- So, each Generation of ancient Hebrews wrote its portion of the Scripture as to how they sinned or repented towards God centuries over centuries.
- Until Protestanism, The Scripture was never seen as something Static, for the simple reason that Jews never saw it as static.
As my Professor of History of the Church (former Orthodox Jew) during my first and only year of Orthodox Masters in Toronto told us:
"In Christianity, the History of Humanity is the response of Humanity to the perennial call of Christ for Theosis".
- In the letters from Paul himself, he is quoted to saying to study the Scripture only once, and only to a person of elite who knew how to read and write, Timotheos I think, don't remember exactly.
- Christianity was spread by Martyria, not the Bible.
Martyria meant and still means killing your own Will and doing the Will of God only. It's a difficult process, hence the very term Martyr.
- So, emulating the Torah, each generation of Christians would be writing the Bible. And as a matter of fact, the Bible has the Gospels and .... The Letters.
The Letters are how that first generation of Christians kept writing .....The Torah.
- Then, the Early Church Fathers writing Theology, hence writing their own portion of the Torah/Bible.
And so on, and so forth up until now. They themselves saw it like that, how they were responding to the call of Christ for Theosis.
- Things changed with Islam.
First, The Popes adopt the Islamic Concept of Holy War, which DID NOT exist in Christianity until then, 11th century.
Then, Protestants adopt the Islamic Concept of Holy Book in the 16th century, until then it did not exist as a concept.
In the Orthodox Churches, the Islamic concepts of Holy War and the concept of Holy Book were rejected until Ottoman Empire collapsed.
After that, unofficially both adopted.
Officially no theologian accepts any. But, theologians have no more power now.
The Orthodox Church officially stands with the Glo-cal Concept, Global Message but Local Implementation.
E gjithë fasada se si funksionon BE u shkërmoq kur Von Der Leyen, pa u konsultuar me këshilltarët, deklaroi Artikullin 16 të ndaj Britanisë së Madhe, praktikisht Embargo Vaksinash ndaj Britanisë.
Kur shtypi evropian dhe britanik reaguan ndaj Von Der Leyen se ajo nuk e kishte idenë përmbajtjen e Artikullit 16, ajo u konsultua me këshilltarët dhe u tërhoq, duke pranuar që e bëri me qëllim.