People have often asked me how I make decisions at pre-seed when there is no information.
@HustleFundVC we invest pre-revenue (I don't care about traction at all).
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1) At a high level, the startup idea matters a lot.
In fact, I personally think (and my own teammates will certainly debate me on this) the idea matters more than the founders. 😮
(Que the tomato throwing)
2) This is NOT to say founders don't matter. They DEFINITELY DO. There's something special when amazing founders work on amazing business ideas.
3) But, I've just seen so many amazing founders - almost because they're so amazing - make a bad idea work out mediocrely successfully when if they had been working on a great idea, it would have gone spectacularly.
It is always more fun to push a boulder downhill than uphill.
4) As a result, there are a lot of amazing founders I'd love to back if they were doing something else. This is one reason why I might pass on a business but then later invest post-pivot. I'm honored when a founder comes back to me with a new idea.
5) On the flip side, I've also seen founders whom I thought were "just ok" do wonders with a fantastic idea. Product market fit is a spectacular thing.
These founders can attract a lot of talent, because the business has a lot of market pull.
6) Another nuance around "the idea matters" is that our fund size dictates *what* ideas work well for *our fund*.
There are a lot of companies that have great ideas but will need a LOT of capital. That's probably not a good fit for a microfund.
7) So just because I pass because of the idea does not mean the idea is bad. It could just be a bad fit.
8) Ok, so on to the meat of it -- what makes for a "good idea" in software?
We're in an age where cust acq is often the most important factor. Tech is largely commoditized. There are definitely exceptions, but I believe marketing is eating the world:
Low cost to acquire customers (CAC). High lifetime value (LTV). Shorter sales cycles.
All at scale.
Very simple but I've done a LOT of marketing in my life, and it's hard to find a business that has all these characteristics.
10) So through gut feeling, I think through for a given biz if I think it will have those characteristics.
Let's talk about CAC. CAC is driven by competition. Direct competitors as well as indirect.
11) Competitors run up CAC in mktg channels. As well as in mindshare.
For example, everyone gets TONs of emails. Which ones do you read? The Macy's newsletter might get archived while @MorningBrew doesn't. They don't do the same thing at ALL but your mindshare is limited.
12) Channels matter. If you're launching a mobile app, how are you going to rise above the noise of all other apps -- even the ones that are different?
It's not to say it can't be done - e.g. Clubhouse has risen above the noise in a crowded channel. But you need a clear path.
13) So if a co is in a noisy / crowded channel. How will it compete?
Let's take Clubhouse. Their CAC has to be super low. They were able to rise above the noise because their VCs were their evangelists who brought in famous ppl. And everyone else wanted in to hang out.
14) Some qs I ask myself: if you're competing in ad channels, will the CAC be high or low at scale? Are there a lot of companies going after that same audience in the ad channels? CAC only goes up in these channels.
15) Same for SEO - is there heavy competition?
Although CAC tends to go DOWN in SEO because you pay for writing / links once and hopefully traffic over time brings the CPA down, heavy competition can still keep CAC quite high.
16) Partnerships: is the product / solution unique enough to be able to partner (or do outbound sales)? To rise above the noise for attention and keep CAC low-ish.
17) So that's the thought process that goes through my head re: CAC.
Then there's the other side of the equation - LTV.
18) Could this solution be valuable enough so that someone will pay a lot for this? and often? And how valuable? Or is it just a nice to have. Or maybe only use for a short period of time.
Retention is a big factor and high retention drives up LTV.
19) Now keep in mind, these are all just mind games that go through my head. When I meet a company, I don't care what their LTV or CAC is (if they even know) because it's pre-seed and not at scale.
CAC and LTV change dramatically over time.
20) Lastly sales cycle -- this is more of a factor of fund size. Enterprise software companies w long sales cycles can do REALLY WELL. But if I'm writing a $25k check and no one funds a co for another 2 yrs, will it survive long enough until the first real customers come in?
21) Sometimes the answer is yes - and in these cases, I care a lot about team scrappiness. Often the answer is no -- the company will die without a big round.
In which case, it may be a great idea but not great for our fund size.
22) A lot of this subjective guessing is based on having seen a lot of customer acquisition. So what areas tend to have a lot of these characteristics?
23) A few thoughts:
-Really unique offerings (where the critique is often that there is no mkt or that no one will use this)
-Emerging mkt opportunities (where there isn't a lot of software)
-Non-english language marketing channels are generally not competitive
24) (cont)
-Products conducive to celebrity evangelists
-Products where the UX / design / engr is 10x better than competitors in a field where this matters (generally selling to techies)
What the unit economics *could be* at scale is how I think about pre-seed startups.
25) Final thought:
This is just how *I* think about pre-seed startups. Even my business partners @HustleFundVC evaluate startups in a different way. And that's great - there's no right or wrong.
• • •
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2) A major hurdle was running into the 99 investor limit per SEC rules. Because VC funds (for the most part) can only take 99 investors, we had to turn away a LOT of $100k-$250k checks in order to raise a larger fund.
Today's tweet storm is about business strategy at your startup.
If you think about building a company, it's a bit akin to one of those resource allocation board games. You know - like Catan or Tzolk'in or 7 Wonders -- stuff like that.
What is the strategy for your startup? >>
1) If you don't play resource allocation games, the general premise is that you try to amass resources (i.e. an audience), and then at some pt in the game you need to figure out how to turn those resources into victory points (i.e. monetization).
The same applies to startups.
2) In the most ideal world - infinite time and runway, the strategy is always focus on amassing resources. Then you can in one fell swoop monetize super easily all at once (more or less).
However, in both the game and real life you don't have infinite time and runway.
Today's thread is on cap table 101 for new founders.
What is a cap table? Why it's impt? What investors typically ask for? Where founders often go wrong w/ re: to cap tables?
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1) Let's talk about company ownership:
When you have a company, in the beginning it's owned by you and maybe a co-founder or so. If you think of your company like a pie, in the beginning, the co-founders own the whole pie. And then you start allocating pieces to others
2) What is a cap table?
A cap table is a spreadsheet that has a list of all the ppl and entities that own pieces of your pie (your company). In the beginning, there may just be 2 line items or so for you and your co-founder.
It will list your name and how many shares you own.
Today's thread is on SEC limitations in raising a fund.
This may sound like a BOOOOOOORRRRING topic but it has incredible ramifications for any emerging fund manager and to some extent, founders and how they get backed.
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1) VC funds (right now) require their investors (LPs) to be accredited. (LPs must be worth $1m+ excl primary residence OR earning $200k+ per yr as an individual)
This in itself is limiting, but today's thread is not meant to debate who should be accredited.
2) But that being said, fund managers cannot just accept all accredited investors who want to invest. There's a limit of 99 investor slots.
This means that I, as a fund mgr, have to pick my LPs carefully.