Is it just me or has every state misallocated vaccines by giving too many to rural counties and too few to urban and suburban counties? The open slots in rural counties and waitlists in urban counties seem to be happening everywhere. (Though NYC looks like an exception).
And this isn't to criticize rural counties, most of which are doing a great job at administering the vaccines to their residents. It seems to be a problem at the state level.
I don't know if every state lets you make vax appointments in other counties. But in states that do allow it, lots of people are driving quite a ways from urban to rural counties to get appointments that are readily available.
This thread shows how it's happening in Missouri. I don't think it's driven by partisan politics though. I think it's just a poorly thought out logistical decision based on expected re-supply.
Modern US History survey class this morning: The 1920s and America's first modern "Culture War." So much of the cultural divisions between "urban" & "rural" emerged after WWI and flowered in full in the 1920s. And like today, there were elements of both "sides" in urban & rural.
The Second Klan (founded with the Leo Frank lynching) was every bit the urban phenomenon as it was rural. It was Northern as well as Southern, as this map of publicized 1920s KKK meetings makes clear.
Henry Ford's anti-Semitic Dearborn Independent, which published "The International Jew: The World's Problem" drew from and reached a global audience.
One of the most frustrating political developments of this pandemic is the inability to accept that we - the royal "we", including "experts" - just don't know all the answers. So those issuing official recommendations might change or nuance and then be accused of "hypocrisy."
To be sure, there ARE genuine hypocrites out there who fail to follow their OWN advice. And there are those who hide and lie about their own records to portray themselves as more effective than they really were. I'm not talking about those folks, who deserve criticism.
I'm talking more about the general discourse in pure black-and-white terms, where reasonable advice on things like masks - they help somewhat but unless they are well-fit N95s they offer only partial protection to self and others - is treated as either "all wrong" or "all right".
I'm curious about this: Are school boards trying to reopen schools in person and teacher unions resisting? Or are school boards not even trying to reopen them? I imagine it varies by district, but I wonder what the general trend is.
The narrative circulating is that teacher unions are the only block preventing return of in-person learning. But if that were the case, there would be a LOT more confrontation between unions and school boards and administrators than we are hearing.
Just to lay my cards on the table here, I support full return to in-person instruction (with virtual options available). We've done it in my kids' district since late July and it's gone well over all. But I also care about maintaining safety for teachers, staff and students.
The first non-Native American to settle in what is today New York City was Juan Rodriguez, an Afro-Dominican fur trader who arrived on a Dutch ship in 1613. The second major arrival of Hispanic people in NYC were Sephardic Jews from Brazil in 1654.…
The Cuban flag, designed by Narciso Lopez, flew for the first time in 1850 - and it was in New York City. He had moved from Venezuela to Cuba and then to NYC in 1849.
Along with Cuban immigrants to NYC in the late 19th century came increasing numbers of people from Puerto Rico. Few were more influential than Arturo Schomberg, who supported independence from Spain for both Cuba and Puerto Rico.
Here you go: The Pfizer vaccine prevents infection, not just symptomatic illness. 14 days after 2nd dose, over 95% effective at preventing infection. And if you aren't infected, you cannot spread it to others.
It's hard to overstate how important this is. If vaccinated people neither get infected nor spread the virus to others, there is no reason to demand extra mitigation efforts from those already vaccinated (two weeks after 2nd dose).
There will obviously be more studies done on this. And we'll see if this level is replicated with the Moderna vaccine. There has been spotty evidence so far that the mRNA vaccines do prevent infection (in addition to prevent symptomatic disease) but this is a bigger result.
One thing I like to focus on in teaching about World War One is just how little the public understood the danger. Here is the NY Times front page on June 27, 1914, day before Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination. Top story? Columbia University wins an intercollegiate regatta.
Two days later the news from Sarajevo hit the front pages in America. The other top story was the ongoing Mexican Revolution.
After another day of top coverage from Europe, the story was off the top line of the front page by July 1.