Grueling periods for me that saw my savings depleted each time. I suffered from what my PCP called situational depression. Each time, I emerged employed in a great new job for which I was...
...uniquely suited. Perfect fits.
When I got a new job requiring me to move in 2013, I drove my ‘99 Camry from Dallas to Atlanta. It broke down on me in Louisiana. The repairs were easily triple the Blue Book value and I was set to begin my new job before the work could...
...be done. So, I left it there with the keys and a verbal agreement to sell it to one of the mechanics for $300.
I went to a dealership in Georgia as soon as I arrived and arranged for a loaner. I ended up buying a Kia Sorento completely unplanned.
All these years I’d tell people I went from a Camry to a Sorento because I was living closer to family. My siblings each had spouses and little ones. If they visited me, I wanted a vehicle in which we could all fit.
I said it so many times over the years, I forgot something.
Something I hadn’t thought about since 2013. Until a friend texted me a moment ago. Explaining how he just bought an SUV to carry his paintings and to go camping.
It suddenly hit me. The real reason I’d bought an SUB was because I was worried I’d lose my job again.
I had been so close to experiencing homelessness twice that I reasoned an SUV could afford me some options if worst came to worst again. I’d just moved across the country. There’s always uncertainty. An SUV gave me a backup plan.
I’d forgotten all about that. My new...
...job in GA went really well and I even negotiated an even better one after several years. Pushing this SUV Plan B further back in my memory.
When it came back just moments ago, it really hit me how much has changed. How normal the idea of homelessness became for me...
...that I had contingency plans in mind even as I was beginning a new chapter that should have been nothing but hopeful.
The memory took me back and placed me there where the dread and fear that were once regular companions visited again. I was overcome just for a bit.
Had to share it somewhere as a way to process. I’ve been so lucky. I see how close I’ve been to calamity and everywhere around us, there are so many who were not lucky enough.
It’s humbling. And it fuels me. It’s another reminder why I do what I do with #PostcardsToVoters.
What’s keeping you going? What fuels your ongoing activism? From where do you find the strength to keep fighting?
I’m grateful to have this channel and to have so many kindred spirits working together for good. Thank you for all you’re doing to keep people from resorting...
...to their Plan B’s and making things better one election at a time.
We’re in the business of building hope because optimism is the best usher to the future. We encourage voting because each ballot is a hopeful act.
[Sent them the "Welcome" email with instructions on how to write their sample to join #PostcardsToVoters which for now, has a message for our current Ohio Supreme Court campaign.]
"I want to send pro Biden postcards."
We only write to Democratic voters...
...and even if the message has the names of two amazing Judges running to flip the Ohio Supreme Court majority to Democrat, every voter we succeed in reminding to vote will absolutely positively definitely vote for Joe Biden at the top as their first vote on the ballot...
...before they do way down further on the ballot to vote for these two named judges. Biden/Harris do not need space on a tiny postcard to improve their name recognition. Democratic voters won't forget and accidentally skip past the very first contest on their ballots.
There will be 42 municipal offices up for election in Pinellas County, FL on March 9, 2021. You won’t need to write new #PostcardsToVoters to Democrats there because you’ve already helped them enroll in VBM. Which means they will receive ballots in the mail automatically!
In all 67 Florida counties, fun, friendly #PostcardsToVoters have succeeded in boosting VBM enrollment among Democrats since we began this focused project two years ago. The benefits of this enrollment windfall can be counted for years to come.
As casual voters who newly...
...enrolled in VBM begin receiving ballots for all types of elections large and small throughout the years to follow, their habits of voting will grow stronger. Just having the ballot appear without needing to ask for it will boost participation.
Once upon a time, (actually this has happened twice that I know of for a certain fact), a campaign received stacks and stacks of volunteer-handwritten #PostcardsToVoters mailed to them in bundles from all over the country. They hadn't asked for these cards.
But, well-meaning volunteers wrote them, put stamps on them, and then bulk shipped them to the campaign for them to be mailed locally to get local postmarks so that voters would think they'd been written by their neighbors.
These two campaigns didn't have time to proofread.
With all the critical work they had on their plates, they couldn't spare anyone to sort through the stacks of postcards to remove any that were illegible or contained problematic language or images.
So, discretely, instead of taking them to be mailed. They were disposed of.
Different communication approaches will have varying degrees of effectiveness for an array of calls to action.
Billboards, radio spots TV ads, newspaper ads, phone calls, door knocks and postcards are not all equal in getting voters to register, or enroll in VBM, or to vote.
But, because getting volunteers to write postcards is easiest and doesn’t cost the organizing group, we see it being picked more and more often without regard to effectiveness.
When the organizing group moves the cost burden to volunteers, they can afford to care less...
...about the results. Because any result is good when it’s “free” to them.
Eventually volunteers will become savvy consumers of the activism opportunities. In the meantime, it frustrates me to no end to be on a call with someone who, in the face of numerous logical...
"Tony, why are you asking us to write for someone in a very red part of Georgia who has no chance of winning instead of writing to purged voters in WI or for people like Amy McGrath? My group wants better reasons to write."
This is a question that we receive regularly.
In one form or another, some of our best writers and volunteer group leaders ask us this. It's picking up with regularity as we get further into the 2020 frenzy. So, let me try to address the different points and you can let me know if these answers suffice.
Q: Why do we write in red areas where our Dem candidate has such an uphill battle to win?
A: If we have writing capacity in an otherwise clear calendar, I feel it is a responsible thing to offer as one of the postcarding choices. Being as forthright as possible explaining...